> wake up next to him
What do you tell your parents?
wake up next to him
I am not a pedophile he is 1000 years old!
Why the fuck did I feel love when I saw this gayass picure I'm not a fag ree.
that haru is a good boy and he dindunuffin hes my bf and u cant stop me MOM !
I don't tell them anything, I just pull Haru into a cuddle and go back to sleep
What series? Also just tell them I'm a faggot because there's really no getting around it at that point.
That I finally got laid. Even though I am not homosexual.
The question is, what do I tell his parents? Probably something like "I know you are worried about the age difference, but I really believe I can make user happy, at least as happy as he makes me. He is educated, funny, sweet, generous... makes me want to improve as a person as well as I try to do the same for him. Thank you for bringing this angel to the world."
probably nothing, dad might understand the need to fug a cute boy sometimes seeing as he's a massive closet homosexual
This thing literally looks like a girl. How is this gay
If boys were this cute in 3d I'd be gay. The reason there's so much weird hentai with people fucking planes or whatever is because anime can make anything cute.
Dont fall for the trap or gay meme, if you're attracted to men irl do whatever but dont let the gaynime influence you if you aren't otherwise a homo.
>he's a massive closet homosexual
how do you know that? found gay porno?
I pound his boipucci and make him swallow my seed afterwards, then tell my Dad that I guess I decided to be gay
guhhhhhhhhh just take me to an alternative world WHERE WE ALL JUST LOOK CUTE LIKE DIS AAAAAAAa
Found him looking through dick photos and manly guys wearing makeup and lipstick.
also saw the tabs on his computer once and he had some sort of dating site for bisexuals opened up in it, some shit called ''planet romeo''
I was actually disgusted as shit at first and it made me feel super bad for a while but I guess I came to terms with it now.
>"Moooooom! There's a homo in my room!"
>not so fast
>*sticks dick down your throat so you can't talk anymore*
>*pumps in your throat repeatedly*
Sorry mom, no grandkids for you.
If you're in this thread doesn't that make you also incidentally homo/bisexual and how do you feel about cute boys? Being the cute boy? Your father probably feels the same way.
He's waaay cuter and femenine than any women i've slept with
I mean, i'm a virgin but you know what i mean.
i was straight until i started browsing this board, now im more bi, i like cute ad feminine looking boys and i'd definitely fuck them, i probably also wouldn't mind being a cute boy but i don't really look like i would fit as one, if anything i'd be happier to just be a woman, no tranny shit included, but i usually think about how it would be cool to just change my gender to female out of nowhere instead of being a guy
>hey mom, dad, come meet my boyfriend
>ahah we always knew you were gay
>who's the big spoon?
imagine not having good parents in 2018 lul
>i thought you where a girl
my parents know how much of a drunk a am thanks to there bad parenting
>unsheathe cock from his ass
I have no idea how it got there.
not original
>dad's dead
>mom doesn't give a fuck what I do as long as I'm happy and healthy
>that includes fucking boys, committing genocide, or whatever
Figure I'd have languid morning sex with him before cooking breakfast together. Wonder if he'd like it if I jerked him off into our coffee?
Tell them that I confused him with Kagamine Len
Fuck him in the ass
Not original nice
Bumping for this original feeling.
>watch first ep
>his voice is annoying and unatural
>like a deeper guy intentionally trying to do a high-pitched voice
feels bad
What is this from? Spoon-feed me senpai, please
it's literally in the post I quoted, are you retarded?
That's how trannydom starts user. Just thinking about how much better it would be as a girl
-t tranny
im 23, never dated, never shown interest in either sex, and never really had friends for the full duration of my life (i had one dude who was around me for a week because of a school program that set highschool seniors with loser children).
The fact that i could bring anyone home would make my father jump with joy. The bar is set so low that in a very christian village within oklahoma that hates gays he tried to tell me to maybe extend my dating pool to men
>he stopped at tranny
i skipped that and just went full gay.
>no more women bitching
>husband and I dont always have to be together
>sex about 3 times a day minimum with us trading top/bot,frotting,69 and anything else we can think would just be fun
>he makes more money than me so i can just spend my money on shit like a home gym for us or things we need like food and lube
>no subtle bullsht like with women, if a problem is there we can just talk about it off the back instead of waiting months to get it out
i used to be some beta loser but then this board made me realize i could just ditch women entirely.
No, I just didn't read it. Thanks for the spoon feed!
Right there with you gaybro
>work job where I spend 3 days of the week working all night and sleeping all day
>independent enough to appreciate time alone, where it intensifies time together
He is the only thing I appreciate more than my time alone, but I can have both
>does a 360 backflip
>homo dick falls out of my mouth
>proceed to run to mom in super sonic speed
>its another "user sees a feminine drawn character with feminine features and thinks he's into men now"
look bucko, just because females and children/underdeveloped males have a lot in common does not make you gay
show me one (1) successful trap/femboy that stayed feminine to 30-35
Ask them to leave the room so I can fuck his bp.
That's what normies don't understand about being with another boy - it's soooooooooooo easy. And I don't men sex here. I mean, no weird female bullshit where everyday life is an intricate chess game of interpersonal relationships where nothing means what it seems on the surface and everything is a sly power play. When I get mad at him, I say something and we talk it out. When we say it's settled, it really is settled. When we decide to go somewhere, he doesn't make me wait 45 minutes before we get out the door. When he tells me "I love you", it's an expression of affection, not a weapon designed to manipulate me into doing what he wants me to. He's kind of quiet-natured, and we can cuddle or be in the car together and not say anything for a while, and it's fine.
