I train because I refuse to be a soft ambassador of this Age of Atrophy. And I refuse to be shuffling, slobbering, potato chip gobbling evidence of modern decay.
I don't train to be 'fit enough' for the modern world, or to gain the esteem of the average modern man. I train because somewhere in my DNA there's a memory of a more ferocious world, a world where men could become what they are and reach the most terrifyingly magnificent state of their nature.
I don't train to impress the majority of modern slobs. I train to be worthy enough to carry water for my barbarian fathers and to be worthy of the company of men most like them alive today.
Honor is a higher reason to train, a higher cause, a motivation above and beyond the routine and mundane. It's a better reason to keep going to the gym than mere narcissism or the fear of immoblity, impotence and death
I train because I refuse to be a soft ambassador of this Age of Atrophy. And I refuse to be shuffling, slobbering...
Other urls found in this thread:
made this rune out of twigs and threads a while ago, part of my DIY decor.
full support with your training, bro.
>tips hat, m’lady
Ouch kiddo dont cut yourself on all that edge.
Based and redpilled.
One day this degenerate world will fall and strong, beautiful people will once again rise from the ashes.
what does this symbol do or mean?
Its the Odalrune, SS used it and nowadays its most famously used by neonazis who don´t want to be found out and refrain from using the swastika.
Wikipedia says that "Odal" could be a predecessor to the german word "Adel" (nobility) however no one knows exactly what it means. Apparently its also translated as "heritage"
Also the SS used it
Unironically based and redpilled as fuck. I work out for similar reasons.
Based and redpilled
Learn to read holy fuck
>gran autismo
While not false, this post makes it look like something inherently associated with the political right while it's not. The Odal rune is a rune in both the Elder and the Younger Futhark, the Germanic alphabet. In a way, it's literally just an "O" character. Runes, however, also have/had a spiritual meaning, use in magic etc. and Odal means heritage\ancestry\ancestral homeland etc.
>doesn't want to be part of modern decay
>is a fascist
>trains due to a noble savage ancestor fantasy
>doesn't believe that he's training for narcissism
There's no honor in larping like this.
Keep striving brother. You are not alone on this journey, many others like you walk this earth ready for the coming storm.
Cool story, bro
Are you a fat feminist?
>fascist has to imagine that anyone who disagrees is a fat feminist
>fat feminist has to imagine that anyone who disagrees is a fascist
the absolute fucking state of ideologues
How is that edge? Not our fault you come from a shitty heritage of sheep herders and farmers. Fucking peacelet, when will they learn
imagine being such a larper that you believe your ancestors were actual barbarians and didn't participate in civilization at all.
Based and redpilled. I work out for similar reasons, except that I prepare to murder Leftists as well.
It's edgy because you worship a single facet (barbarity) of the lifestyles and beliefs of the men you so admire, while most likely having little to no actual understanding of what they were truly like.
Even Varg agrees with this
Post body
Hey OP I think you clicked on the wrong browser tab, this is Jow Forums not your private blog.
What a beta loser lmao
I'm a NEET for all the same reasons
I know that feel, but this is not the right place to post this shit. Seek out a right-wing pagan twitter bubble like the ecogang
ITT: virgin losers larping their lives away. Right wing version of gang weed.
Hail Odin!
In all things, remember the heroic virtues. Athleticism, religion, desire, skill, wisdom and courage.
>arrruufggg!!!! I train to be ferocious arggfhbb!!!!
>Drives to gym in air conditioned car, lifts perfectly balanced weights carefully up and down in a straight line to avoid injury inside an air conditioned building listening to top 40
>Arrrghhh I am A FEROCIOUS MAN
Söyboy COPE
>Being realistic about lifting weights not making you a warrior is a cope
Delusional cope
Why does it make non-whites so angry when white people look to their ancestors for inspiration?
Because their ancestors lived in mud huts
Hear hear.
cuz their ancestors were swinging around on trees
And some people's ancestors swung on trees longer than others...
