
Truth on nofap?
I can't look it up because the only results are in forums and subreddits dedicated to nofap where the people are fanatics and super biased.
Currently on day 3, I feel the urge to fap and nothing else has changed in me.

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And here we go again.
What's porn? Actors fucking on camera or anything lewd, even drawings? Does all this mean fapping to your imagination is fine?

it's a cope for less attractive people.
No, you're not awkward because you fapped yesterday, you're awkward because you're a manlet with no jaw

Nofap cured my depression and anxiety

imagine having so low T that you reach dangerously low levels of it by just fapping

I did nofap for 6 months or so and all that happened was I cummed in my pants when I finally got with a girl.

Unless you're addicted, it's a meme. FORCING yourself to stop a habit is only a good thing if that habit is seriously interfering with your life. I tried nofap and nothing happened, but when I tried abstaining from videogames, social media and all the toxic habits that make me feel bad, I felt much better.
Another case in which abstaining is good is if the habit puts you on a weaker state. For example, an alcoholic shouldn't drink even a glass of wine (even though the glass itself won't do anything) because it will put him in a state where he's much more likely to give in to the addiction.
Deleting your ex's phone number is another example.

I think there's a correlation between "not masturbating" and "feeling good", but it's obviously the latter causing the former. When I'm content with my life, with people around me and a structure routine, I don't even THINK of masturbating.

if you want to try nofap for a week and relapse all 7days, that is addiction and you should fight it.
in any case, trying to get to at least 90 days is always a positive thing.

3 months in here. You should've done your kegels m9.

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