Usa southern user here. Does anyone else have to deal with moms that intentional try to sabotage their keto?

usa southern user here. Does anyone else have to deal with moms that intentional try to sabotage their keto?

Like, I've lost 35 pounds of fat. Every single woman at work has noticed and wanted to talk about it. My grandmother noticed and said I looked great.

But my mother? Said I looked dehydrated. And she keeps trying to fuck my eating up. Either giving me way too little (1 single hamburger patty for dinner) or trying to mix in shit like caramelized onions.

She's either trying to sneak in sugar or putting me in a position to snack.

And she's been on atkins. She knows how ketosis works.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 10K)

No, I live in a house with my girlfriend.

cut your meme diet now that you've lost weight and get on a real, sustainable diet. eat lost of whole plant foods, don't be afraid of carbs.

You'll gain some weight initially because keto makes you lose a shit load of water weight, but all your lifts will go up at the gym and you can actually function better in life when you have carbs to run on.

and thank your fucking mom for cooking you food, you're either under 18 ban material or still living with your parents and probably not paying rent, so shut the fuck up.

This isn't wrong.
Keto can not be sustained for long times without health consequences. The only people that benefit are people with diabetes and that's becomes the pros are better than the cons.
If you want to do keto a few times a week who cares.
However you'll eventually reach the plateau. You'll start losing muscle mass and you'll start being tired all of the time.
You'll have to increase carbs at that point.
You can start feeling this way as high as 18% body fat. It all depends on your personal body.
Some people get lucky and can stay on keto until 12% body fat or possibly lower with little side effects.

Everyone eventually shows testosterone drop on keto, just depends on how many months it takes to happen.

>The only people that benefit are people with diabetes
Wrong. Keto was developed as a treatment plan for seizure disorders. You put a diabetic on keto, their insulin issues cause acidosis and fuck their kidneys up fast

>and thank your fucking mom for cooking you food, you're either under 18 ban material or still living with your parents and probably not paying rent, so shut the fuck up.

I'm a 30 year old man that came home to help his dad settle some legal issues.

this is insanely good advice for such a dumb emo thread. wow

Doesn't change the fact you need to hop off the meme train now and get a good, sustainable diet plan going, while thanking your mom for cooking you those meals.

what's your current weight/height OP?

well you sound like a 16 year old boy.

cook your own food you faggot. problem solved!

>I'm a 30 year old man that came home to help his dad settle some legal issues
Kek'd hard at this absurdity

what is unsustainable about keto?

Your body cannot keep producing ketones without eventually starting to consume muscle which, in case that wasn't already bad enough, will wreck the shit out of your kidneys. Keto diets have to be followed up with carb re-feeds every so often. The frequency of the re-feeds increases the lower your bodyfat gets and the longer you've been doing keto to the point where you're basically thrown out of it every other week, defeating the purpose. If you're fat as shit you can sustain it a little longer, but if you're at 12% trying to hit single digits, you're going to have a rough go of it and you might as well just do a regular cut

>what's your current weight/height OP?

188,5 10, 28% body fat by calipers.

>well you sound like a 16 year old boy.
>cook your own food you faggot. problem solved!

spoken like a 16 year old.

What do you think I do the other 350 some days of the year, dingus?

>but if you're at 12%

like anyone stays on keto past like 18, 20

Been on keto for 1.5 years. No problems. Smooth poop. Lost 85 and I cheated a ton.

>cheated a ton
That's just called a cut, retard

>less than 1g caramelized onions will kick me out of ketosis

do you even keto? quit looking for a reason to hate your mom. thank her and give her a hug you ungrateful bastard





Ask her why shes doing that

Ketoacidosis only happens to type one diabetics

>30 year old on keto

Attached: 1532819394317.jpg (373x299, 69K)

>eat lost of whole plant food

yes, destroy your gut microbiota goy, here is some medicine to fix it shalom. humans are built to eat protein and fat, plants are only a recent part of human diet, they are poison.

Where do you guys come up with this shit? It's plant foods that promote healthy gut bacteria. And plants are not a recent part of the human diet, they have been proven to be a part of the human diet since forever: Human coproliths from the paleolithic suggest early humans were getting about 100g of fibre a day. Dental calculi suggest early humans often ate starchy foods. Evidence from modern hunter gathers back this up.


cope. try keto once and this brainwashing shillery will be melted away as you lose weight, gain strength, and have better mood/more energy you will realize how big sugar is trying to push their own narative

> humans are built to eat protein and fat, plants are only a recent part of human diet, they are poison.
we're built to eat both, retard. what do you think we were eating before we had the ability to control fire?

Imagine saying big sugar is pushing a narrative while pushing such a blatant narrative about big sugar.

Big sugar isn't even big compared to big meat and big dairy. Maybe we could start a conspiracy about them too, whaddya think?

I have tried keto, even carnivore. Definitely it aided with appetite management and weight loss. Was't good for mood though, or sleep. I'm pretty sure it ramped up my cortisol. Eventually I would binge on dates, and if I had a slice of cake at a birthday, it would trigger massive cravings. Whereas now that I eat plenty of good carbs, I don't have food cravings, my mood is good and I sleep better.
So my experience is that it's not sustainable long term... if other people feel that it is, then good for them.

That's no excuse to push some false narrative about carbs/plant foods though. Especially not gay conspiracies about big sugar while ignoring the other massive industries which produce and sell the food you are supporting... a teeny bit hypocritical.

I barely even eat sugar. I go for whole foods.

No but my roommate is chad, and he's always trying to order pizza for us.

I've never been a big sugar eater, always preferring savoury to sweet. Was never a big drinker of juice or fizzy drinks either. The only time I have really craved sweet foods is when I did keto/low carb. Led to binging on dates, baclava, cake ("at least it has butter and eggs" went the low carb logic in my head lol), chocolate ("at least it has saturated fat!").

Makes sense. Sugar is good at lowering stress hormones, whereas keto is good at raising them. Hello cortisol.

Its more common in type 1 but still occurs in both. Acidosis is brought on by simultaneous high blood sugar and presence of ketones, so both are capable of having it

t. future dialysis patient

Women are crab mentality masterminds, your mother is no exception. Don't let her fuck it up for you.

My sister went into a coma because of this