What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and were an average Chad?

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and were an average Chad?

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I would hunt down qt Arab women and fuck them. I only want to fuck qt Arab women

>Counter jooing Chad

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I'd still think that talking to people is a hassle. I'd be home all day, playing video games.

I am not a Chad tho. I just think Arab women are so sexy and hot, but i can never get one

i would mess with women in every way imaginable, string them along, date multiple of them with the express purpose of getting them fat for a feeding fetish and then dumping them once they're fat and gross, see how much actual abuse i could get away with with some of them. such power does not belong in my hands that's for sure.

Chads can easily fuck off tinder. They will fuck you based on looks alone

Dude you're browsing Jow Forums, of course you're chad ;)

Make a tinder account and fuck a bunch of random roasties.

Why, I'd attend church, of course.

if i were an average chad i wouldnt be me now would i? the question is: what would an average chad do if he woke up tomorrow and was an average chad?

I'd go anywhere there was a large amount of people and get groped by women as they pass by.

I would have sex with women

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Fug cute lolis

Average in looks (relative to higher level Chads) or in behavior?

You could probably move to Saudi Arabia and convert, don't they give you up to 4 wives?

Same as usual. I'm not a normalfag because of my mentality, not my body.

Thank whoever made this possible and start to pump and dump the women who didn't care about me up until now.

Burn the coal.
Pay the toll.


Both, they both matter.

I would hang out around robots and help them get girlfriends.
>not giving back to the community that made you

I would immediately start posting selfies of myself here with my gf and have her and me make fun of robots using our phones to ban-evade.

Use my looks and status to help other robots.

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Probably message a bunch of girls because I finally have self-confidence.

Be the same depressed piece of shit I am but physically attractive