It's not women's fault if they don't want to have sex with you

It's not women's fault if they don't want to have sex with you

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It is if they are liberals who preach equality and universal acceptance. At least practice what you preach

Its always men's fault.

no, and it's not my fault either, it's unprecedented options thanks to the internet age skewing females sense of personal value causing them to overrate themselves and leave many more men rejected.

It's not my fault if I don't want to pay for dinner.

Neither is men's fault to be born without features considered "sexually" attractive.

So what are we doing from these both factual statements OP ?


What are these features? Unless you have an extreme deformity or severe mental illness you can easily enough find a girl who finds you attractive.

if it were easy there wouldn't be men without options.

>Unless you have an extreme deformity or severe mental illness you can easily enough find a girl who finds you attractive.

Is that really true anymore?

pic related.

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You know I don't think threads like this were that common a few years ago. Jow Forums has really, really gone down the shitter in the last year. Everything is normieposting and overt bait threads

No of course not. Women are not obligated to have sex with me, and I am not obligayed to wait for or settle down with them when they decide they want to, nor support them.

We are going to stop blaming women for our lack of sexual success

Nice cope buddy.

Who are these men and where are they? Why don't they have options?

Read the actual article and not a twitter troll graph. Studies show that incels are not growing in number, just the opposite.

because the internet isn't a boon for men like it is for women, and we cannot all get offers of sex and relationships at the mere mention of our gender.
>inb4 we all can improve
well that's not "easily" and how can you be sure all men can improve and women won't just make a new standard for ugly as if was never really even about the aesthetic at all?

>Who are these men and where are they?
I am one of them living in central Europe. Currently age 28. I'm average height, average weight, have a university degree (STEM lel) and a fairly well paying job. I work out and do sports, have friends and I am somewhat social. All women I've been interested in have turned me down, wanting to 'be just friends' and no women has ever shown interest in me. I acknowledge that I have an unattractive weirdly shaped face, female friends have rated me 4/10.

>Why don't they have options?
THIS has been the most central question in my life for the past years and I'd give anything for an answer.

the article does show incels growing in number though. what are you talking about?

you are just ugly, lost the genetic lottery, there's no point in trying really

>being able to instantly contact anyone in the world
>tons of dating sites and apps
How is the internet not a boon for men? You'd have to be retarded to believe otherwise.

ehehehohohahahehehaha you really don't know what it's like for us on those apps. tell you what, i challenge you to get a date using an ugly guy as your profile picture. prove what you claim.

You do have options, you simply have never tried. Do what everyone else around you does. They weren't given gfs without any effort, so don't expect to be a special snowflake and get a gf automatically. The internet makes finding girls easier than ever for example.

Everyone has options. Some just lie about it.

I challengr you to create a profile with your own picture. Then, once you get dates, what will you do when you realize you were wrong all along?

Here's your original (you), now fuck off.

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I am gonna step in and say that I know women. A lot of women. Romantically and just platonically. The internet for women is incomprehensible compared to what it's like for men. You cannot imagine it. You simply can't. I don't think any man could ever possibly envision how... amazing the internet is for women. Imagine if you had a machine where you could click TWO buttons and receive infinite, genuine praise and adoration with no effort at all. Imagine you could have THOUSANDS of men lining up to beg to sniff your farts and calling you a beautiful princess and offering to buy you things, even though you're a dumpy loser.

That's the internet for women. Men consider getting 100 matches on Tinder impressive. For women, that's one day of swiping.

>It's not women's fault if they don't want to have sex with you

This doesn't make sense. If they don't want to do X, it is their fault they don't want to do X. They made the decision. By definition the result of a decision you make is "your fault".

That said, my dislike of women isn't related to me. I can put myself outside of the picture, like I don't exist, and still find women terrible.

Not him, but I've been using Tinder for over 3 years, and I'm still a virgin at 28.
I'm not socially inept either. Only women get sex out of Tinder.

Wrong. REALLY high value men get sex out of Tinder. The "successful" male on Tinder has the following traits, according to studies:
>Lives alone
>Bit of a belly
>Huge cock
>Older than his female partners
If you don't meet these criteria, Tinder isn't for you. The belly thing isn't necessary but the rest are.

it's an involuntary reaction. like I'm guessing you don't want to bone hillary clinton or the queen. is that your fault?

Obviously. Otherwise women would have no one to sex in the first place, but that's a small minority of men.

I'm all of that except tall and only average cock

Yes, thats what fault means.

Have you even read my post? How do I have options when all the girls I actively try for, turn me down? What exactly makes you believe I never tried? I've been on dates and shit. Why would you think I believe that others are given gfs without trying? Why do you think I work out, try to earn money etc. ? Where exactly did I convey that I believe that I'm a special snowflake?

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The internet is full of 1/10 desperate fat neckbeards, pajeets, and thirsty betas who message all girls they find. What a surprise.

>Not tall with a big dick
Why even try on Tinder?

