what are you lifting for? what are you striving for? what are your ideals?
post and rate others
Ideals thread
Very nice, OP. 10/10
Make it or die trying
people who post in these threads are always metrosexuals of the highest level
10/10 on everything but fashion, 6/10 fashion
Ooga booga
do you have that pic of the naked girl. f-for research of course ha ha :^)
I hate number ratings so..
I like it
girls are thots but otherwise nice
don't like the girls but style is nice
hair is faggy. rest is good
good shit
this but skinny whores
9/10 find the hair a bit dull but rest is supernice
8/10 are you over 30 by any chance?
8/10 I realy like the house. Also the top right girl is realy cute
7 / 10 I realy cant get into fit chicks else is nice tho
>ideal girl
Take the pussy off the pedestal, lads
wash your hands
based y redpilled
Minus the giant mohawk, this is what I strive to be.
basic bitch
like the hair and the long jacket
like the girls
girls are too muscular for me, but to each their own. like everything but style.
don't like long hair, but at least it's different than the usual Jow Forums ideals
reddit tier bullshit
like the style
love the guy in the hair box. my goodness
basic bitch
keep the mohawk
>short haired tomboys
I guarantee you're ugly.
If I keep the mohawk then I'll have to also get myself a battle axe.
I either get 4s or 8s on /soc/, so I'm polarizing I guess. Girls tend to like me more than guys do.
>all those white girls
stick to shitskins, nigger
So what's the problem?
post self
There's actually no problem. I'll just have to dye my hair red, spike it into a mohawk, grow a huge fuckin' beard, take the oath of the slayer and find an axe worthy of it's name.
Yeah no. I'm not out.
As the saying goes:"Post tits or GTFO".
With aviators on, I look very similar to the girl in the grey shirt in the top right hand corner of my ideal chart.
For celebrities, I've mostly been compared to Harry Potter (especially when he was younger) and Winona Ryder. I've also been compared to Shane from the L Word and, less flatteringly, Ryan Adams.
I have 5'4, 130 lbs, DD cups.
Enjoy imagining what I look like. Maybe now you can go obsess over what some of the male posters look like.
fucking lesbo
worst one I've ever seen
>collection of photos
I lift so that one day OP will know about digital images.
Sigrid is cute. But, she's also unattractive with small breasts and butt.
She's perfect
don't @ me
>woah HAHA look at me, I am SO alpha XD
fixed that for you faggot
White bitches?
Uncle tom gtfo
niggers will never make it.
Fuckin dyke ree
there is only one white girl there
Too Kardashian
Basic bitch
user angry i get more girls than he does
user angry a cute black poster gets more white girls than he does
turbo-dyke. yikes
i'm bisexual.
even if you would be straight it wouldnt matter. its ur style and haircut.
>not getting the drive joke
lmao it's always the multiple repliers that are dumb as fuck
2/4 don't let your hair go below nipple/pec like top right. and don't man-bun.
2/4 i get it, ryan gossling is cool and chicks love him, but why does Jow Forums worship him? he's a meme at this point.
4/4 good work lad
1/4 literally none of those girls are attractive
>inb4 racist cuck
2/4 good luck fitting into a shirt like that with those arms
3/4 lil peep faggot ruined it
basic but solid
i got the joke. i'm just tired of it. drive came out in what? in 2010? when the jokes eclipse the actual meme behavior, it's time to let go
I like the hair of the BP guy, if you have the facial structure for it.