what is it about western women that makes them so repulsed at pajeets?
I would think they'd like dark guys with white features.
Is it the street shitting?
They use toilets here.
What is it about western women that makes them so repulsed at pajeets?
Most of them have strange beta personalities.
A handsome Indian man is very rare, just like a handsome Asian man.
I don't think that's true. I'm an Indian and basically every other guy here is a Chad. If you're talking about the Indians that live in US/UK, then it's because those are the guys who weren't Chads so they managed to study their asses off because no girl showed interest in them and hence, they were able to immigrate in such countries which actually requires a lot of hardwork if you ask me. So, that's why there must be really goofy looking pajeets in your country but if you visit any city or college here in India, you will actually find chads here.
They are short fat and have funny accents, also bad social skills.
your standards for chad are probably much lower
You just don't get it do you? There are two types of pajeets. Aryan and Dravidian.
Aryan is not incel but Dravidian is.
The dravidian looking pajeets stand no chance here in the west because their features are considered ugly here.
>t. dravidian pajeet
Most of India aren't dark guys with Caucasian features. The majority of Indians are dark guys with Australoid features. This makes them look lile subhumans. The majority of Indians are also not tan dark but shitskin dark which is not that attractive.
India is like Britain, the attractive and wealthy people are the descendants of foreign conquerors in the region. To this day the more north eastern Indians are more attractive and wealthy than the average. This can also be seen in families with norman ancestry in England who statistically are wealthier than descendents of Anglo-Saxon families.
Bollywood and Indian music industry just need to step up their game and pajeets will get their own harem of white pussy like what the blacks and asians have done with rap/kpop/anime.
Because they are beta by nature.
Indian girls in India fuck Indian guys because they have no other choice. If a white guy shows up, they would all be fucking him instead, or cheat on their indian bfs with them.
Brown girls love white dick
I am Persian, where is my Indian (Aryan, preferably panjabi) gf?
The only hot brown girls here are fucking spics, reee
Part of it is due to the fact that Indian guys tend to be pretty short. Height is considered extremely important for male attractiveness.
The average Indian guy is something like five inches shorter than the average American white dude. That's a lot.
A six foot tall Indian dude probably would not have a very hard time hitting it off with some American chicks.
Not really, man. Even Roosh V complained that he had a hard time finding girls who wanted to fuck him when he went to India. You could make the argument that he's "not white" but he's white passing pretty much.
Dravid pajeet reporting in, what did I miss?
Indian women should be legally obligated to fuck Persian men
Indian guys only get laid when their women are not allowed to fuck White Chads
It's the mustache. Girls hate them.
I was called a pedo porn star until I shaved it.
High levels of inbreeding + vegetarian diet
India has 1.3 billion people. They have fewer Olympic medals than countries like Georgia, Egypt, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, and Thailand.
its so funny how pajeets actually think that the west sees them as anything other than just one type of brown. as a white person, i cannot tell if a brown person is from egypt or india. its all the same to me.
t. white californian
An endless stream of Facebook pajeets asking them to show bobs and vagene.
Moustaches are a patrician's choice.
Oh don't be a brainlet user. You can obviously tell the difference between this guy and the OP's pic. This guy is an aryan pajeet and the OP pic guy is dravidian.
They're usually skinnyfat too due to
>High levels of inbreeding + vegetarian diet
>the pajeets seriously believe that there is a difference between them
this is the highest level of joke
Sorry you're a fucking retard if you can't tell the difference between an egyptian and an indian
Roosh is not very attractive.He looks like an average guy from Punjab.He does not look white.Make a profile with a white guy in India.Keep the location to a metro city and see the no. of matches.
All women are sluts by nature. They just need the right guy.
>brown bois are actually this butthurt
You can larp all you want. But it is the truth, and the guy I posted is a pajeet and he gets laid way more than you can even imagine in your pathetic incel life.
You can tell the difference between a Slavic white and a Nordic white.
Just as all brown look similar to you,all white look similar to the average brown.
I know of 2 Indian Chads at my college with white Stacy gfs. Pajeets arent even that common too. Guess its an anomaly.
every indian girl i've talked to has nothing but bad things to say about indian men. what they think of you all is pretty much akin to what all women think of incels. immature, misogynist, entitled. makes you think.
> But it is the truth, and the guy I posted is a pajeet and he gets laid way more than you can even imagine in your pathetic incel life.
That guy is average at best in most European countries.
>Paying attention to what women havw to say and believing it.
The reason they do not like Indian guys is because they find white guys more attractive.Also white guys are pretty much like cucks/liberal at this point.They are comfortable with their girlfriends getting drunk and fucking the bartender.They then go to relationship advice forums to "mend" the relationship.They divorce women if they cheat on them
In India,if you cheat on your husband you are getting beaten to death.Indian men would much rather go to jail then simply accept being a cuck and 'moving on'.