I'm a guy and have got sex off tinder. Multiple times. You are factually wrong.

How many matches? Dates? Post your profile so we can evaluate.

Because you can't tell those traits from pictures

>according to studies

Clearly you are doing something wrong because everyone else is getting girls easily.

You can tell height by proportions, and dick size is inferred. Women are brainlets who believe the hand size = dick size meme.

>Everyone else is getting girls easily
Maybe it's just where I live, but somehow most of the girls I know are in relationships while most of the men are single.

no it doesn't you strange individual. fault means you are to blame and therefore can only be applied to voluntary actions. when a woman looks at you and thinks "I'm not attracted to him" she has no choice in the matter

>How many matches?
Overall I'd say I had about 80 matches during those years. out of which 90% never talked to me. I don't understand what the point is of liking someone, if you're not going to talk to them.

I've had maybe a couple of semi dates.

I change my profile every week until I find something that works. Even when I do get a couple of matches, they either won't talk to me back or just stop mid conversation.
What am I supposed to do or say? I don't understand.

They're mostly just rude and entitled, so at this point I just troll them until they unmatch me. It's the only entertainment I get out of that shit app.

I have very long fingers, can palm a basketball, sooo

Thanks Sherlock, I know that already. And I spent the last 5 years contemplating what it could be that I'm doing wrong. Friends only tell me stuff by the likes of "you are a great guy, you'll find someone eventually and will make her happy", which is nice of them, but nothing to work with. But referring back to , there is a certain amount of men like me out there living normal lives besides the whole gf crap. Don't get me wrong, nobody owes me anything, but I just hate it when people on the Internet tell me I must be a retarded mentally ill 1/10 neckbeard with no life because otherwise they are unable to comprehend the fact that someone cannot get a gf. Some people just have bad luck and don't end up with a partner. It has been that way for ever. This is not because of feminism or the Internet or Tinder.

True, but after a certain point it becomes a problem. Consider if all men, en masse, decided to be celibate. Refused sex. They claimed it wasn't about women at all, there was no agenda, they just collectively felt better having no sex. Wouldn't women have some sort of legitimate argument against that? No one is entitled to sex is a decent enough belief, but at a certain point, the refusal becomes sinister or cruel. So at an individual and present-tense or single-use level it seems to make sense, but if you look at the bigger picture, there's a line after which it becomes wrong to withhold sex. We see this problem in marriage as well. Withholding sex entirely, or using it as a reward, is viewed rightly so as unhealthy to the relationship. So generally speaking, over time and over groups, withholding sex can be cruel, meaning morally wrong. So if you think of a robot's life, over time always being refused sex, there is a cruelty to that, don't you think? If the reason for the refusals is that he's a piece of shit, then I'd argue it isn't a moral wrong, but there's still a cruelty or pity to it. People do, in fact, owe each other sex, and more than that, we owe each other everything, since having a meaningful life means connecting with other people. Where the line is, when it's okay to be individualistic vs realistic, is hard to pin down, but it certainly is there. I wish someone in the msm made this argument

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How is that possible? Are there 3 times more men than women?

And it's not my fault if a woman falls into a lake and drowns.

Generally the average ratio of matches to dates is maybe around 20 to 1. Meaning that to get one date you will need something like 20 matches. It's a big numbers game for everyone. If you have had a few dates you are doing it right up to that point. Maybe you screw up your dates by being a sperg or boring, I don't know.

Define choice.
Define she.
You have zero philosophical backing to think that voluntary and involuntary are anything other than juridical terms applied so we can live in large clusters in cities without killing each other.
The result of a person's being, that is their "choices", are their fault. Its what fault means. Fault is stuff you are responsible for. You are responsible for the result of your actions. You are the actor that acted, and are at fault.

Not their fault either if they are animals bound by instinct making them want to die for chad's dick.

You also have a very effeminate personality, they can smell that.

I think it's more that women tend to jump from relationship to relationship with a minority of men. The 80/20 rule isn't a joke.


Not him, but it can depend on your profession and social circle. I studied and now work in software engineering which many of my friends (mostly whom I know from university) also do. Now a disproportional amount of people in that field are male, many of them single. The few girls I know typically have boyfriends from other professions. So as everyone only knows a limited amount of people an imbalance like that can occur. Overall, there is of course an equal amount of both men and women.

Trips of truth
Normies will keep making excuses as to why you're a virgin who can't get a gf, but sometimes life is just like that regardless of what kind of person you are.
You can't argue that a man owes a woman attention, being tall and strong and successful while at the same time saying that women owe men nothing. There's a certain level of negotiation happening within every social interaction.

The dates were awful desu
First one was a feminist, the second was just nast, I only went through it to get over the date anxiety

Dates in the 21st century are fucking bizarre and make no sense. You, the male, are apparently equal to the female or even lesser. However, you should pay for everything and not make ANY mistakes while she is permitted to spend the entire date on her phone, expecting you to act like a performer for her amusement. It's just awful.

