Is it worth it?
Is it worth it?
Fuck you amerifags I wish I could get a gym for 10 bucks and that gave me free pizza reeeeeee
Gyms here cost at least 35 bucks a month
15 dollarydoos a month for a pizza day + bagel day is probably worth depending on how expensive that stuff is where you live
$35 is nothing. A good gym costs about 60 dollars here in Hawaii.
what island you on fellow islander?
Oahu, Southside hbu?
My gym is about $70/month. It's small, but the equipment is quite good, there's a saltwater pool, there are a shitload of classes (if that's your thing) and I'm always able to find room to workout. The PT's are nice and helpful, too.
kauai haha, got one not-terrible gym 30 min drive from my house for $50 WITH a student discount :/
I'd say yes.
I'm using it myself as a starter gym. For only $24/mo I'm getting the most out of it and can hit up any gym when I travel.
Once I get more fit and need more professional help for certain lifts due to having somewhat of a bad back ill start looking at a more high end gym. Until then I'm good.
anytime fitness is like 35 a month.
im not sure if I trust planet fitness. Instructor only really has good legs.
I live in Peru tho so adjusted for our currency is more
Starting to learn that Smith machines should not be used for all of the big 4. Pretty bad for regular for and lower back. Planet Fitness only has Smith machines and no traditional bench-rack sets. Good for beginners, not good when you wanna build weight.
>mfw I pay 22 bucks a month for a gym I can go to 24 hours a day thats only a quartermile away from my house
Feels good having all the people who signed up for the gym and never showed up subsidizing my gym costs.
What's the exchange rate currently?
why is planet fitness looked down on? i'm googling gyms nearby right now.
are they missing key equipment or something?
Good for cardio
It’s good for beginners especially at $10 a month
No squat racks or barbells
They have Smith machines but it’s recommended to stay away from there
It has dumbbells and EZ bars that only go up to 70lbs
Has cable stuff and assisted pull ups/dips machine
Has areas to do ab work.
It’s ok but don’t expect to get big here
it's their marketing that piss people off it's marketing is meant to attract beta males and fatties and makes guys that workout look like angry soul less ogres also they have a fucking lunk alarm
No squat racks, only Smith machines and the dumbells only go up to 70lbs
they dont have any barbells, just dumbells and machines
I travel for work and one time it was literally my only option. Here's what I experienced:
>had a sign that explicitly forbade doing deadlifts, overhead press, rows, and something else (possibly squats but nothing could be that sacrilege)
>had another sign saying to not load any barbells or machines with more than 3-4 plates (iirc this was on the fucking leg press)
>no chalk
>got told off for bringing my own jug of water
>90% cardio machines
>9% cable weight machines
>1% barbells but you're not allowed to do anything with it anyway
>shitty pop music playing
>bunch of giant signs going on about no judgment and shit
>meanwhile multiple signs, including said 'lunk alarm' that outright mocked effort and exertion at the gym of all places
>sometimes no judgment sign and sign making fun of lunks were next to each other for added irony
Apparently some are better but it was like a nightmare. The absolute worst gym I've ever been to. Their entire marketing scheme is getting as many people on a membership as possible then hoping they have a sub 10% attendance rate because otherwise they're over capacity.
what the fuck
no wonder its so cheap. fucking knew there was some catch. it's literally 60$ cheaper per month than a smaller gym nearby with good reviews
It's aight if you are poor or trying to lose weight. If you are serious about lifting it's worth it to go to a different gym.
I went to a Fit 4 Less once that literally didn't have a squat rack, just smith machines. The guy at the desk tried to be all 'well we're kind of a discount gym so we can't get expensive stuff' and it's like fucking serious dude? A squat rack, barbell, and plates is in no way as expensive as a single one of your shitty cable machines but you have fucking banks of those. Fuck off with that bullshit rhetoric.
I should add that the liability cost of a squat rack is probably more than a cable pulley machine I'd assume.
>anytime fitness
this place has squat racks and barbells?
Wow, hahaha. So basically its a gym for beta faggots, stay the fuck out of that place
Not that user but Goodlife Fitness blew me away. They had bumper plates (still not allowed to drop them though lol), an alright crossfit section which was awesome for deadlifts and OHP because nobody else was ever there, probably 20 legit squat racks, and even several prowlers. Shame that to have a month to month they want 200 dollars down. Fuck them there. Also all the 'trainers' are laughably tiny with no real certs and no real lifting experience.
>only gym near me is $50 due to tons of classes
>have no interest in classes at all
Honestly I mostly am paying for it because it's the gym in the area with the most PT's who are actually knowledgable in resistance training and not just aerobic and meme crossfit shit. It's also on my way home from work, so that's nice.
>get a membership since it's the cheapest gym
>no barebells, just a smith machine
>80% of the machien are useless
>not a single person in the weight section looks like they lift except for the dudes on tren doing bro splits and cables
>cancellation fee is the same price as to join
Pure fucking judaism
If you're on a budget then you might as well. I went there when I was a beginner and it's not as bad as people make it seem. It beats working out at home with little to no equipment.
It’s just a place for fatties to sign up for and say they go to a gym
only gym near my house and work that is 24hr, for me yes, but I hate all the normies there
the "lunk" alarm they somehow turned a gym into quasi SJW place
Depends on the location. I go to one in PA and if I go at night they let me do whatever. Some have better stuff than others. So go in check it out and meet the personal trainer that they have.
I just joined anytime fittness what am I in for bros? I work night shifts so only option
Depends where you go user
I used to go to West End Anytime Fitness in straya, and it was really good - had everything including 2 deadlift platforms
Long live PCP freedom for presidente gonzalo
Smith machines should not be used for anything.
i wnt and checked one out recently and was actually rather impressed. $10 is a pretty good price. If they had barbells and dumbbells higher than 75lbs i'd dump my current gym (gold's) in a heartbeat
I herniated my spinal disc on those smith machines once.
>Tfw Finn
>Tfw every gym near me with decent equipment costs more than 60€ a month
>Tfw poorfag
Yeah, I am in Honolulu and $40 is the best I found for a gym near me.
>tfw i have paid 100 euros for 2 YEARS membership
>tfw gym is a small but has everything needed except a squat rack but i squat in incline bench anyway
I found a serious powerlifting gym with tons of squat racks, bench stations, and deadlift platforms. Trainers there are all about lifting, no weird shit.
70 yuros a month unless I pay for like multiple months at a time. Should I bite the bullet?
Man I found a place like that in my city. It's a huge basement space under a strip mall. Just a massive gym 90% devoted to barbell equipment. Everything is absolutely ancient, but still in reasonably good condition. If I didn't have a rack and weight set in my living room, I would go there.
i paid 99 for a year with my student discount. and i graduated, still counted. idiots
Gymdo my nigga?
>except a squat rack
you wasted that money
The fuck is a lunk alarm?
they also have a bunch of accepance body postive signs all over the place
Planet Fitness employees set it off if they see anyone actually working out.
look up lunk alarm and planet fittness memes you'll see all the shit they do
This. Can vouch PA PF's are not bad. Still wish I had a place to do deadlifts and had bigger dumbells.
My gym caters to older people and women a lot, meaning i pay 40 yuros a month but courses, sauna, solarium etc are dirt cheap (4 bucks a week=protein flat). Most of the boomers are doing courses, hang in the sauna or train with the electronically assisted machines, the rest spends their time correcting their posture. Lots of beobles doing cardio too, meaning im sharing the weights with like a quarter of the members. Town its in got great train connection and i get my drinks free, you get your bf measured on a professional scale from time to time and they are open every day at p gud hours