under what circumstance is it okay for a man to hit a woman?
Under what circumstance is it okay for a man to hit a woman?
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She burns the toast.
I would if a woman
1) is hurting my pet
2)hurting my mother, wife, grandmother, or child
3)is threatening my life
If she says it's okay
when the bitch complains about wanting to vote or forgets to make dinner
The courts will be in her favor. Just surrender and submit like a good male
what if she's beat to death
then you get life in prison
>under what circumstance is it okay for a man to hit a woman?
There are lots of situations where you have to hit the bitch.
She attacks you first with witnesses.
Mixed mma events?
I wanna walk in on them. Then, I would kick the panty-less cunt so I knock her out cold and then grab the titties of the motherly one and make her breastfeed me for hours.
uhh, her friends and family? theyre going to realize that shes missing.
same reasons you hit a man. Being a bitch is not really a women problem as much as it is a normie problem, when you tell a normie no one can hurt them and that they are to be treated like royalty their sense of entitlement and self worth grows tremendously. Like peterson says the problem with women in the west is that there is no recourse when it comes to them acting irrational, there is no underlying threat of physicality under every conversation because it is socially forbidden to hit them so theres nothing stopping them from acting irrational and crazy.
boomers don't understand that women can be bad and can deserve punishment, thats the one thing niggers get right, they aren't afraid to hit their women when necessary. Theres a difference between being an abusive piece of shit and simply keeping a woemn in her place.
If she looks at another guy
If she refuses to have sex with you
If she expresses feminist views
If she swears
If she goes out without your permission
If she doesnt please in every way possible
But other than that, beating is never justified
Only on her butt though.
whats wrong with swearing? Its part of human nature
>If she looks at another guy
you don't have to beat her for everything you can maintain her attitude with other threats like verbal or sexual
>If she refuses to have sex with you
so you rape her or just give her a penalty?
>If she expresses feminist views
yes. Beat on sight or break up with
>If she swears
if she's a whore than ok but if she's sweet and trying it out tell her it's not her thing
>If she goes out without your permission
even if it's too the grocery store or something? Thats a little irrational
>If she doesnt please in every way possible
she's your lover not your slave
theres a lot of trust issues if you have to beat her for everything in that case you should just look for another girl
At every Circumstance
Does she have a stutter?
very Based and Red pilled
MAGA 3030
If she speaks without being spoken to
Never on her face, but thighs, feet, back, and butt are fair game
Not for a girl raised properly. Swearing is something only guys do with each other
>you can maintain her attitude with other threats like verbal or sexual
sometimes you need to make sure the point gets accross
>so you rape her or just give her a penalty?
marital "rape" is not a real thing. Beating her without fucking her is fine, mostly because I want her to at least pretend she is into it
>Beat on sight or break up with
Nice to see more and more guys are starting to agree
>even if it's too the grocery store or something?
I mean like if she goes out to the bar or hangs out with her guy "friends"
>she's your lover not your slave
A woman who loves her man will exist to serve him.
>human nature
1st off no 2nd off human nature is savage and terrible and we will be stuck in a type 1 society forever because of it.
Well, I have a story of my own to share about this subject. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.
I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.
We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.
Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will...
Based and redpilled White Man destroying the niggerloving roastie.
man I could watch that .gif for hours...
lazy? if she's making the place a fucking pigsty and giving you the finger when you tell her to clean up after herself then yeah you can get mad and violent, i would not have said that if i didn't live with one of those people myself. It's one thing to be lazy but another to not have shame or responsibility.
>neglect the kids
>made me top ramen for dinner
as a fan of instant ramen you could murder her and it'd be justified. Top ramen is bottem tier.
what you did was pretty tyrannical, there were better ways to deal with her but i honestly don't care, the ends justify the means (in short at least you solved the problem so whatever)
>what you did was pretty tyrannical, there were better ways to deal with her
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.
If she hits him or threatens violence with a weapon
in any circumstance it's okay to hit a guy.
>If she looks at another guy
This one for certain, men can be trusted to just stare, but if a woman looks it means she's already losing her grip
>If she refuses to have sex with you
This too, your bitch needs to know when to fuck
>If she expresses feminist views
And this, no feminism is good feminism. No,first wave feminism was the worst of all
>If she swears
Eh, I like a woman who swears though. But then again a lot of girls who swear are shit
>If she goes out without your permission
Well, without telling, yeah.
>If she doesnt please in every way possible
Kinda yeah
essentially this,is a new era now, women demand equality, if i can get my ass kicked for being an idiot they can get their ass kicked for being idiots
somebody had a little too much monster zero ultra.
When she represents serious bodily harm.
when you caught her cheatin
you can't find your car keys and you've looked everywhere
If she hits you first.
If you attack me, I WILL defend myself.
In the same situations I would hit a man in. #equality
Made tuna casserole the third time this week
can she hit me, i'd love to be smacked across the face by a women haaaaaa