You have any more straws to grasp at?

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You being clearly effeminate isn't really a straw grasp, it's very apparent.

>hurr durr just don't be boring
What do I have to do to not be boring? I guess being myself is not a good option at that point. But other than that? Is being a normal dude with some holiday trips abroad, some normal hobbies like playing football etc. considered boring nowadays?

Yes. Dude, you have to understand that a girl can access men you cannot even compete with at any time. She can open up Tinder and swipe on Fortune 500 playboys who have fucked thousands of women and probably been into space. Why should she settle for some "man" who plays sports and does gay boring shit like that? You need to be the most interesting man in the room to get a woman's attention, and guess what? The internet has made the room literally limitless. Hope you're gorgeous and rich, faggot.

Fuck that, I'll get a dog.

The 80/20 meme is a joke. Why is it still being spread?

Because empirical evidence prove it to be the case.

Because women do find 80% of men to be average or ugly. It has a basis in evidence.

Which is why internet is the great equalizer. If you are a software engineer you can easily reach out to all the single female nurses and teachers.

All you need is a big cock to have sex. I'm dumb and ugly and still get laid because of my abnormal girth

Do you just tell them about it?

Are you retarded? All the nurses are fucking the doctor Chads and all the teachers are fucking the gym teacher Chads.

I've never considered only dating really. Maybe that is because I'm relatively old fashioned and traditional and find online dating inherently dishonest, as the first hurdle is entirely based on looks. I believe that I have to be friends with someone to get to know them good enough before I can fall for them romantically. My colleagues who are in long term relationships or married have all confirmed to me that they have known their partners for a while beforehand, nobody picked up a girl or guy at a bar or club.

That being said, where I'm from, people are a lot more traditional than in the US.

>he thinks dating is a one-way thing
The internet has made the available girls limitless as well. You live in some weird feminist fantasy world.

meant 'online dating' in my first sentence ofc

People have asked for evidence thousands of times. Not once has anyone been able to provide it. I wonder why.

girls want to have sex with guys as much as guys want to have sex with girls.

>The internet has made the available girls limitless as wel
No it fucking well hasn't. It has made fat women available to men who are lazy but besides that? Nope. Try making a dating website profile for even an ugly/average girl and you will see what I mean. A chick I know got 1,500 likes in a single day on OKC or something, meanwhile a guy I know who is pretty dam handsome got about 50 after a month and considered that a resounding success.

Are you retarded? There are 10 times more females in those professions. How can they all have a bf?

This is such a dumb meme buzzword.

>Multiple women can't fuck the same guy
What the fuck is it with normalfags not comprehending this?

And I know a guy who fucks a different 10/10 every day from the internet. Meanwhile a chick I know never gets any hits.

See how you can claim anything with anecdotal evidence. The fact is, any man can easily reach attractive girls. It is a great time to be a single man.

>All women are a fine being part of a harem
Incels actually believe this. Just goes to show, being a brainlet is a requirement to be an incel.

>The fact is, any man can easily reach attractive girls

Go ahead. Do it, cunt. Right now. Make a dating profile on Tinder or OKC or POF. Use a somewhat attractive woman, or even an average woman. Then do the same with an average or even above average man.

He's talking out of his ass, dude. Otherwise normalfags wouldn't be depressed and suicidal in record numbers and completely detached from each other.

Lots of women are. That's just biology. Only 40% of men who ever lived reproduced, while the vast, vast majority of women reproduced. By this logic, yes, women are largely in harem situations throughout history and to the modern day.

>He's talking out of his ass
I know
Because if it was possible, there wouldn't be any virgin men in their 20s

The normalfag is a horrific beast. They insist on a just world fallacy until you prove you are good person, then they call you entitled for wanting more and tell you to do good for no reason besides doing good, while they themselves are slovenly fucking animals barely worth the air they breathe.

Traditional for me would mean that I value family above everything else, that I don't think men or women should engage in random hookups and be more reserved about their sexual partners. I also don't believe that you can truthfully fall in love every 6 month with a new person, this is something that can happen only a few times in your life. And I think it is dishonest and childish to engage in a relationship if I cannot imagine marrying that person in the end. Dunno if this is also traditional for you. Many of these things I viewed differently in my early 20s.

By not being a desperate sperg. And by playing the numbers game.

Women get flooded by uggos, pajeets, neckbeards. This is known.

Why are you lying? That meme is easily disproven.

Holy shit, why is this thread still here?
Bumping since you're all desperate ugly virgin incels with baby dicks and small stature.

Those are called volcels. And incels are a type of volcel.

Uhh, they're right here on Jow Forums dumbass.

Incels are like rabid dogs clawing angrily at anything that goes against their cult hivemind. Plus they are neets so they have a lot of free time.

any more reddit memes my brother?

How is an incel not a subtype of volcel? He abstains from sex because he does not want it.

i don't even know what that is, and I don't even care