Anyone have any genuine reason to? Or i'm just keeping my son with a foreskin.
Give me one reason to circumcise my son
if you're converting to judaism or ancient egyptian
fuck off normie, maybe fucking kill your son how bout that
i'm so sick of reddit fags go have sex with your wife or some shit
I can't because I personally like uncut dicks
if it's that important he can make his own decision later. makes no difference to circumcise at 18.
If you do it I'll kill you.
So everyone here is against circumcision?
circumcision is vile evil
i hate it when people downplay it as being "well it looks less natural" because there are so many more reasons why not to circumcize
There is no reason to, unless you relate to your son as if he's your slave (the historical context for circumcision). The "health benefits" cutfags like to promote are nothing.
Of course. Why give a surgery to a child for no reason?
I was actually trying out a new thread to spread awareness that circumcision is terrible. I didn't realize most people were against it here.
> it looks less natural
> to not artificially remove skin from someone
I would like to meet these people so I can kill them for being so retarded.
Agreed. Completely. Shits all fucked.
Only reason I can think of is to prevent the production of smegma, meaning less to clean. Of course, that's only if it's still above the head, it being cut below the underside of the head negates the whole point and is what kills the sensations felt.
Its a small risk, but if you don't want to risk it, don't do it.
Smegma is the reason intact penises are cleaner.
Smegma is a mucus, which helps keep the penis head clean and protect it from diseases.
Everything you said was bunk.
Let your son keep his foreskin, so that when he is having sex with ladies, he will feel a lot more sensation on his dick.
Yes. I had one for medical reasons.
No point if you don't need it
Go ahead if you want cause permanent psychological trauma by subjecting him to be cut without anesthesia.
And dont let rabbi suck the blood from the tip or your babyboy is gonna grow up with herpes or some shit, it has happened.
Nice lie
-Wright states that smegma is produced from minute microscopic protrusions of the mucosal surface of the foreskin and that living cells constantly grow towards the surface, undergo fatty degeneration, separate off, and form smegma.
-Smegma contains Cathepsin B, lysozymes,[9] chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase and cytokines, which aid the immune system
Literally from your link.
>Anyone have any genuine reason to?
Some health benefits and increased resistance to disease. As well as cultural benefits (I assume you're 'Murican), and better hygiene. But the effects between foreskin and lackthereof are meagre and mild, that keeping/removing it has never been pressing.
Though if you do want snip-snip your son, it's much safer to get it while he's a newborn than when he's older.
l2read you fuckin idiot lmao
>Smegma is the reason intact penises are cleaner.
>Smegma is a mucus, which helps keep the penis head clean and protect it from diseases.
Definitely one of the least true things I've read on here in a while. Congrats.
Theres literally no reason other than if they have a incredibly rare form of penial cancer.
I would be, if it weren't for the blatant racism and alt-right shenanigans stanking up the anti-circumcision movements (at least here in the States).
penises look like circumcised ones anyone if you pull back the skin when you shower like you're supposed to
OP, do not believe this guy. It's more painful and harmful to do it when he's an infant.
1. Your baby shits in a diaper, which can cause infection if it gets into the circumcision wound.
2. Babies naturally have phimosis until around early puberty, making it more painful to remove.
3. Adults can properly be put under anesthesia, which is always risky to do with younger bodies.
4. Adults can rationalize their pain. Babies have no fucking clue why they are in extreme pain.
5. Infancy is the most fragile and important time for brain development. This is the worst time to experience pain.
Babies are going through that pain and adults are angry they are cut, and you're more concerned with looking racist?
Wrong. But anyways, Try reading this:
>it's much safer to get it while he's a newborn than when he's older.
It is cleaner to circumcise it, but it's really just a matter of fucking washing it properly in the shower or something, it's not worth chopping bits of skin over. Especially when that skin contains a large portion of the nerve-endings in the penis.
I don't see a reason you wouldn't keep it as it is, especially in a country with modern hygiene. At least if you leave it, your son can chop it later if he feels it's really necessary.
>Babies are going through that pain and adults are angry they are cut
Nice propagation.
>and you're more concerned with looking racist?
When it's as bad, and as appropriated, by alt-right movements, that's actually quite a detriment.
That's actually kind of true because procedures done on sensitive areas as an adult has an increased risk of permanence, where having it done at a younger age has a likelier chance to heal. You'll notice that cuts and scars in adulthood don't heal as well as in childhood.
Everyone should read this.
Not only it happened because of botched circumcision but the stuff afterwards (s)he was subjected to.
It is just plain vile.
I usually prefer circumcised penises because they look much better, and are typically cleaner (I don't know why -- but most men I've met seem rather careless with their hygiene). But that's really it. Whether or not I have my baby circumcised would depend more on the father than me.
How is it cleaner to remove the protective covering? What do you think a foreskin does?
It also keeps it clean.
Give him the autonomy to make the decision himself if he wishes to get circumcised later in life. It is genuinely a needless health risk to perform surgery on a healthy infant which can result in a range of permanent life altering complications.
