Anyone ever met up with someone from /soc/?

not sexual, he's busting me out of my house so we can go on a night drive. so far im gonna have him pick up/drop off a block away, carry a knife, and take pics of his plates/face and check in w/ a friend. Anything else? am i safe? im gonna tell him im doing this.

>pic unrelated

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>meeting up with Jow Forums people
ha what a mistake. i will never do this.

hey i don't care about your dumb blogpost, but i tried that white energy drink for the first time today and it was super good. thanks for reading my way better blogpost

Sounds like a good way to get killed. Enjoy.

God i hope he murders you

have fun dying, user!

I wouldn't meet any of you loons with anything less than a fully automatic in my pants

I met up with someone from Jow Forums.

Don't be a pussy, We're totally legit.

O shit have fun getting murdered

>tfw when you take a drive through the night, down the hills

>Not sexual at all
>Going for a drive with a strange man in the middle of the night.

Lol @ women.

TFW you met up with someone from r9k twice. Heh you can say I got a death wish YEEEEEAHHHHHHHH

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why on gods name would you ever agree to a night drive? are you an autist or what? if youre enough of a tard to want to meet someone from this shitty website, you meet somewhere with a lot of people and generally play it safe. you're a dumbass and your life is going to end soon. i'll see you on the news later user

and how did that adventure go

It was fun. We met at a bubble tea place and talked for a bit. Pretty comfy. I wonder if I should reach out again. That was about a year ago.

It depends on the board.

Boards I have actually met with already:
Jow Forums
they were cool dudes, comfy time.

boards I would be fine meeting irl:
Jow Forums
there would be some cringe moments sure but overall I think it would be fine.

boards I would never ever want to meet irl:
Jow Forums
/b/ and /soc/ because it would be all under ages and turbo normies, and Jow Forums not necessarily because of Jow Forums themselves but because wherever Jow Forums meet irl; antifa r*dditers show up as well to start fights and assault people. And having an m80 thrown at me and getting hit over the head with a bike lock does not sound like a comfy time. And political protests are basically pointless and accomplish nothing other than hospital visits.

I imagine it would go like this

You can borrow the fully automatic in my pants any day
kill me

She gonna get raped

I just realized this is a really are going to be raped are you retarded

> we're going on a night drive

> night drive

Are you retarded? Why would you do that? Thats like, LITERALLY the worst thing you could plan while meeting up with someone for the first time...

Have fun getting raped/kidnapped OP.

Apart from OP about to be kidnapped and touched away in some guy's basement, we should meet up. I think It'd be cool to meet you lonely guys in real life and talk for an hour.

I've met a few people from other boards. /soc/ girls are really flaky and almost always ghost you before meeting. Met one girl from /soc/, hooked up, she ghosted me after. Met another girl from /soc/ for drinks she ghosted me after.