Be me

>be me
>be 15
>get r9k gf on discord
>break up like a month later
ask me anything

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>be 15
You have a

yes i watch rick and morty

also im 16 at the moment

Before this thread gets pruned, I want to communicate some urgent information to you: choke on your own spit and die.

Nope. No. No. No. No. Nope. Nope.
Get out! Get. Out!

Did you really think a Jow Forums relationship would ever work?

have you considered suicide? in a original way ofc

inb4 b&, kiddo

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i wish man (let me respond i dont care if its not original)

you do realize that this board is for people who are 18+

it didnt cross my mind

how many people arent 18+ plus though

and you think that a relationship on Jow Forums would work when have of everyone here is old enough to be your dad

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Online relationships aren't real relationships.

it was on discord not r9k

Enjoy your ban zoomer.

im so scared what ever will i do

>get r9k gf on discord
same thing bud

oh fuck btfo

Don't you have summer school homework you should be doing?

no i dont cool chad

this has to be b8 right? no one is these stupid right????

i dont know is it(this fucking content filter)

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Did you fug at least?

it was online what do you think

did you show her your dick??

No one is actually retarded enough to openly admit to being underage, right?

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of course i did, i also saw her tits

you might be surprised. i swear the majority of greentexts on this board nowadays start with
>be me
>be (insert age under 18 here)
i'm sure some of them are bait but plenty aren't, sadly

Currently a few because summer
Most people are older than that
You'll be surprised

What is an underage person even supposed to do in a discord relationship? You can't meet up or anything