How to treat incel scum.
How to treat incel scum
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>making someone smash their head into the pavement like that
Why are roasties such psychopaths? If this was on grass or something, maybe it would be a funny prank but what the fuck is she thinking? He could have died.
That kid is 11 years old tops and she just punched him in the gut for no reason, to say nothing of the possible concussion when his head hit pavement
How are females more empathetic, again? It always seems like women are the ones causing problems for people these days.
Meant head, but you get the point
they are literally without empathy. it serves no evolutionary purpose to someone with all their needs catered too like women.
My dad used to tell me that women are the literal cause for every war and conflict in human history. I wouldn't doubt it, he was an asshole, but he wasn't wrong.
Not every war, but a lot of them probably were. Some were waged by them, just look at Queen Victoria and her imperialism.
Females never were more empathetic, men just projected empathy onto woman because they wanted a woman who was empathetic.
She clearly done it on accident, she didn't think it trough, she probably just wanted to prank but didn't think about the dangerous consequences. Stop being angry incels.
So she's just retarded then?
yes, she's in fact a woman
Maybe they go back and forth, dunking on each other. That's what my siblings and I did, sometimes sustaining injuries on both sides.
If not
bullying your sibling is not cool
dumb whiteknight, leave my board right now.
God I want a girl to bully me like that. I'd cum instantly if she stepped on me afterwards and laughed.
>She clearly done it on accident, she didn't think it trough
which one was it?
an accident?
or retardation?
shut up, beta virgin
Women don't care what kind of harm is inflicted upon lesser men, they are disposable.
Lurker here. In Middleschool i did a simular prank on a friend. Didnt realize his head would land on pavement in front of him. We were on grass next to sidewalk. Mine was way more sinister tho still thought we'd laugh it off.
I stuck my jacket over him while his back was turned and pulled his legs in.
It was a prank for real tho. Didnt mean to crush his teeth
so you're a retard then
you're actually a retard for that
when men say women are "empathetic" what we really mean is irrational, stupid and easily swayed
You're a fucking retard. Compare it to the kid going "stohp it guys, stohp it immediately". then the kid gets punched in the face then starts screaming. It's funny have a laugh incel.
I agree, women are great
What the fuck are you even talking about you retarded moutbreather.
Findom was a mistake. Men should honestly be stopped from encouraging this shit.
it's only going to get worse form here
It has already gotten worse. The internet was a mistake.
I had to explain to a guy on discord why some guys shouldnt die virgins.
This is sick.
Normues deserve death
What's wrong with you, I'm not an incel, and women do cause tons of conflict and discord. There's evidence on this board of women causing problems.
You are retarded, I hope someone flying punches you in the back of the head at full speed australian style, you idiot.
I'm saying that just because its a girl kicking a guy as a joke doesn't mean it can't be funny.
Vid I was referring to
>literally shows the pathetic state of the modern man
>it's le wimminz feult
kill yourselves
>nearly ended up doing this for some woman
thank fuck I backed out what the fuck was I thinking
This IS worse, of all the nasty shit I've seen on the internet, I think "Findom" has to be the worst. It's pure evil. It is actually an evil act and I think it should be punished by law, but the law says they can do it so there's actually no stopping it. So really it's a non issue to me as it's not my money I'm wasting.
It's a 14 year old girl tops, if you think she doesn't have any concept of consequences because she is a girl and not because she is 14 years old you're a retard and should read more into development of children
>having a poor trip response
>not having strong legs to maintain balance
>not responding fast enough to move his left foot onto the pavement to maintain balance as he repositions his right leg to maintain his body's balance.
>laughing down at him after the damage is done
Thats a fucking kid. Lmao
TFW your not a white cuckold, so your parents and siblings all know that as a male you are never suppose to be a slave to a women.
Fuck white people, seriously all tese gay faggot loving S. O.. Y boys are the people whho think you fucking 115--17 yr olds is pedophilia, and fucking USED up whores who are taught to care about LOVE and sex by disney at te age of 6 is normal.
>older sibling being a cunt
nothing new here
It was just a joke. Please don't be autistic about it.
I'm not celibate and I don't believe she did that shit accidentally.
DICIPLINE, DICIPLINE AND DICIPLINE. Incels should be forced to some kind of an army camp to grow some spine.
