Why does Jow Forums fetishze black women so much?

Why does Jow Forums fetishze black women so much?

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Because the gay porn spammer thinks the key to saving the white race is fucking black men and women and he won't shut up about it

That's pretty fucking stupid I think he just likes tranny porn he probably doesn't care about the white race

Coz it's full of niggers

Because they are so fucking hot, and are not boring like pretty white girls

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Cause you are more likely to get a black woman than a white one as a robot.
Only women I've ever got to give me their number were 7~8/10 black girls meanwhile I can't even so much as talk to a 5/10 white girl without her getting ready to say sexual harassment.

user's right, we need some triple k cleansing on this board asap

Cause they are perfect. Period.

nigs gonna nig tho, check your wallet after sticking your dong in a black STD puss op

How about don't have premarital sex

I had sex with many girls, wouldn't even by far even dare to stick my meat in a filthy std guaranteed black pussy nig, you're playing with your life dawg

even a brit pussy is cleaner

I don't care about Race I prefer older women of all races milfs are the best in my opinion


they don't actually like us they are just race-baiting and trolling. all robots want pale white women and east asians

>all robots want pale white women and east asians

I only like brown and black girls. White girls are boring, and Asians are an old meme at this point

Is that Nicki Minaj
I wonder if she would let me pity fuck

If you're single I would date you in a heartbeat. After getting to know each other better

Yeah it's hentai of her

Looks like gyaru bitch

Darkie please come back

I don't know. They're just qt.

>tfw African immigrant gf
>tfw she's starting to talk about wanting kids
>tfw pussy game ridiculous
Sorry uncle adolf

Don't apologize to him. Apologize to your half-breed mutant sons. You will literally have nigger boy sons, how the fuck are you going to deal with that? When you could have had a real son?

>could have
>Implying that any white girl wanted me

BROWN SUGAR, how come you taste so good
BROWN SUGAR, just like a black girl should.

Not their fault you're not good enough, lad.

good enough for a darkie, apparently

Given the kiked state of modern white women, Adolf would definitely preferred you to marry a qt nigger who was otherwise pure and traditional.

Race without values is meaningless, and white people are by and large valueless

This song unironically sparked my love for black girls

>see thread about black women
>think is whole board

Good enough for a darkie is not good, son.

White women are feminist fag hags, fuck em

If I'm being entirely honest, it's because a lot of us are fairly submissive guys who tend to have an interest in femdom. When this collides with the stereotype of black women being bossy and demanding it lead to robots gaining this belief that black women are /ourwomen/ and are based

Women are whatever you tell them to be. Fuck them, and make white babies.

Desperation, when they get denied by superior white women, they eventually move onto asain women thinking that will be their ticket out. When they realize asian is out of their league, they bite the bullet and try brainwashing thenselves with nigresses in hopes that will work. Real robots give up after asian if they have even a little pride left

>be black grill
>see video making the rounds on Facebook about a little white girl who's really interested in bugs and knows a lot about cockroaches
>in a group with mostly white people the reaction is mostly "this is a bit gross but it's sweet that she's found her passion in life and I wish her the best"
>in a group with mostly black women (a natural hair group) the reactions are overwhelmingly negative with people saying things like "sounds about white," "I'll sell the house and the child," "she's got crazy eyes," "there must be something wrong with her," "she needs to be disciplined so she'll stop acting this way," etc
There are plenty of black women who see nonconformity as a mental illness and need their friends to let them know what to like, what to think, or what to be attracted to. If that's not boring then I don't know what is. A lot of black people hate anything outside the norm and I have even been to a black church where the pastor said that quiet weird people are basically buddies with satan. Don't get caught up in memes about "exciting" personalities. A bunch of white girls whose personality is just Netflix, YouTube, pizza, shopping, etc doesn't change the fact that white people are the most accepting of eccentricity on average.

>>be black grill
Hey, you should check out this thread.

The Jews have launched a race mixing campaign on the weak, impressionable minds of Jow Forums

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>Had sex with many girls
The door is over there buddy

can you guys leave us alone and attack Jow Forums instead? They're your goddamn enemies so leave us alone!

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why are you all so damn racist? jfc. this is why I'm convinced this is all fake or the interest stems from racism and wanting to do some cringey raceplay relationship

It's called creating an obvious shill thread in the wrong board of an autistic chinese cartoon forum.
Also, we're not racist. Racist are people who discriminate races. Robots don't do that
>we hate all race equally

/thread .
Oreganoooo oreganollis

most robots target their racism at black people though. they are ok with Asians, not sure how they feel about Hispanics or East Indian and Arabic.

You fags saying you wouldnt fuck a black jungle pussy are gay

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What's the point in that when many people on this board aren't going to reproduce anyway? May as well advertise cheeseburgers on a vegan forum.

I'd make AJ Love my baby mama unironically

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Racetraitors should be hung at the gallows, especially white "men"

>Racetraitors should be hung at the gallows, especially white "men"

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w-where would a white guy like myself find a woman with this aesthetic?

I was just asking you to come back ;-;
Im sorry

God damn it makes you guys butthurt though. Are you mad someone is finally ruining your cuckshit threads Mr noseberg?

He's not wrong though, user

>those lips
>those thick ass thighs
FUCK. tfw no qt black gf like this. I'm black but most girls in my area are ugly as fuck.

>Adolf would definitely preferred you to marry a qt nigger
ahaahahaha... hahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHA

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>even a brit pussy is cleaner
You seriously wouldn't know, virgin

literally no one is triggered by that stuff lmao, it's just gross to look at.

>and white people are by and large valueless
Because you niggers are the pinnacle of culture and morals am I right

Because that's who they're most inimidated by. But they cover it up with other cherry picked reasons.

Fuck. That's a huge donger.

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Black girls tend to have bigger butts and I appreciate that.

Because they're obese

Daily reminded that white men have batshit fucking retarded standards when it comes to weight and prefer their women to be below a healthy BMI.

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Nah it's not always the case.

Compared to you guys history yes my good friend we are

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>all black women are obese

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Ur probably right ofbdhdhdbb

Our rich history of ingenuity, high culture, and conquering you mud hut dwelling subhumans? I disagree

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>There are plenty of black women who see nonconformity as a mental illness and need their friends to let them know what to like
Status driven culture coupled with lower levels of empathy.

Lmfao holy shit absolutely dominated