Experiences with Muslims?
Experiences with Muslims?
Biggest hypocrites on the planet, break every rule and don't give shit but for some reason insist on saying they're still Muslims.
I hear about them on the news.
>News: Islam is a peaceful religion
>News Update: Terrorists kill 300 people, unknown motivation
>News Update Update: One of the suspects is "Akbar Muhammad", known community hero
Really makes you think.
Have three Muslim mates at uni
All very sound people, 3 is a small sample size of course
fpbp, any of them that I've know have always gambled, drank and eat pork, but when enough of them get together they chimp out when they see anyone else other than them do that.
Only had one Muslim friend in my life, from my neighborhood, we used to chill and smoke weed together, pretty cool dude overall.
I've seen some but never spoken to one knowingly, I live in England
Every muslim I've met has been really nice, I even visited Jordan a while back. Although the last muslim I met was a huge faggot, he drank and smoked and called me a faggot behind my back because I some girl he was hitting on was more into me. But more bad than good, I think the muslim faith isn't bad, just needs some kinks worked out.
more good than bad, fuck
Im a muslim. Ama. Dont copy paste verses from the quran please im not in the mood.
met and was friends with a few muslims in college. i remember one was from islamabad pakistan, another was from egypt. they were both pretty cool dudes, the guy from pakistan would get drunk and high with me despite it being against his religion. they both had a pretty secular mindset but were still very conservative in some respects (no tolerance for thots, for example). wish i was still in touch with them.
Approached a Muslima sitting alone at work.asked her about fasting. She told me to sit down and then explained her holiday. She was a really hilarious girl and it was the best conversation I've ever had in my life. Never saw her again tho
Arab ones are inbred chimps. Not been around ones from elsewhere but they're all fucked up in one way or another given their biology.
i was best friends with two super rich muslims in college. One from dubai and one from bahrain
Thy were both genuinely cool guys and good friends. The bahraini got addicted to cocaine and when i say that i mean he spent at least $100 a day on cocaine, it was getting fucking nuts and we kinda drifted apart because of that, i wasn't into coke THAt much. It ruined him and after crashing a new car and failing classes his parents brought him back. He couldn't get laid to save his life
Friend from dubai. Genuinely good guy, stayed away from hard drugs, just smoked this arabic tobacco and weed like a madman. Never really tried to get laid but liked girls, i brought them around (he had a penthouse and two cars so it was easy). He was a really great friend and is now back working for his father's company in Dubai(big ass company, really cool. If it wasn't in the mideast i'd ask him for a job) Hope i get to see him again someday.
Both were good people although once the bahrani became addicted to cocaine he turned into a piece of shit. A girl from bahrain with a brother flew over and for some reason she was allowed to hang out alone with him. he brought me over and made her come out of the bedroom. She wouldn;t take her hijab off and he grabbed her and legit was about to beat this girl tll i aggressively told him not to and to just let her go back to the room. Was extremely uncomfortable
lots of arabs went to my school in boston, saudis lived in the ritz cuz their government gave them the most money to go to school in te us. Most of them seemed pretty douchey, all piss away money in the club. Just udly losers with a lot of money
I've only ever personally known a Malaysian and Afghan Muslim and they were alright , although they weren't very religious
neighbors are muslim
if they would stop speaking gobldeegoop i'd like them more but they fly an american flag out front so they're cool in my book
So basically muslims are like normal humans? Ok cool
The rest of gulf Arabs all hate Saudis. They think they are retards.
Very Smelly and Obnoxious also not very smart.
obviously. their government is corrupt and the only reason their shitty country is still intact is because of oil.
I knew one in college, an Iranian. Once, at a party, he was drunk as fuck and wanted to drive home. A white girl tried to stop him, and he, of course, punched the stupid infidel wench in the jaw, knocking her down, and drove off. Judging from that and the other posts here, I don't think they can handle freedom very well.
As a Muslim myself, I'd say some are just rude, mean, faggotry-attitude like but some are just cool and nice to talk or be with. I'd consider myself as both.
Please don't attack me I don't blow up things, I don't kill anything just your friendly neighbourhood Muslim
Every Iranian I have met has been really chill and friendly. They are much more secular than Arabs. That guy sounds like a huge douchebag.
