Wagecuck and stay in my room mostly

>wagecuck and stay in my room mostly
>My mother recently has kept asking me to spend time with her
>Kept dodging every chance I got
>Get home from my shit job and head directly for my room as usual
>Stands infront of me and demands a reason for dodging her question everytime
>Bolt to my room and didnt say anything
>Locked my door and havent said anything even though shes been knocking and calling my name
>Pay a small rent fee and dont want to get kicked out
How do I tell her to fuck off? I dont want to spend time with her and have never for years.

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You sound like a piece of shit but it is your choice, grow a pair and tell her to leave you alone.

Well I would but im trying not to fuck up what I have here any more. Also fuck off just because I dont feel spending time with the whore who birthed me in a shit world doesnt make me a piece of shit.

Your mother probably wants to spend time with you before she dies user

If you make money and pay rent, you're already better than 90% of Jow Forums

Hear her out, at least a little. You won't be able to when she's gone. If you really don't like what she has to say, then go back to ignoring her

You people really are garbage and deserve the bad in your lives

I could care less if she does user.

>muh family bond worshipping

I thought that too until a few years after my father died

You won't have chance to fix your relationship with her after she's dead user

Don't do something you may later regret

You deserve everything bad that happens to you.

Ah i sorta know this feel. Everytime i see my dad he usually asks me to do shit i dont need to do or hasslez me about something. When ive just finished work and cba doing anything bar eating before i go to sleep to do ot all again. It os bullshit and its why as soon as i get a large enough salary to rent im moving out again. I miss the solitary but also remember how brutal it sometimes was

Eh, that wouldn't make you a piece of shit, but literally not hearing here out makes you a bit of a piece of shit.

Honestly from your posts so far you sound like a bit of an asshole.

You're making your world as shit as you want it to be. Don't go edgy "I NEVER ASKED TO BE BIRTHED" fuck sake at least try and have a decent life and spend time with the woman who kept you alive and pays for all your shit.

See? this guy gets it.

No I am fine with her dying. It would be justice for what she has done to me.

move out
problem fixed

>It would be justice for what she has done to me.
So what has she done to you that's so bad anyway? Like I know parents can be abusive, but you still live there despite making enough money that you could afford not to, so I doubt she is that bad.

wow you really got me with that one

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What did she do?

Also If you have a stable job, moving out even if it means having to share rent with a roommate or something is probably better for you than living with someone you hate

What could she possibly do to you?

Hard mode: 'Birthing me' is not valid.

I am hopefully going to move out when I can get some direction going in my life. ill be going back to college and getting a degree as soon as I can. For now im just getting drunk in my room and wageslaving.

you should probably move out if you hate your mom so much you faggot. clearly the problem seems to lie with you.

If you hate her that much and have the money to why not move out?

Move the fuck out then, you ungrateful little shit.

Ok, but what did she do to you that you're so asshurt about?

If you're going to college, you should consider going into a dorm

It's normie as hell but its cheaper than most other places and its usually on or near campus

Nothing she can say to me will fix the issues I have gotten from her. Movies and tv shows wont replenish any of it.

I don't hate my mom like OP but I can understand why he'd be frustrated if he's working a minimum wage job. There's pretty much no way to move out long term when living on that kind of budget.

So... what did she do?

Thanks for the advice ill go get some money and just buy an apartment with no job to sustain it. The reason im here is because of this good deal I have. ill move out when everything comes together.

You sound like a mntgb m ,r ocne tehe cornce bonc cornew

user are you okay, are you okay user?

spend time with your mom man

We really can't do much to help you if you don't tell us what she did

She gave birth to me knowing full well my father was a deadbeat alcoholic and put me through years and years of abuse while she sat on her ass fucking random men. She ruined my life from the start and gets no sympathy from me.

She literally pays for EVERYTHING you ungrateful fucking neet. Either get a job and pay rent or hang out with the mom who wants to hang out with her son once in a while.

I don't care how much of an edgy fucking faggot you are, you can hang out with your mom.

What do you think im trying to do nigger.

If your dad was a deadbeat alcoholic he probably abused her too

You might be misplacing your anger a bit

I never said I had enough and I also need a job to sustain it dipshit.


Thats the plan. id rather deal with some normalfag than this bitch.

Lol blames everything in his family . Lol spoiled bitch. ITS EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT NOT MINE!!!

