Hey guys, I'm going to the grocery store. Can you watch my glass of chocolate milk while I'm gone?

Hey guys, I'm going to the grocery store. Can you watch my glass of chocolate milk while I'm gone?
Thanks, be back soon

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Sure thing boss, catch you soon.

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You're a friend for life, thanks again.

Is he gone?
*pisses just a little bit in chocmilk*
Hehehehehehehehehe sneaky sneaky

I took the liberty of sealing it inside this safe, which I locked without looking at the numbers so no one can extract the information from me!

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*sits idly inside of the safe, slightly pissed in*

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greentext stories are being sold on amazon

Why am I laughing like a retarded person

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lol cause you are retarded

Uh, guys...
how are we gonna get it back out?

The logic checks out

Don't worry OP, I work as a guard so I'll watch over the safe for you :)

We obviously melt the top without harming the glass!

*Space Dandy's theme plays*
>Do you answer?

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Its simple my dear watson! We purchase a bigger, heavier safe, and smash the original safe with it until it cracks like an egg!

hey bro lost some of your milk, nothing could be done about it but it's cool you still have half a glass left.

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God damnit user we had one job

Now we have to figure out a method to retract the piss from the choclate milk, also on top of that we have to figure out how to get into this safe.

Moshi moshi! :3

Well that's one way to try and remove the piss

That's not his milk, he had chocolate milk and it's stuck in a safe. Get your shitty white milk out of here jester

If you think about it, only that second part is necessary

Yes you do. For the booty.

idk what kind of white milk you're drinking but if it looks like the milk in then you need to start buying it from somewhere else asap

If DARK chocolate it isn't in the vault anymore. It is WHEN.

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>Heh, hey user, just checking in on you. Hope everything's going okay.
>I'm having a really tough time at the grocery store. My tire popped on the way here, there was no parking so I had to walk about five minutes to get to here after parking down the street, and I saw a nigger.
>Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the glass I left. Could you stick it in the fridge? I can't wait for that cool, refreshing taste.
>I owe you a million, I picked up some tendies for my appreciation. I knew I could always trust you guys. I'll see you soon.

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Check out what I got on Etsy.
Let's leave it on the counter for when OP gets back.

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So heres the plan boys:
As soon as OP opens the door, one of you smashes him over the head with the safe and I'll take the tendies and run in the middle of all the confusion.

OF COURSE we will reconvene so that the tendies can be evenly dispersed. And when OP comes to he'll technically still have his chocolate milk. He's even getting some free piss out of the deal! What a lucky guy.

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This is considered "white" in burgerland. 56% and all.

Wait a minute here ill be the one to take ehe tendies and run wiseguy

I don't fucking think so PAL. It was MY plan that you GREEDY COWARDS are just latching on to!

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I'm going to UNBLACKED your milk

i would cum in your glass

>OP asks us to protect his chocolate milk
>You faggots piss in it and argue about taking his gift to us
Fuck you guys. I just hacked open the safe and placed it in the fridge. I even used my chemistry degree to un-piss it.

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*opens fridge*
*pisses a little more into the chocmilk*
*breaks your fingers*
Tch... Nothing personal.

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As long as it is in the vault it is black AND white. Schrodinger 's vault.

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It's warm now, why would you do this?

*Sailor Moon Theme Plays*
>Do you answer?

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Think of it like a finally aged wine. The flavor has only deepened and become more complex

um... h-hi???? user!?

Heh, let Gnarly Knuckles the Boy Genius over here talk... on speakerphone :)

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Yes if its any of the girls there may be a chance its a booty call

>Hey user! I'm outside with the groceries. On the way back I decided to pick us up some Domino's pizza too, I got two extra large with one all your favorite toppings, and the other for everyone else.
>The thing is, I accidentally locked myself out. Could you let me in?

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Hmmm... I think I'm just gonna take his TV and book it out the back window. Yall can handle this mess

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guys pls someone do something i can't handle all this drama myself ;_;

>Uhhh guys? I can hear you talking in there. Can someone please get the door?

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Oh shit the milk the house the tendies and pizza. Wat do boys knock im out and take the lot!?

*unlocks the door*

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nobody tell him about the pee pee maybe he wont notice

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> Lda starts blasting from someones sound system, vibrating the glass of milk closer to the edge of the counter.

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