hey robots
introduce yourselves maybe you will make friends
About yourself thread
Here is the template
Please post in this thread
fuck this gay ass thread and fuck you too
i'm not doing it but i'll bump this for you friend
So you just turned 18 this year? fuck off, you little faggot.
This is my templayte i lovee vryone
here you go anonon
Took way too long to fill this out
Why the fuck would you want to visit North Korea?
because its a cool place. they allow tourists into Pyongyang and will let you see their museums and stuff. That place wont be their forever. If you could get a tour of the USSR or Nazi Germany before it collapsed wouldn't you?
Have a good day fellow lawbro
Why douwant to be senator..??
ur lawfag? what school?
user 43
December 97
fuck if I know, passed the first semester of college (private) failed the second, passed the following semester of college (public) about to start the next
life, humility, experience
>best friend
(possibly) autistic coworker, at least can easily understand him
>favorite game
>favorite thing to do with friends
>when I grow up
Doctors without Borders (or something similar)
>I want to visit
France because fuck it
mexican refried beans
a small local cajun seafood place
... I honestly don't know.....
I, robot (Asimov) or Next (M.Crichton)
>tv show
Star Trek: Voyager
Well personally I'd rather stay home but point taken.
Why not? Some people have to make the laws in this country. Might as well be me.
What a fucking normie, you sound like your headed for success. Are you a virgin? GTFO
Nope. Been with 12 girls. 3 were fat though.
Fucking phony
why so mad user? plenty of success to go around :)
i haven't showered or brushed my teeth today if that makes you feel better
Hi, I'm user. I'm a neet and failed normie. I have a daughter but the mother doesn't want anything to do with me so I'm alone; Except for my meth addicted roommate.
the normans invade r9k where is our salvation?!
I need a life. I literally just spent 10 mins on this shit.
you left book blank user
April 4th
2nd year uni
>best friend
Russian guy who I went to high school with
>my favorite game
COD: black ops
>my favorite thing to do with friends
Hang out by the lake and go to the pub
>my favorite outside activity
Biking or hiking
>when I grow up I want to be
A mathematician
>when I grow up I want to visit
>favorite food
Hungarian goulash
>favorite restaurant
A pub near the lake
>favorite thing to do with my family
>favorite book
Plato: Complete Works
>favorite TV show
Trailer Park Boys
i was on board with you and got excited when you said goulash (im op) and then i got sad when you said your favorite book was plato
how are you 2nd year uni at 18 that's cool
19* orig
This is really cute Kumar :) I unironically appreciate the effort you put into your drawing
>i was on board with you and got excited when you said goulash (im op) and then i got sad when you said your favorite book was plato
u sound like a cool friend :)
what other philo do u like
plato sucks
Yeah man that's because I haven't read anything other than my academic books. I'm kind of a brainlet too so.
Thank you come again
what do they have you read for poli sci?
don't be racist towards yourself
I haven't read much philosophy beyond Plato and the Presocratics, so I can't say. Parmenides is pretty cool, and so is Heraclitus and Anaximander. I'd like to start reading Aristotle and get into analytical philosophy, political philosophy and metaphysics
Plato is my favorite kek
Meh just some university published books that consists of political history of India.
Okay user. I'll keep that in mind.
post discord/contact so i can redpill you on true philosophy you noob
>true philosophy
Can you elaborate?
no not at all
i was primarily joking but i like philo as a topic of discussion
Ah ok
Who's your favorite philo, fren?
i like camus
All I know about him comes from posts I read about him on /lit/, so not much. Gonna sleep now gn :)
me too, i've only read the myth of sisyphus though. i associate it with my suicidal edgelord high school phase so i haven't gone back to it for a while.
it helped me survive through feeling like life was completely meaningless. i still think it is in the sense that there's no intrinsic meaning, but rather than making me hopeless it's made me realize that it just gives you freedom to create your own meaning and do whatever you want to get whatever you want out of life
myth of sisyphus is a really good book i like it a lot
what else do you like that's like it
thois is me friends
keeping this thing alive while i make mine
I'm 19 years old, transgirl, I like anime and vidya and music and cuddles
I don't know why i made this. If i wanted to make friends i wouldn't look for them on r9k. Anyway i enjoyed coloring it.
I am a narc who cannot resist making these charts.
I love the color scheme on yours.
why is your name black lady but you said it's dark lady in the picture