Do not masturbate for 2 weeks

do not masturbate for 2 weeks

you will find a gf

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Yup ezpz just gotta BE YOURSELF

Can i get a guarantee on that?

But I don't wish for a gf

Yeah right. I have already tried nofap and it will not help with a gf

Lol you're gonna have to do nofap for a lot longer than 2 weeks to find a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure the success rate for it only gets good after 100 or more days.

Nofap just makes me frustrated, angry, depressed and even more focused on sex. Sexual release is something vital to everybody and a gf is not essential to that.

I found a gf but she doesn't exist in this world

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She seems cute is there more?

I don't want a gf, tho. Do I get to fuck Stacy?

>Nofap just makes me frustrated, angry, depressed and even more focused on sex.

The point is supposed to be that you always exist in some mix of those humors, but that nofap makes you SO frustrated, SO angry, and SO focused on sex that it overpowers your depression and forces you out into the world to do shit. The release is the whole problem with masturbation. Release makes you a lazy sack of shit who isn't carrying around enough chemically induced rage to overcome your lethargy.

Yeah day 7 of no fap here and I got a girls number yesterday. Its tough and I almost caved in once already.

This. The dopamine from porn+masturbation is like a drug, which I why I decided to quit.

Sauce on that pic
Original comment you gotta be kiddin

The point is to torture yourself with all those things you said until you get so desperate for release you do anything to find a girl to fuck.

It obviously won't do anything if you spend the entire time still inside complaining on Jow Forums. Or if you were never remotely attractive to begin with.

Alreddy have one nice try

I just end up hating women even more during nofap.

Fell for the meme and prematurely ejaculated it was embarassing

My nut propels itself at terminal velocity if I don't fap for 2 weeks

Nofap makes you ask out more girls from frustration, it also made me differ from a beta cuck to a somewhat cocky guy who is still nice. Got a few girls for dates, couldn't reel them in cuz I "tried to be myself". Don't be yourself if you're a robot user. Just lie shamelessly, I just told her whatever I felt like as long as it was somewhat normalfag sounding, just don't bend over backwards. Beta cucks never get laid

>The point is to torture yourself with all those things you said until you get so desperate for release you do anything to find a girl to fuck.

But men shouldn't be out there looking desperate looking for women. That's a major turn off for them and they smell it easily

This is quite literally not true.

Attached: Anger.png (385x450, 107K)

Exactly. I swear to God anyone who says that nofap is good for something is either a delusional underage virgin or just a shitty larper who wants to convince 16 year old virgins to torture themselves.

I feel this is a fucking lie my dude. Like just stop lmao

Dont give women any value in your life and you will find hapiness

i tried nofap once. it gave be the worst case of blue balls i've had in years, like seriously, i had to whack off just to get rid of the built up pressure.

i would never recommend that shit to anyone.

but thats just stupid, you not gonna go out and get laid in 2 days if you dont even know a girl

I'm a week in and have gotten closer to getting laid now than I have in the past 4 years.

Tbh, I can't even go a day without touching myself - I have tried quite a few times.

I don't know any girls. I don't have any friends to go out with. At work, everyone is around 10-20 years older and married. So how the fuck is nofap supposed to help me? All it could do is maybe make me rape a random woman on the street.

Nofap day 14 here, I do not yet have a girlfriend. I am horny to the point that it is actually painful. The only upside is that I can wake up more easily.

It doesn't
Friends are the key to finding relationships. Online dating is putrid shit

>deformed face
>no car
>constantly angry
>4 onaholes
Fuck you OP

Yeah, that won't happen.
I need to do something like that anyways though since my libido has almost totally died.

sounds good. doesn't work. had over 90 days once.