Be me

>be me
>25 year old virgin
>used to being incel almost my entire life
>finally get Jow Forums and acquire some sexual market value
>at gym today around 6pm
>only me, one other guy, and qt 3.14 in pink tight yoga pants
>she has headphones on
>in the corner of my eye I'm pretty sure I see her glance at me
>she looks at me for a few seconds straight
>I'm warming up on the row machine and I pretend I'm too focused on warming up to look at her
>she looks away and begins a set of OHP
>got a fantastic booty though
>I start doing pull-ups next to the other guy who is benching
>I completely mog him
>catch her mirin' in the mirror
>later I move a bit closer to her
>she takes her headphones out
>I notice when she needs to pick something up she bends at the knees instead of the hips so she doesn't show off her ass
>I start doing hanging leg raises almost right behind her
>now I notice when she goes to pick something up she bends at the hips with a wide foot stance as if she wants to be doggied
>I want to finish my workout but I want to time it when she's done hers
>she keeps fucking lifting
>I end up doing like 7 sets of hanging leg raises waiting for her to finish
>fuck it I decide I'm done
>on my way passed her we make eye contact and she smiles at me
>I fucking snub her
>I get in my car and shake my fucking head
I might be fit but 25 years of being an incel has really fucked my confidence over, how do I fix this Jow Forums? Is it possible to cure autism?

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Yes, stop being a faggot that might help

You don't deserve it because I am truly jelly of your mog abilities but read how to be a 3% man book, it is made for autists like you. If you stick to it and learn you will be much better with women eventually.

it will get better. keep going.

>t. chad

You've made progress. That's enough to prove you're able to make it. We're gonna make it brah

What's the fucking point though if I can never bring myself to speak to anyone

>maybe if I smile that creep that was staring at me wont rape me

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Imagine complaining about this situation

I'm home alone on a Saturday night browsing a Taiwanese ostrich wrangling forum when I could've been banging a qt 3.14 of course I'm not happy with this situation

>he thinks he'd be able to bang her the same night

Autist incel think. You wouldn't even have gotten a coffee date