And, of course, other things are easy too. Birthday shopping, for example. Got him a Leatherman so he'd quit borrowing mine all the time, and he loves it. Or deciding what to do - on a Saturday, we'll go out to the range and put a few holes in targets, then maybe work on his car a while, then make dinner on the grill, and cuddle and watch anime till we fall asleep.
It's pretty great desu, anons.
when science finds a way to keep femboys and twinks as soft and feminine as in animes all their life
then ill go gay
femboys and twinks age as well as roasties (like milk)
That would cause the coffee to splash, scolding his dick.
That kinda looks like my cousin, so i would ask my parents why my cousin (Who lives ~9000 km away from my house) was in my bed, and naked at that (we're in the middle of fucking winter here).
I mean, i don't mind him sleeping with me, but i would have appreciated being informed of it with some time.
Also, since he's not trembling and he has teary eyes, i guess that i cuddled with him in my sleep (i've done that before), so now his image of me is shit.
>looks like my cousin
ayo lemme @ that bp
this is what gets me every time. Its very simple and direct "i love you". The most it can be used to manipulate is just to get a kiss and a hug but outside that its always just a simple fact they wish to share with you.
If either of us want to fuck its just a question and if one of us doesn't we offer a handjob or a blowjob.
>bf isnt horny and is tired but knows im horny
>he just sits behind me and wrests his head on my neck so he can stroke me while resting
>i cum and without even a minor thought or trying to be lewd he just pulls all the cum to the top of my head and pulls it off to clean it and then swallows it off his hand before falling asleep
everything is very direct with no bullshit with the exception of a very serious issue such as how he felt when his father died and even that just took a couple hours of me holding him while we watched princess mononoke and a few other movies.
>>he just sits behind me and wrests his head on my neck so he can stroke me while resting
>>i cum and without even a minor thought or trying to be lewd he just pulls all the cum to the top of my head and pulls it off to clean it and then swallows it off his hand before falling asleep
Not gay, but it sounds amazing. tfw no small and submissive femboy to do this for me.
>Not gay, but it sounds amazing. tfw no small and submissive femboy to do this for me.
im about to ruin your fantasy by telling you he is one foot taller than i am and doesn't have a girlish feature on him.
though i do wish i was his black little femboy sometimes just so when he held me he would engulf me with his size.
Nah, It's ok. I have my very own fantasies. But I am happy for you.
Thanks user, i hope you find a woman/femboy/whatever that makes you happy and secure because you deserve it.
I don't live with my parents, but if a boy that cute liked me then I guess they'd find out eventually when we got married.
>I don't live with my parents, but if a boy that cute liked me then I guess they'd find out eventually when we got married.
Damn you are a top tier man
Its a shame that cute boys just don't seem to exist near me. I've scoured every dating app that exists. All I want is someone cute to cuddle with me all day long. Someone who is fine with just laying around and taking it easy. I'm so lonely r9k.
>similar situation just was a smol cuteboy all along
My parents are divorced so it'd have to be to one of them, my dad will probably understand because he probably noticed that I shave my legs and arms and the long hair might be suspicious...
Nothing. I aint sharing that prime boypussy.
Someone like that probably isn't on any dating app.
Y'all need fucking Spiderman
That is not a cute boy. That is just a female with small titties and short hair. Fuck you, anime, you ain't making me gay
Why would I tell my parents?
Gtfo of my thread, fags
i'd make fun of him for having weird fucking nipples
Where the fuck do I find small and cute shy boys?
I love you Spider-Man, fuck my boypussy.
I tell them that he's mine and I love him very much. They leave the room, and then make love to him from behind.
Only spidermen are allowed to hit this.
I'm a spiderboy uwu
Post spideys, then smash
Mom, dad, my friend is gay. I fuck him a lot, but thats not really your business.
Damn, you got me there.
Free the spidermen
Haha, you'll never get pics of me!
w-why do i want to put my pee pee in him
im not gay i swear
>draw a girl
>call it a guy
>trick some user into thinking he's gay
>user takes fucks guys or starts calling himself a girl
>user comes to the realization putting your penis in a warm hole feels good no matter what
Many such cases. Sad!
Spidey won't be saving you when you fall off of a building.
feed meh spidy memessssssssssssssss
Gimme spidy memes
>user comes to the realization putting your penis in a warm hole feels good no matter what
s-so it doesnt matter if its a boy or a girl as long as the hole is warm its okay? yay^^
outta here with that normie shit
Offer one of this to my new fren
None. We're only attracted to 2D traps but having a penis also makes it gay.
spidermeme spider memes
>imagine not further jacking him off and sucking it to relieve his pain
It's not gay to suck a cute twink off, so that.
that i was raped
What is the hardest part about rollerblading?
nigger if you want me to fuck manly dudes you can set a fucking example by spreading your boypussy(female) for some of our very own neckbeards
don't be that bitch, don't try to pawn the gorillas off on us while you get the kpop twinks, that shit ain't gonna fly
that goes for you too, spider retard
you don't get to keep tom holland and leave us with ron jeremy. that kind of shit ain't permitted.
underrated post
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Mom and dad staring at me through the door...
"What!? If I brought home the kind of girl I have a chance with you would stare even harder. This one is closet to female looking than they are. We are talking pure ones here. The bed would not be able to contain their flab and gore"