Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?

Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?

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I'm 30 and I watch the news every day now.

Niggers commit a lot of crimes.

Gotta go to work

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to sit in front of a monitor 16 hours a day

I get up every morning to do me.

I don't want to die alone like some faggot.

>Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?
I like to get the daily news.

To hope for a better tomorrow

I literally cleared my anime backlog a week ago and now there is nothing left I really feel like doing. just been lying on my bed playing with my dick and posting on Jow Forums

rope soon

This was the only proper response to the OP.

Hallucinations get the worst when I do nothing

at a certain point (usually around 1-2pm for me) i'm simply unable to fall back asleep and the urge to eat/drink/piss/shit forces me to get out of bed.

Not really, no. I started talking to someone over discord that makes this all less shitty, so I've got that going for me.

Feeling guilty for sleeping/resting because of hyperactive parents even if I haven't lived with them for nearly a decade.

I like to read the daily Jow Forums news.

delaying my suicide another day and that's pretty much it

>Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?
I get bored of staying in bed. That's it.

No, I really don't. The only thing is my shitty job but as I plan on offing myself soon, the need for financial security lessens.

Attached: Haven City at night.png (1024x768, 522K)

No, can't give one for killing yourself either. Fortunately I'm doing great in life, so I guess we gotta wait til the next life to find out if there's anything meaningful in existance

Pretty much my life for the last 4 1/2 years every single day.

applying for jobs and buying food from the store.
I always get distracted while looking for a job, though.

I have an appointment tomorrow. That's good enough.

no, i get out of bed in "the morning"because i ahve to go tot he bathroom

My body schedule makes me wake in the morning since I have less sleep hours, and late nights are making me more drowsy than usual. It's getting increasingly difficult for me to pull up all nighters.

30mg morphine . Then back to bed

I will look for work soon
I have to