don't ask why i want this but i doooo
Ideal GF thread
>momdom potty denial gf
That's a top tier GF user. I wish I had one.
>potty denial
Much fantasy op
Do bfs count?
>tfw no feudal traditional loyal gf type
Give me now originally
These threads are getting out of hand
I'm still writing this one
someone post istp bf, i need some reassurance because im a pathetic robot
Actually is 3 am. Be my gf
Jesus Christ this describes me so well it's scary.
>ywn dress up in your great grandpa's SS uniform and cuck Chris Chan with his first sweetheart
I don't know why I bother living. I really don't.
Are these threads designed to make us depressed or whats going on here
I need a INTP version of this
>tfw women are so biologically conditioned to be attracted to dominance that a jewish woman schlicks the bean to the people that murdered of her own.
goddammit why do i love this so much
>she's jewish
Now I really want her china. How do I make it happen, lads?
>she's jewish
Well duh
Are u a grill or a gaybot?
funny enough i really have to smile uncontrollably during a really sad movie scene
also hits really close to home except the low self esteem and most bad qualitys of this picture
feels good man
Rule of thumb is if they're ending with -er they're typically german because they're either related to a profession (Schroeder coming from tailor) or a location.
Here you are, user
very originally
I wish my bf would let me do this to him desu
This is me too much. Hits VERY close to home.
I'm only some of this, but it's nice to know someone thinks that's cool
wow it still fits
wayyy too close to home
My ideal gf, I want to travel back in time and find the model for this art.
I've changed a bit for the better but god some of these
gib this gf ty
ouch. At least im not into politics and self aware enough to act like an autist in public
she looks like a nice gf
i'm bumping this originalorigi
>Russian or can speak russian
>Jow Forums
>wholesome appearance, nice lips, beautiful hair
> my age (18 to 23)
>smiles a lot
>lives in Germany
Welp I'm feeling pretty insecure, I without have done done all of these things at some point, but I scored as an INTP-J... and the nobodies boyfriend thing is really true right now.
On a side note, do you guys think that people can tell I'm desperate when I'm at work? I don't talk about being lonely or relationships at all, but I feel like people can tell just by looking at me and I'm worried someone is going to call me out on it like my last job. It's almost impossible to convince people that I've lost my virginity, and I can kind of see why.
really hits close to home
This is exactly me, except I curse and haven't written about a fictional planet yet, INFJ feels like a curse
>INFJ bf
FINALLY a pic of one!
>isn't actually anyone's bf
Me tbqh.
I fit onto this almost completely. Too bad womemes in my country are not interested in anyone like this
>feudal traditional
>she swings a sword
pure LARP
whats a keds
implying INTP aren't self aware
Shes safe hating but cute. Id fuck her.
type of shoes
>there exist people who don't get this reference
Oh how I pity them
here is my ideal girlfriend
I'm this but gay. This personality is unique and cute on straight boys but comes across as trying too hard on fags.
Inflated levels of negrocity have been recorded in this area, please be advised, do not exit your place of residence.
My life would be so different, if I would be born as girl.
be my gf instead pls