Education is designed to crush individuality and make you unthinkingly follow authority while preparing you for nothing...

Education is designed to crush individuality and make you unthinkingly follow authority while preparing you for nothing more than menial factory labour

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american* education

send your kids to an international school in scandinavia if you want them to be properly educated

t. brainlet will never become a Doctor

Elementary school is designed to program subordination and high school programs socialization. I didn't go to college so I can't discuss a genuine opinion on that but it seems like it's more important as a tool to fund academics than to educate people with shirty 4 year degrees.

You don't learn to be a doctor in public school retard

ya. im not sure how im feeling about computer science. feels weird man. "the field" is uh. people who you never wanted to meet with permanently reside and education is the doily or buttplug you'll be using to meet them with once you've been truly sissified through the rigors of the academy.

You do learn chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and problem solving skills that are required to get you into med school.

>tfw failed in both objectives
Maybe why that's why I have no real friends lmfao

You sound like an imbecile

all the teachers are jaded, raging, frothy women. they don't treat the boys well. it's been documented.
but people are actively trying to sabotage this country, so it's probably part of the agenda.

>Not leaving once you graduate for the EU

>not studying in the EU
This is what I plan on doing. Just got into uni and had a shit ton of credits transfer in. Finishing my bachelor's in two years and getting the fuck out for that top European Master's

Fuck American education. It concentrated so much on discipline that it ate itself and is now a carcass of what it used to be, a stupefaction designed to stupefy.

Education especially american education was literally redesigned to create factory and now more recently office drones

Northern Europe is the promise land obviously. America is just for people who deep down were slobs their whole life and are sick of their current out-dated tradition/culture, so they want to live in hedonism and rat race now.
but you get running water and a drying machine, so i guess it's worth it.

Only 5 more years of this shit then I'm out.

>please please PLEASE take my guns and freedom of speech
>I actually WANT to be raped to death by a migrant

>while preparing you for nothing more than menial factory labour
Yes and now that menial factory labor no longer exists, it's highly likely that the public education system will not survive the coming decades.

>Education is designed to crush individuality and make you unthinkingly follow authority

>You do learn chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and problem solving skills that are required to get you into med school.
>brainlet will never become a Doctor

Found the poopjeet.

why? [mutation for original comment]

Most Americans wouldnt even be able to pass the Higher Education Qualifications Exam needed to study in European colleges.

denmark has no migrants you dumb fag

Believing in pol memes. Okay keep your outdated gun's.

>Most Americans wouldnt even be able to pass the Higher Education Qualifications Exam needed to study in European colleges.
Most Americans are filthy illiterate spics.

better than Ahmed beheading me

I always wanted to say that to someone. No reason

Well according to the national census burea as of 2018, most of Americans are just really dumb people in general.

when i said Northern Europe, i was talking about Scandinavia, Estonia, Poland, Iceland, etc. you know, the leaders in education, happiness, literacy, etc.

>poles leading anything

Id move to Poland but learning Polish makes me want to kill myself

That's why I'm studying shit in my spare time. How the fuck is real analysis the SENIOR class in the math major of my uni when literally any European country teaches it in the first couple of years? American math (and, arguably, science) education is delayed by 3-5 years from the European system, and I don't know if it was intentionally coordinated just to make the population lose any sense of freethinking ability.

>who needs math, just use these basic grammar skills and you'll be a professional, dependent wageslave in no time at all!

Shut up. If it makes you feel better, right-wing movements are gaining traction exponentially in many European countries. The time of draconian legislation is coming to a close.

>Jow Forums drivel

congratulations. hiding your posts.

I mean you could say "fucking retard" and it still sounds more like something a sentient person would say than 'imbecile'

>1 - C
Damn, they made a 6 year old do that bullshit? That's fucking mean. I hope harold got to write his dog man comics.

>That's why I'm studying shit in my spare time. How the fuck is real analysis the SENIOR class in the math major of my uni

It depends on the uni.

I majored in math and we were given Spivak's Calculus text in our first year. That text is used in some upper level analysis courses.

It fucking pisses me off how they force their adult shit on kids.

fuck off and let the next stan lee write his comics like a child should

He's got a pretty cool artstyle too for a 6 year old. With some practice and guidance from a skilled artist, he could become really good at it.

I'm going through Apostol's Calc solo at the moment. Proofs are difficult but I've been brushing up on them with supplemental texts. The university I'm at is a liberal arts school, which could be why the program isn't as developed as, say, Carnegie Mellon's.

Yep can feel that especially at uni.
After 1.5 years in medIA degree (marketing), I sought out something that was more academic so it would apparently mean something.
Fuck no its the opposite.
"Higher learning" is just a meme which is a synonym for "self learning". At least the media shit had dedicated tutorials, workshops , seminars on course content, and not this: you rock up to "tutorials" that have little to no interaction between peers and shit all communication with the teacher faggot, that all isn't remotely related to the course other than shit u already should know like essay writing (in the 2nd year? Come on wtf lol).
This other course was online which had only assessment shit and didn't even have pre recorded lectures.
I get how it's my fault ultimately that I lost interest and subsequently gave no fucks; but still. No uni friends of mine, u'know those superficial virtue signaling douchebag faggots who don't clean up their kitchen messes and shit on the dorm floors couldn't understand my pov.
Australia m8.

requesting dogman comix

Why the fuck would I want to be a doctor?