You sound American, so I assume you don't have state funded college, but you could apply for a grant

Don't fall for the loan meme

Oh ive seen it and dont give a single fuck. She gave birth to me while being in that and never thought how my life would turn out from it. Fuck her.

follow her example and fuck random men

>deadbeat alcoholic who got married and managed to live on his own
>anime-poster crying about mom

Don't worry user I know you'll look back in a few years and realize you were a huge piece of shit

My family was the direct cause of the problems I have.
>low rent means spoiled
Ok retard.

God you're a piece of shit.

>Whines on r9k about mum.

>animeposter crying about mom
>posted a dog and advice on how to tell her to fuck off

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Alright noted. Thanks for your useless advice.

>no counters

Do you have a mental issue if something.
You seem like a sociopath.

nah just have homosexual repressed feelings

If she was being abused, she might not have had the capacity to do the right thing in that situation and leave with you

desu user it sounds like the person you should be angry with is your dad, not your mother

It sounds like you were both abused by him, and neither coped well, if she was fucking random men and you hate her

God your a moralfag.

If you hate her so much beat her

I hate fags who list off their mental shit like badges.

t. jafar from afar

God your just a fag.

>if she was abused she might not have had the capacity
No she was just a whore who never had any logic in her decisions to begin with.

Wow good one there bud

And you're any better 3 am and here you are crying about your parents on Jow Forums get a grip and grow the fuck up.

i love the 12 year olds posting, "why not move out" like that isn't the first thing he thought of.


Yes I am better because I never dipped down as low as she did you dense armchair therapist. I asked for advice and was asked why I hate her so I responded brainlet. I got the answer I needed. Eat shit and die.

Why doesn't he just contact other family members or friends? Probably cause he doesn't have any due to being such a faggot

Same position here don't make enough to move out. I try to make an effort to talk to my parents every day though. I probably don't hate them as much as you hate yours though.

Because not everyone has a huge family you redneck nigger.

Well heres a shot to moving on up from this shit.

>hates his family

She always makes fun of my small peepee when she bathes me.

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Lol I can't imagine being such a bitter weeb.

You mom actually wants to spend time with you? Mine kicked me out, I rarely see her anymore.


I fucking hate you. I worked with people like you. You're a false robot.

Well assuming your mother isnt a dumb whore I would imagine that must suck.

Watch this OP it might help.


I hate you too normalnigger.

Better get to bed soon. Mommy may be mad at you for being cranky before work.

She could have left, why do women never realize this?

Normie leave now, you do not belong on this board.

abusers do everything they can to stop them from leaving

it happens to men too, you just don't hear about it as much

Better get to shitposting to cover up your retarded post champ

haha op you're such a stupid poopoo butthead

Thanks for the people who actually gave advice and not the armchair therapist nromalfags. I have my answer. Onto drinking while playing vidya until I black out again.

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fuck that stupid whore and fuck these moralfags OP. too many middle class easy life armchair psychologists telling you your own experiences didn't happen FUCK THAT

Unfortunately she pretty much is. I will tldr it:
>be me
>dad is a cool calm rational guy
>mom leaves him
>single overweight mom with kids in her early 30s
>so what does she do? You guessed it
>becomes a seasoned coal burner
>has a series of bfs and all of them were shitty people who me and my siblings hated to no end
>scum of the earth types
>my siblings and I are pissed at my mom for leaving dad and for the piece of shit men she keep bringing home
>one of them abuses her
>frightened 9yo me calls the police
>us kids get sent to live with our dad for a while
>best time ever
>she uses the cucked US court to get us back
>back to hell again
>she is mad at me for calling police and getting her violent stupid nog bf arrested and yells at me and grounds me
>I run away to my dads place
>I stay there for a while
>my mom demands me back
>tell dad what happened
>he doesnt want to let me go and I dont wanna go but the whore threatens legal if I am not sent back
>so my dad has no choice
>I get minimum wageslave job when I turn 18 so I can save to move out
>mom leaves me alone for a while because I was paying rent
>she is a drama addict tho and begins starting stupid arguments with me about not doing anything around the house
>I clean up after myself and pay rent fuck off
>she kicks me out
>I still dont have much money
>so move in with dad and he was cool
>eventually have enough to move out and do so
>mom makes jokes at me for not being in a relationship
>jab back and say why would I want to subject my self to more of the shit you put us through, you showed me what shit women are, I will stay single thanks
>she cant handle it and starts yelling at me about all kinds of shit and tries to shame me into getting a gf
>I hang up
women, pfft no thanks.

Watch Death Parade episode 4 user. You'll change your mind.