Wow, just read my domestic equivalent to Jow Forums, and boy, is that place full of RETARDS who literally talk like retards. It must mean this place is full of similar retards, but it's just hard to say as it is not your first language that is being used.
People with about an IQ of 65-70:
Neither of these are funny, you sick normal fuck.
>read my stupid bullshit
stfu nigger go back to africa
Wow, it's good that you do not read your own bullshit. :)
holy shit what a punch
no, she wanted to witness drama so she caused one. this is a necessity in their daily lives.
This video is confusing to me since I've seen effeminate twinks get completely respected by guys and loved by women. I saw it back then and I still see it now.
You could even say they have it easier than masculine men. I know he's just a boy, but still, the same principle applies here.
Empathy is 100% a female trait.
Too bad it isn't present in today's roasties.
>how to treat bait-poster
Like how is findom even a fetish Jesus Christ, I wank my willy to femdom cuck porn but I can't understand findom. What next, getting off on throwing money in the trash?
children don't think consequences. nor does their parents.
God thats hot as fuck, truly the thinking robots fetish
>most obvious bait in history of bait
>Jow Forums still falls for it
This is why you're retarded incels.
She did it on impulse, not on accident. Those are two different things. She is not absolved of responsibility for her actions.
>actually fishing for replies on this fucking board
and here I thought I was a sad sack of shit for doing ERP
Yes please bully me
the kid hasn't even started puberty yet wtf lol
manlets are disposable
Women are the first to use sleeper holds and illegal shit because they are weaker so they play dirty
Not saying doing such thing on concrete was wise but he wasn't seriously hurt or anything and this girl isn't much older than him
angry virgins as always are overreacting
Why are Finns so into domination? Simo Hayha must cringe
>much bigger than him
>kid is clearly retarded
in literally what universe is this fair or funny? normalfags have no sympathy.
This is exactly how you make future school shooters. Retarded roasties.
it's how they make future femdom patricians
Wow, this place is really starting to get to my nerves. It's so full of all kinds of brainless filth whose place clearly is on the Death List. I mean, look at this fuckheaded cunt who thinks niggers deserve to die while he himself deserves to die, thinking that women should somehow look him up and settle with being inferior to him. And it's not just him, but about 70% of ALL 4channers who are filth like that. And 99,8% of poltards and 90% of r9kunts.
Not sure if this linking works, if not, I try again.
Let's try again:
tell it to the police bud
>Retarded roasties.
ALL FUCKHEADS calling women "roasties", "whores" or "sluts" WILL BE FUCKING BEHEADED. Makes about 99,5 of all r9kunts and 80% of ALL males population on Earth.
Start doing you final countdown already.
Still experimenting a bit.
Maybe you should have some of these "roasties" torture and kill those incels who use misogynistic language.
Will serve them right, and maybe finally- finally- men will respect women for once
Once more:
Yeah, it would be kind of easy to hire some attention seeker here to lure some of the worst incels to take part in some sort of a meeting and then just explode their heads into the thin air. It's just that you should actually pay for the said attention seeker to orchestrate the meeting and I do not have such money. Another possibility would be to infiltrate into some close knit incel community and then personally invite some of the worst dickheads to take part in some kind of a meeting and then explode their heads. That would require some acting skills though, that you could convince them of being an incel yourself.
But why though, what the fuck.
This is incredibly hot
She should spit on the sissy and strip him naked
"Everyone who says anything mean to a girl is an incel"
>be me
>reee on incels
>incels call me feminist betacuck
>reee on roasties
>roasties call me incel
>start a thread war
Look at all these plebeians.
Hot af desu
Girls at school used to bully me all the time but I was too short sighted to enjoy it back then. How naive I was.
>It's pure evil. It is actually an evil act and I think it should be punished by law,
You're joking right
Tbh you have to pretty disabled to smash your head after with jump that low even if you fall. Then again that's some shitkid normie who should get his head smashed just as much as the roastie
I find the incel thing really stupid and aggravating and I'm not incel myself
White women hold all the barbaric genes of the white race. Mix them out. Go black.
I'm tall and if I saw a foid doing this to a manlet I would probably get in trouble for assaulting this bitch after I helped the brobot up.
It would probably be worth it though.