Why does this upset me even though it's none of my business?
Why does this upset me even though it's none of my business?
Conditioning, too much time on the internet. I suggest trying to condition yourself to something nicer than caring about 3DPD cuckold politics.
being on Jow Forums too long...imagine all the other weirdo neurosis you've learned that isnt so obviously brought to your attention..and you wonder why you can't get girls lol
Because you feel pride for whatever race you are and you feel disgust when you see images like that. They have done studies on this actually. It showed that most humans actually feel disgust when they see an interracial couple, proving it is wrong.
It upsets me that her body looks like a fat amorphous blob while he looks like a greek god.
it's called being insecure. find a hobby to take your attention away from it
black male/white female couples are shaky at best if that gives you comfort, so yeah you're not completely wrong. he'll either knock her up and vanish or it'll a long drawn out relationship where if she even thinks about leaving he'll drag her to hell kicking and screaming. white male/black female couples are literally a thousand times more fruitful. as a mixed person, i'm thankful to have a white dad who had over 10 brain cells and a black mom who was smart enough to realize that the ghetto is no place to raise a child
t.gayporn spammer originals
Because that's Chad and Stacy, which transcends race. He is superior to you and a woman of that caliber would never give you the time of day.
>It upsets me that her body looks like a fat amorphous blob while he looks like a greek god.
I agree. It's unjust that a guy who looks like that has to settle for a fat, gross chick just because his skin is black.
She's a 7 he's a 10. I'd be mad because this throws off the scales for sub 8 men
look at his legs, a 9 at best solid 8
Haha look at his puny calfs
kys nitpicking Jow Forums faggot
Cause you're taking this racial meme too serious. Time to give a time on Jow Forums and have a healthier life
>20% of the human body is nitpicking
uhmmmm no sweetie
Because once you go black you never go back.
it's interesting how people on this site literally make themselves sick with that shit
A nigger cant be a chad, most he can hope for is a pitty fuck from a white girl because she wants to degrade herself :^)
calves are pure genetic desu, not much you can do if you don't have them
I can almost see the BBC cuck porn you're watching in another tab.
99% sure that isn't true because any lardass who walks daily has good calves
and even if you assume that to be true bad face is also genetics, nobody gets a pass on that
It does not matter
Listen to Jimmi Hendrix
Lot's of people are off put by interracial couples, like homosexual couples, because the difference is striking and unusual. Discomfort with what is not the norm, like being stared at as a white person walking around in Japan.
As much as coalburning pisses me off. this couple doesn't. They look like they take good care of themselves.