I hate my fucking life and this god-awful situation i'm in please fucking help

i hate my fucking life and this god-awful situation i'm in please fucking help.

>be me
>live in brooklyn
>be in spring 2017
>decide i dont feel like being single anymore
>go on twitter
>find 8/10 red hair goddess
>lets call her sasha
>go through her profile
>very similar to myself
>have the same tastes in about everything from what her tweets are telling me
>man up and dm her
>she replies not telling me to fuck off
>have a very long conversation with her
>we like all the same things
>we have the same jokes
>one problem
>she lives in virginia although she says she visits new york quite frequently
>fast forward to august 2017
>we have been talking every day since april
>shes my best friend in the whole universe
>one faithful night i decide to ask her out
>she says yes
>we are a very happy couple for almost 2 months
>until shit happens
>in late september i find out shes been talking to her ex again
>lets call him todd
>i also find out her and todd saw each other a few days before i asked her out
>also found out she sucked and fucked todd that night
>talk to her about it
>she says she never stopped talking to todd and they are actually planning on getting married
>ask her why she would do that to me
>she gives me all the bullshit in the book
>me being the absolute fucking beta faggot i am i tell her its okay and i still wanna talk to her
>we dont talk as much for the next 2 months but we still do and i give her advice on what she should do with todd
>i tell her if marrying him is really what she wants to do then go for it i just wanna see her happy
>fast forward to november
>i figure if she wants to talk to another guy i can talk to another girl
>meet my current gf who is this 9/10 big tiddy goth goddess
>me and her start talking and i tell her everything thats going on with me and sasha
>she tells me i dont deserve this and i should tell her to fuck off

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Save all that horse shit tardo. Cut the red head bitch off. Don't talk to her again know when you've been disrespected and treated with contempt if she was your friend she wouldn't have done it...she would've cucked you sure because internet relationships aren't real but she wouldn't have went behind your back like that and then blamed you.

well op me and you are very different people, the conversation would be over as soon as it came up that she fucked todd a few nights before you guys started dating. thats rough man

Hmm my ex is from the Bronx
8/10 and sometimes colors her hair red
This girl's name doesn't start with a D?

Inexcusable behavior, easier to rip the band-aid off quickly user. Easier said than done but you'll be better for it.

Todd... Virginia... I see right through you, fallout cuck.

also im sorry if this is formatted horribly this is my first greentext and i really need help

back to the story

>i love sasha too much to tell her to fuck off even though shes treating me like human shit
>later that night
>sasha texts me
>"look user im sorry but i really love todd and i cant cheat on you like this anymore im sorry its not you its me"
>i have never been more depressed in my fucking life
>i tell the big tiddy goth queen about what happened
>she tells me she dont deserve me and that i can finally be free from her
>be depressed for about another month
>i realize big titty goth queen is 100x better than sasha and she lives in staten island which is extremely close to me
>i realize i wanna be with her forever
>i ask her if she wants to my gf
>she says shes been waiting for this moment for months
>me and goth queen live happily until may of this year
>one night i check my phone and see i have a twitter notification
>owo whats this?
>its a dm
>from fucking sasha
>she tells me shes sorry about everything that happened and that her and todd didnt work out and she wants me back
>i man up and realize im very happy with my current gf so i dont need her
>finally tell her to fuck off
>until a few days later
>i realize i told the girl that i fell head over heels for that i loved unconditionally for nearly a year to fuck off
>i wanna fucking die so bad
>friends tell me i shouldnt feel bad because of what she did to me
>theyre right
>i couldnt care less
>i know i am wrong for feeling bad but i cant help it
>i never truly got over her
>now finally fast forward to earlier today
>be at friends house
>he shows me sashas latest tweet
>"god new york is so boring"

So, I have no fucking clue what to do. Do I text her and apologize for telling her to fuck off and asking if she wants to see me? Or, do I just ignore it and pretend it never happened and just stick with goth queen

nope, her name really does start with an S.

youre retarded do not hit her back up or else il gut the crab you are you sad sack of shit get over it man fr

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u fucking memer stay with the big tiddie goth gf my dude

Why are normalfags so stupid? Really now? You are quite literally falling head over heels for some girl who COMPLETELY FUCKED YOU OVER and you didnt even fuck this girl. To make matters worse ,you actually have a non whore lover and yet you are still my obsessing over some thot who fucking cucked you.
Get it the fuck together and get the fuck out from this board.

You stupid cuckold piece of shit. You are willing to trade a good gf for some cheating roastie, fuck off.

>do I apologize
>to the girl that cucked me the second we got together then blamed me not herself

No but you should kill your self you are beyond helping


Let a Bronx user lay it to ya straight

Look at it objectively, your big titty goth gf is the best thing in your life rn. You are going to get played with the old girl. I know you love her bro, and trust me it's gonna hurt. But you have to look past your feeling and realize your life is better off as it is.

I just went through some shit kinda like it. Shits fucked up homie. Women are spiders so appreciate the one who stuck around not the one who bit you and ran off

Why would you ever go back to a whore that was seeing her ex behind your back? Are you an autist? Forget about her roast beef pussy and stay with your goth goddess.

you are the cancer that makes America's youth so terrible. Also stop talking to that sasha bitch you already have a bitch.

you're a cuck if you go for the sasha girl

God you're such a fucking retarded beta.

People like you make me sick..

First of all

>one faithful night i decide to ask her out

I'm so sick of these fucking betas trying to have online relationships and then crying when their fee fees get hurt because the girl fucked an actual guy.
Who the fuck would want to be in an online relationship? that's so fucking boring.

Fucking retard

You're a fucking retard opie. Stick with goth girl.

Why do you fucking orbiter retards think that you're "in love" with a fucking bitch you talked to on twitter for a few months? Fucking idiots.

get a real gf you fucking dipshits haha

Also you're a fucking retard beta if you message that red haired girl again.
Fucking idiots need to stop being walked all over. Theres a REASON she's toying with you, she likes the attention. She'll just say yes to a date and then not show up and block you, because she knows how much it'll hurt your feelings.

Holy shit imagine being this much of a wishy-washy beta bitch
Honestly end your life you fucking normalshit cuck

dunno what's hard about choosing a better looking girl that lives near you. specially one that doesn't make you act like a clingy mofo
you're basically her sasha, enjoy the power position

After all this you're probably still a virgin LMAOOO

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>wanting to be a cuckold this much

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I'll be honest with you, user, this sounds exactly like my situation right down to her being a redhead, with one exception that I never found a better gf in the end, although one girl has been around and has been also telling me to tell the redhead to fuck off.

My advice to you - tell her to fuck off. She really doesn't deserve you. Seriously mang. You have a good thing going on with a new girl, don't let it fail because of some whore that treated you like her plan B. She needs to suffer and needs to face the consequences of her actions.

Best you could've done and still can - ghost the fuck out of her.

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Stay away from Sasha for fucks sake man. You've got something good going on with that goth queen. Don't ruin it for some bitch who looks at you second and at another guy first.