Because white people literally presided over the whole world and split the atom in half when they truly got pissed so now white nationalism is defamed thanks to facists in the 20th century.
It's not our possible failure and weakness that frightens us and others, but our potential. The previous quote applies to every single race and demographic out there.
Based, redpilled, and woke. I respect this thread.
>split the atom
To be fair that was mostly Jews
Not sure if you're just meme'ing, but if not I legit respect that OP and I hope it isn't something that time strips from you.
Isn't this off some OPWW insta post? Sounds farmiliar
Any other good rw pagan handles to know about? Mite b a good time for me to redownload twitter.
Good for you bud
Lifters RISE UP
based and redpilled
>right-wing pagan
Miss me with that gay shit
Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
>Miss me with that gay shit
Cringe and bluepilled
Lmao at you mongs who larp as barbarians and bronze age warriors just because you spend 1-2 hours in the gym 3-6 days a week
Miss me with that nigger speak, white boy.
Please don't make fun of Op guys he has autism
that's cringe collection shit
what are you, 12?
I support this 100% and showed it to my Kindred here in Vegas. Some of us train together. This is good shit.
Unironically lifting for the race war here. 14
And what are you doing?
Good, reject this modernity and degeneracy, if the rest of the world wants to rot that’s fine, but I train so my 1 year old son is the first of many and grows up to be a strong, honest white man in a growing sea of faggots and bugmen
Your forefathers were probably malnourished peassants in some rural backwater european village
>I do not train for mere narcissism
The only true thing you said. You train for extreme narcissism, to flesh out your fantasy LARP barbarian heritage that lets you feel special and cope with whatever poverty-tier job you undoubtedly work. If you were to recite your faggy speech for anyone to hear you'd get mocked harder than that weedy retard every high school has who made up his own Tragic Backstory(tm) about being a fucking ninja or something.
Lol. Fucking REKT
>pictures of greek and cimmerian warriors
>my ancestors
>implying the original poster is anywhere close to a white man and not a mutt larping
I fucking despise you dramatic romanticising esoteric meatheads.
I train for the sake of Allah (The Mighty and Sublime) in order to defend the Ummah.
fucking hell those accounts are retarded and post nothing related to paganism at all
>people fighting for ((((European)))) values
ignore the other meme answers
basically it means
"i hate people who are not white"
> has never engaged in physical combat in his life
The only acceptable White people are Whites from the Caucasus
>Neckbeard pipe dreams, 4 panel cringe edition
The only thing worse than fatties is you wannabe cultural warriors who have wet dreams about trad girls and Virginity. Lol go ahead and sell me that phone plan fuck boy
good LARP thread, /po/tard. im sure in 5 years after failing on your diet multiple times you'll finally be down to 275
Macha'Allah brother.
The only two girlfriends i have had have both been virgins
keep coping jamal, you only get the used up, fat, ugly roast beef whores lmao
>coping the cope with the other dude's cope
Cope cope
what a fag
It's originally Jack Donovan's
I hope OP isn't fucking around because I 100% agree.
>worshiping the 'king of the jews'
what does miss me even mean
Holy shit. I have the same belt except black
OP here. I'm not 100% white and I also see how people think this shit is cringey but it's way more interesting than you fags worrying about non-existent gyno, goal bodies, endless current body threads, and high test threads.
it doesn't
The Spirit of the Bronze Age returns! Throw off the shackles of this bug-world and return to the roots of Aryan Man--barbarism, freedom, conquest, war!
Bless u, who [vitalist] up in here?
Based. I'm sorry that your thread is full of normalfags who want to become pic related, who attack anything or anyone that threatens their comfort and decadent way of life. Fuck them.
Lifting for the volk.
I support your message and wish you luck but try sounding like less of a faggot
Not reading that shit lol
These comments are the ones that give me hope for you Jow Forums
Icelander here. No it doesn't you American faggot. Go back to watching Thor.