No it doesn't. Just gives it protective covering. But having any folds of skin scrunched into themselves for periods of time makes them a breeding ground for bacteria (among other things). You see the same things in your pits, toes, between the thighs, even your ass crack if you don't practise hygiene well enough,
if there's no medical reason to you shouldn't
t. libtard bernie/shillary voter
Then teach about basic hygiene jesus christ.
Circumcision is literally not needed for men who dont suffer from extreme phimosis.
That's missing the point. The fact you have the risk of bacterial issues at all, even if you practise hygiene well, is still a disadvantage.
You realise that the body is generally pretty much okay with those bacteria, right? We've actually evolved a symbiotic relationship with our dermal flora and the irony of the typical American levels of obsessive germophobic behaviour is that it actively undermines this relationship. This causes you to smell worse and to be more at risk of infection and disease because it allows all the wrong bacteria to flourish in the ecological vacuum caused by obsessive hygiene regimens.
What do you think the foreskin is there for?
You act like you're educated, then you say stupid shit like it's a useless flap of skin.
It's literally protecting your tip when you are soft.
It literally helps the penis glide into the vagina.
Nobody has bacterial issues in their foreskin in Europe. It's not a reason to experience pain as a baby.
>You realise that the body is generally pretty much okay with those bacteria, right?
You wouldn't be having significant effects of the bacteria in the first place, if that were true. And bacterial growth on the body, especially a keen and sensitive organ, is never a good thing.
>We've actually evolved a symbiotic relationship with our dermal flora and the irony of the typical American levels of obsessive germophobic behaviour is that it actively undermines this relationship. This causes you to smell worse and to be more at risk of infection and disease because it allows all the wrong bacteria to flourish in the ecological vacuum caused by obsessive hygiene regimens.
Complete fallacy and error in syntax.
Smallest cut can be infected by bacteria.
Better hide those knives and scissors and anything sharp as well.
You are subjecting yourself to bacteria daily no matter what you do.
>I usually prefer circumcised penises because they look much better
something I'll never understand... what looks better? the dry and beat up head? the complete lack of inner skin for the worst cases? the disgusting one inch thick ring of scar tissue? the skin bridges?
It's the scar... it must be the scar!
>bacterial growth on the body, especially a keen and sensitive organ, is never a good thing.
You're permanently covered in bacteria all the time.
>What do you think the foreskin is there for?
Protection + evolutionary leftover.
>You act like you're educated, then you say stupid shit like it's a useless flap of skin.
Ad hominem.
>It's literally protecting your tip when you are soft.
Repetitive rhetoric.
>It literally helps the penis glide into the vagina.
The foreskin, or lackthereof, actually has no effect on that.
>Nobody has bacterial issues in their foreskin in Europe.
Because Europeans actually have a modernised view on hygiene, plus a better healthcare system and education.
>It's not a reason to experience pain as a baby.
Most medical procedures for children are painful (booster shots and vaccines). That's also just propagating an innocent's trauma to front your own argument.
>Smallest cut can be infected by bacteria.
>Better hide those knives and scissors and anything sharp as well.
We do prevent ourselves from harm such objects because cuts and possible infections. That's one of the common reasons to keep yourself safe. :/
It just looks a lot cleaner to me. Foreskins, even erect, don't. And sometimes look diseased or like it's been out in the air too many times. The way the skin folds up and shrinks has just always been settling. And those white crusts and goo around the head have never made me comfortable.
A circumcised penis at least looks about as clean as everywhere else on the body. An uncircumcised penis just, well, looks too much like the type of body part you would keep hidden everyday.
I don't think I've ever noticed any scars on circumcised penises. I don't even know what they look like.
And if you don't wash them regularly enough, they slowly become a health detriment.
Having a foreskin has an increased risk of cancer, STIs, inflammation, frenulum issues, and potential birth defects in that area. But those are kind of rare.
If health care ever fails or he finds himself in the 3rd world he's low risk on infection and slightly less likely to get certain STDs. But if he's going to be living in the 1st world till he dies there's no benifit.
U want your son to get smegma or sumthing?
I love watching the dudes trying to validate their mutilated dick
fills me with joy
one reason would be if you hate him.
Smegma is better than no smegma.
Yes I do.
I'm not an idiot.
Check here:
-Smegma contains Cathepsin B, lysozymes,[9] chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase and cytokines, which aid the immune system
That's only if the smegma in question is fresh. But if allowed to stay for a while, it produces detriments to the penile gland.
Fresh Smegma is better than not producing any at all.
Bad, stale smegma can be so detrimental and damaging to your health, you might as well not have a dick at all.
If you have good hygiene, then it's better to have smegma to begin.
Don't fucking do it. Jewish media and other shit will encourage you to circumcise him. But do not. He will probably fucking hate you when he will grow older.
Lmao. I know that i as a uncut normal human. Would forever hate my parents if they did this to me. Maybe all these incel women hating fags. Are all mutilated freaks raised by single momd