Why do Americans like to larp about how the education of other countries is so much better?
It is stupidly expensive here though :^(

There's also too much creative freedom.
>tfw high school teachers would never grade based on spelling and grammar, only content.
>people who could barely construct an English sentence got A's.
I know they're trying to be easy on the ELL students but they're not gonna learn if you don't correct them.

That's weird that your high school teachers never graded based on grammar and spelling. Mine graded the honors/AP classes a bit more (probably because we're not expected to be absolute retards). Content was still more important but still. Anyway, people who have trouble with grammar and spelling don't produce good content anyway.

More importantly what kinda sped class did you go to for people who could barely construct a sentence to get As? Our teachers just gave them Cs to get them out lol

either that or get chinks to replace you

if this is real (it could be I experienced similar shit in school) I hope that the kid gets a small opportunity from people seeing this and maybe theyll read his comics
if its fake then fuck whoever faked it

>Actually telling someone that.
You need to go back.

>tfw high school teachers would never grade based on spelling and grammar, only content.
>people who could barely construct an English sentence got A's.

Teachers are not smart people. About 50% of aspiring teachers in the state of NY failed a basic English literacy test.

>Be me
>Studying at college for free
>I want to be a neet
>I can miss classes as much i want
>Some repercution, no more than paying for recuperation exams and shit like that
>Still poor af
>I realy want to end it off

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>wrote all over dog man
What a bitch

Education support worker from Australia here. Yeah thats really retarded of the school especially towards a 6 year old. Ive worked with troubled students and we encourage this behavior and link it to the work to get them movivated. Fucking burger 'schools'
>6 year old male kid pretends to cast a spell on another student
>gets a week long suspension

Why does everyone hate on America yet we are the best in everything and run the world. keep hating haters.

Not "yet", "because".

Ok trump. Go give another sand nigger country a death threat on twitter.

kek true dat

I'd rather be the country threatening sandniggers than the country being threatened BY sandniggers.

wtf i want to be a teacher now

The only reason the rich allow (that's right, allow) the poor to exist is so that the poor can slave away for the rich.

Once full automization is achieved 99% of the poor will have outlived their usefulness.

American education is designed solely to produce standardized test results so schools can get more money for sports teams. Americans don't learn how to think and reason, they just learn how to regurgitate and follow instructions to the letter like good worker drones.

it was a pretty liberal school, for better or worse. No actual honors classes, but students were still discreetly grouped. Hoes and jocks in one class, nerds and quiet girls in the other basically. Immigrant and ELL students were almost always put in the latter.
Nerds are probably better role models than soon to be welfare leechers I guess.
Not to mention, people using technology with auto-correct abilities all the time now. First 2 years I went to one school where we'd always at least do drafts on paper, if not the finished essay. I distinctly remember people improving pretty well, from middle-school tier to approaching first year college quality, both grammar and content wise. Went to a different tech focused school last 2 years where everything was done on computers, couldn't believe half of them even got that far.

Will the chinks get rid of the nigs and spics?

>tfw went to school in 80s and early 90s in four different states and it wasn't like this at all
Two of the classes I had to take in HS were critical thinking and debate. Also took a lot of writing and music electives, as well as some really fun shop and cooking classes. It was a shame to see the Asian factory school system come into vogue and wiped out an educational system that, while not perfect by any means, was capable of producing well-rounded functional adults.

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TFW i was a rational Questioner never jjust accepting what i was told.

Would get an arguments all the time with teachhers,

Would always be pro Hitler and pro nazis (im not white cuckold so it was not autistic or sperg like when i did it)

Would even argue against religion while i was religious.

TFw my parents never even made me like this it was just a natural gift,, given to me by seeing all the depressed and unappy teachers. YUP

I learned fast, that public education is OK in elementary school, but middle and high schhoool are a fucking joke and teach you nothing about life, like how to get an actual JJOB, JOB skills or even hhow to do your dammn taxes.

If i ever have kids ill homeschool em , and they can socialize withh other kids at the parks, or cummunity centers.

I mean just thhink about it you have all these teachers that hate teaching that are most likely sad and depressed there degree never really gave themm the job or Pay they wanted (notice how everwere no matter hhow shittty education is thhey strikkke for more money?) SO you have all these depressed miserable teachers telling kids bullshit like go to college for a jjob, because they are JADED that they were lied to and that they are in DEBT and making only 50k a year after having possibly spent 50-60k on their educatiion. And they are probably in debt for having bought a new car tinking "after tey graduated uni that they would get 100k starting out"

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>make funny little comics and exchange them with friends in 7th grade
>teachers see them and I get recommended for a psychological evaluation

My mom thought they were full of shit and didn't get me an evaluation lol. I probably would have been diagnosed with something then put on pills.