How the fuck do I get started with cosplaying? /cgl/ doesn't look very helpful.
How the fuck do I get started with cosplaying? /cgl/ doesn't look very helpful
>be female
that's pretty much it the rest is easy doesn't matter if you're a fat sow who looks like shit or doesn't look anything like the character you are trying to cosplay as.
Now if you're a male well you should look like a super model and have the funds and means to look exactly like the character you are trying to cosplay as otherwise don't bother, Seriously don't you'll look creepy and weird.
Learn cosplay etiquette + convention rules (alot of guys forget to shower or put on deodorant so its fucking gross), its also helpful if you have a cosplay friend to go with you at cons, its easier to make more pals. Watch tutorials online, depending on what kind of craft you are seeking, like armour, that will need eva foam or worbla. Or sewing, thats self explanatory. Make up included!
Or take the easy way and buy the cosplay. I prefer to use Aliexpress or etsy because you can check which item is the most ordered and see if anyone has posted pictures and reviewed it. Etsy is great but the most expensive since its alot of handmade stuff. Ebay is either or hit and miss because you dont really know what you are getting
Cosplay is for anyone. Cosplay is for fun, for some its for business, for most its a hobby and it boosts up your confidence quite a bit.
If you can't cosplay because of what others think of you, that's just being a coward. I'm extremely skinny but I cosplay males and females.
>Cosplay is for anyone
No it's for those who can do it well or females.
You're androgynous and hot enough to be able to pass well enough as a female or male .
Wow you sir, are really ignorant. Anyone can cosplay regardless of how they look. Yes there are some cosplays that can look fucking shit to a degree, but atleast theyre having fun being themselves in public with other fucking nerds. Like, if you need validation from other nerds at a convention then thats just sad. Just be yourself and who cares about how you look. As long as they try its all good. Do you expect cosplayers to be fucking gods when they first start cosplaying? Of course not, it takes years of practice to get where they are now.
Surprise, I'm male. While I don't look like a super model, I'd say my body type could be decent for cosplaying female characters, except titcows obviously.
Thank you for the advice. I'm not the best at handicraft, so I may just buy something. The stuff on Etsy and Aliexpress looks decent.
Do you make your cosplay outfits yourself? What kinds of characters do you cosplay as?
>tfw no cosplay buddy
If you're too manly to be a trap, just cosplay as a super manly version of the character. There's nothing funnier than being a 6 foot hulking mass of muscle and magical girl.
>this is an asshole who wants you to fail
Yes! I do cosplay. I havent been able to make any cosplays lately but im planning to sew my first cosplay! Its going to be princess serenity from sailor moon. As for the other characters ive cosplayed as, it would be 2b, Shiro from ngnl and kotori minami.
user I love you already
Except people do care how you look and you should be ashamed of yourself for not caring how you look.
well then you are already a cut above the rest
>dont care how you look as long as you know you did your best.
Is what i mean
are u a grill?
pls be in
Yes im a grill but im in australia. Sorry to dissapoint.
Cool! What's your experience with conventions like? Do you get a lot of attention, or does everyone mostly mind their own business? Which major ones have you been to?
My experience with conventions so far are pretty great! Except for spending over 200 bucks on merchindise. So always watch how you spend your money.
And when i did my 2b cosplay the first time i got so much attention! Like it made me really happy. Alot of people asked how i could see through the mask, it was pretty difficult to see that i had to lift up the bottom on the mask when i was looking to buy stuff. I couldnt take it off btw because i was too lazy to put on makeup and lashes. The mask was the reason i walked into a pole later in the day too. But yeah,I think i got 12+ pictures in a day? You get the most attention when doing the popular cosplays of course.
And the biggest con ive been to is oz comic con brisbane. Would travel to sydney but i have no money.
Don't listen to the sad projector OP, most people who cosplay are going to costume up even if they're chunky or like a 4/10. Its about having fun and interacting with other people.
People dont give a shit about that so much as if you have a decent costume to show you tried. If you have a similar build to who you're going as, it nets bonus points but its not the end all be all. I'm far from some muscular dude but I knew how to play to my strengths, I had people lining up to take pictures with me which was a little awkward but flattering.
>tfw no australian cosplay gf
cosplay semi-nude characters
less fabric = easier
>on the Rei board
>posting fucking Asuka
Post your ass, thats what got you attention since thats all the characters for
Ehh, not really. I was more of a loli 2b. I dont really have curves.
you will 100% look like these higurashi guys
but rika will still get hit on by weeb chad (aka a based/bugman) and the guys get in the cringe comp
Post tummy then instead please
are you the person from omegle that likes to be raped?
No??? I have never used it. Well once but that was for my homestuck cosplay and i dont want to remember those days
>I'm extremely skinny but I cosplay males and females.
post pics, user
so we can uhh give you helpful critiques and definitely not fap
Can black guys cosplay as non black-characters. I feel like I'm totally left out of this
>inb4 barret, mr popo
Yeah, but people will always see you as black [character], not [character].
Like black Spike or black Guts.