This is a self proclaimed incel from the incel site

This is a self proclaimed incel from the incel site.
What does r9k think.
Can he get a gf?

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idk he's pretty incel looking.

Yeah it's definitely over for this guy. Never even began.

He says the reason why he can't get one is because he lives in los angeles so he's a locationcel

She's pretty cute. Should probably lose the facial hair though.

lose the bodyfat, get the typical fuckboy cut that every single arab dude has nowadays and he's your typical urban arab fuckboy normie.

poor browncels man.

Can't see how tall he is so it's not really possible to tell.
>inb5 "Found the manlet XDD"
No shit I'm short.. I'm a loser posting on r9k at 2am how could I not be.

How do you think this ugly faggot will kill himself?

>cut his hair
>fix eyebrow
>clean up beard
>dress well

definitely can get gf

Not even memeing but I have seen uglier guys than him with gfs. He's probably very autistic.

honestly he should transition into a girl. He has feminine features

youre fucking kidding me. i have never seen a dude looking like this get girls on my college campus. if he looksmaxxed maybe but currently he is ugly as fuck

What's his name looks familiar.

>big nose
>recessive chin
>something maxilla something

I am a much more dark skinned pajeet but damn, this guy is waaay ugly looking than me. I genuinely feel sorry for him.

Hope is slim, but proper grooming could go a long ways.

I don't doubt this

Well, people here are not known for being the most attractive, so I don't know what is like to be ugly in a first world country.

watch out for this terror motherfucker. he signed up for a night time english course but instead got brainwashed into a sleeper operative for jewish scare events only to be activated at the right time

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i have never seen a guy this bad with a girl, and he's not even disgusting kek, just awkward looking.

Sunderjeet Chunderdunch Singh

Singhpreet Argarwal

Barghavi Kaur

I have seen a few. One of them is my friend and is now married. He's extroverted and funny though, so that migth be why.

Navdeep Bains

Jagmeet Singh

Street shitters deserve to be incel.

be real...jagmeet is a chad

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What an ugly motherfucker.

He literally looks like a bearded ugly girl

This isn't an incel this nigga literally a pre teen, I know him from discord, OP is probably an incel that got mad he was btfo by a kid with facial hair

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original meme, aero/reiko copycat

LOL! incelposting haha

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he is a singh so he cannot cut his hair

?? Ok, retard?????? orig

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dormins old pfp

Hope dormin dies in iraq. Fucking megamind looking ass just attentionwhoring on Jow Forums.

Who the fuck is the girl in that pic I need to rape her

might aswell join isis at this point
hmm unoriginal

>look like this
>have this skin color
>have this hair type
>hair color is blonde
>eyes are blue
What did the universe mean by this?

Fuckin kek.

It's tough being ethnic, he needs to come back when he loses weight and looksmaxx. And he needs to fucking fix his hair