>have a chad face unironically
>can grow facial hair
>be white
>be 6f tall
>be fat so it doesn't matter
Have a chad face unironically
Originally Lose weight then
originally fuck you m8
>Be super chadish in highschool
>Didn't do anything with it because I was religious
>After high school becomes a huge failure.
shit sucks man.
it's easier to get laid in high school than later on.
I'm trying, but alas, I have the same problems as your average fugly robot, extremely low motivation, low drive and low energy, and I use food as cope drug.
I feel even worse than regular robots because I could actually be a chad out there and I'm fucking wasting it.
>have issues which are physically possible to fix
>dont fix them
retard gtfo my website
Find a girl with a fat fetish.
Loose weight.
Those are your options.
Just fuckin sort yourself out before it's too late. Stop making excuses.
I don't know why you care about what roasties think anyway, but there are certainly plenty of women who like big guys, especially if all of those other factors are true.
The fact that you can be a chad enough motivation?
If not just look at yourself in the mirror or sum shit
>I have the same problems as your average fugly robot, extremely low motivation, low drive and low energy
please refer to this post
Yeah but then I start thinking about how every women is a whore by nature and how she'll leave me when a better chad comes around and then there's no reason to become a chad because I don't care about meaningless sex.
>i cant get a gf because im fat
How many times do you have to get proven wrong.
My bad. I meant I can't get a gf that is over 3/10 and weights less than 300lbs.
Completely false. It's your personality that is the problem.
Ah, I thought you were serious for a second. I don't know how it is in the land of the burger, but here, if you're fat and male, you're out of the market. As simple as that, trust me.
>every woman is a whore by nature
>better chad
>chad=meaningless sex
How much shit do you have in your brain to think that way, rather than that think about not dying 50 years early and you know stop making up excuses
Where do you originally live? oregano
>think about not dying 50 years early
I'm not a landwhale m8, I'm 101kg.
>How much shit do you have in your brain to think that way
I can't go back to the bluepill now.
Not being fat is easy. Just work out.
Well I'll take your word for it. Just lose weight tubby.
Blue pill? If you say so
Being fat here is not seen as "normal". It's like having a deformity. Couple that with women here being entitled self-absorbed feminism-brainwashed bitches and you can realize why they'd want nothing to do with me.
>personality meme
I'd enticed several females online enough to get clingy and obsessed, only to ghost me after being seen irl.
>Just lose weight tubby.
Trying bro, maybe I'll become a chad after all. I've been thinking that, if I can't get a pure faithful gf that will love me for who I am, maybe I should just fuck shit up, cuck people and drive roasties to suicide by playing with her minds.
>tfw the blackpill is slowly being digested