Why are you even worried about it? If you think Indians are attractive get an Indian gf.
He is good looking op and there is a clear difference that user is either retarded or trolling. Inb4 ur NOT WHITE
White women love to pay tolls user, I don't know what you're talking about
North Eastern Indians are Han Chinese you geographically illiterate retard.
It also as to do with the fact Pajeets are not as "open" as the S...O...Y western man boy. Marriage is only between man and women, homosex is wrong, and arranged marriage wit virgins is normal used up goods are not.
SO pretty much they are repulsed by that. Im not even Pajeet, but i do envy them. SHIT my coworker was this super sexy busty, nice booty desi chick who wore suc sexy cloting (without being slutty) and she was married to her husband when she was like 17. she was 28 when i met her and my god! if she was my wife, we would have had like 10 babies already.
Believe me the sexy hot desi women,, are always already married, unless you catch em when their young.
>Burger education
The caste system in jeetland is all fucked up. My Indian coworker told me there's some racial issues (?) between the north and the south.
thats true. an indian girl would rather date the white guy on the right than the indian on the left
isnt that the game of thrones guy, he's from one of those pacific islands
do milk dear
India needs to have some sort of Black Death scenario that wipes out 50% of their population.
I'm not even trying to be edgy, i'm convinced that Indian civilization would move forward in the aforementioned scenario. The average Indian would look less ugly as well if all the Dalits and lower caste are removed from the gene pool.
thats Nitin Chauhan, hes 100% indian
whites can literally not be robots, its a fact
i want put my 1 feet pinus in ur vegana u will happy
why are indians like this
Because they are currypilled and understand that white wom*n are just holes.
>mfw conservatives complain about social media corrupting the morals of the youth
wait til they see what's going on in india
Indians are low smv, along with Asians. Our genetics are just awful, short, grimey dark skin tone, skinnyfat and weird
it's over
Indians are just assfucked on so many levels, physically ugly, hairy, short, culturally backwards with all the gang rapes, acid attacks, and poo in lo unicef program, racially inferior to whites after getting dominated for 500 years.
There's just nothing going for Pajeets.
Yes. Caste discrimination is real. It's worse than 20th century America.
american education
This isn't original of course.
They smell bad in general and they openly try to rip you off.
>Our genetics are just awful, short, grimey dark skin tone, skinnyfat and weird
it's over
why do robots generalize everything? there are tall, muscular light skinned indians too, same as every other race
I'm not a woman but Indians are literally the most disgusting race there is. Even Abos - if you can even call them humans - are more pleasing.
And I'm talking about both males and females.
he looks like a mudslim from caucasus. Got a lot of guys like him here in russia selling oranges in the streets. I guess he's kind of good looking but he doesn't look white in any way, maybe only to racemixed amerimutts
no one said anything about him looking white, you misinterpreted that yourself, brainlet.
There are no Jim Crow laws in India you nigger.
I'm white and in India now.
Getting laid here is easy, but I also speak Hindi and have more than a cursory knowledge of the country and its customs. I don't like yoga or spiritual nonsense, which women seem to appreciate. Met an American fellow a couple weeks back who said he'd had no luck using Tinder in Delhi or in Himachal.
Having said that, there's a certain contingent of hyper-promiscuous Indian sloots who exclusively sleep with white men.
TBQH, I find that behavior very off-putting. Any girl who's dating history is a long chain of white dudes is an automatic no-no for me.
indian culture is just gross, they oppress eachother on nearly unheard of levels and gang-raping 12 year olds is a social norm over there.
as a white guy who lived with an indian girl for a month, i can tell u they want white genes in their gene pool way too much, nasty
Both Indian men and women have hit and miss looks. I have seen Chadjeets but many just looks like their only hope is an arranged marriage. Good looking Indian women are top tier, but then there are the ones with the unibrows. At least most tend not to be obese. Western diets may change that.
Yes I accidentally said east instead of west thanks for correcting me. There is however no need to act like a smug pajeet about it. I'd also like to point out that the Han Chinese are not in North eastern India, the people there are Tibeto-Burman.
thumbnail made it look like he was skinny arjun kapoor
Indians will never not be funny
Lots of good info in this thread. I am a half white half poo and really the only question I care about is are there any pajeet fembots and will they be my gf?
Only in an ironic sense. They are actually pretty boring and technical when you have an actual convo with them.
poop in loop,
These are the guys calling amerilards and pretending to be the IRS and taking all their money. These guys right here.
bawbs and vajjeine
Holy fuck sauce? Gimme
Bobs bagene bo