>Be me
>Playing with my little brother on the beach
>He gets pushed over by a muslim bitch
>He comes to me crying and seeking my help
>Fight the nigger muslim
>Pin her to the ground after a short fight
>Parents come over and pull us apart
>mfw, my parents where proud at me for helping my little brother
Being "religious" is a very broad statement in the muslim world
They're like what christians were probably like 100-150 years ago. Very backward.
Most of the ones who practice don't believe in evolution at all and think that neaderthals and homo erectus aren't related to human beings at all.
They also believe that the quran is a source of scientific miracles and believe that when a baby is formed in the womb, the bones are created first then the flesh because that's what it says in the quran. In reality the tissues differentiate simultaneously.
On average they have have a low Iq of around 90 because of hundreds of years of first cousin marriages. this also causes them to much more frequently have birth defects.
I've talked to hundreds of muslims online and in real life and they are very detrimental to the health of european countries. They do not assimilate and have broad hatred and revulsion for the western way of life and culture and legal system. They're a threat to our democracy and way of life.
The only major exception to these things are non-practicing or 'cultural muslims' who call themselves muslim because their family is muslim but don't much think about it. They will go along with the crowd either way.
Is this a Jow Forums copypasta?
No. Good to see that you can't challenge or refute any of my claims.
Calling bullshit on you having spoken to hundreds of muslims.
I have. In both real life and online. on about a dozen occasions I've gone to a place called speaker's corner in london where on sundays people publicly give speeches and have debates and arguments on different topics (mostly politics and religion) , and in the last couple of decades the space has become about 70% muslim and most of the debates and speeches are about religion. There are actually videos of me online where muslims have recorded my discussions and arguments with them.
Anyway each time I've gone I've watched or taken part in many conversations and arguments and it is as I've described.
Here are some videos that will give you a flavour of how muslims, most of whom have either lived their entire lives in the UK or most of their lives, think and what they genuinely believe.
crowds of muslims support the idea that when muhammad had sex with a 9 year old child bride, she was ready to have sex and it is totally ok.
crowd of muslims deny that humans evolved
Basically half my town (20k people) are Muslims, 99% of them are aggressive, retarded, criminal or something similar to that, from the hundreds of Muslims I've got to know during my life literally 2 were alright. I live in Germany btw
I bet the egyptian was a massive faggot
My parents. They're alright folks, never give me any trouble and they gave me everything I wanted growing up. I avoid the subject of religion because they turn into retarded loons whenever it comes up.
Im egyptian and ive lived in saudi arabia for 9 years, my dad is a surgeon and he worked there for 16 years total.
They have amazing facilities and their hospitals are on a higher level than most american/euro hospitals. Then again, 75% of my dad's coworkers werent saudi.
Nowadays they started kicking out foreigners to increase saudi employees.
In all my years there, ive known that they are all lazy spoilt retards, only a select few are good people
Here comes the conspiracyfag!
Are you that retarded neonazi neet who posts his bullshit on Jow Forums all day long?
Bullshit, what town?
Arabs, Afghans, Somalis etc are all complete savages, get the fuck out of my country and take your shitty desert ideology with you, disgusting subhumans
Never met one till I was 18 and moved to the west for Uni. No noticeable difference between them and the rest of the westerners I met. Sample size is pretty low and the relationships were fairly superficial though.
If they could stop breeding like fucking rabbits and killing our people that would be nice.
Most of the south has turned into a third world shithole thanks to those fuckers
knew of a girl in High School with one of the head scarves (don't know which variant it was but she was from Morocco) she seemed nice
My Texas city is pretty touristy so you'll see a bunch of upper middle class Muslim tourists in malls and such
The one group of people I would exterminate, niggers don't even compare. Blacks are aggressive, but Muslims are dangerous.
This thread is full of jewish psyops. Trying to distract people away from the truly evil people who want to destroy the white race.
broder what is ur opinion om zair naik?
>>peaceful religion
>>rapes goats / women because no decency
>>Afghanistan is majority Muslim and widely known for heroin and bomb manufacturing
/11 - muslims were rejoiced
>>enforcing sharia law and causing conflict
>>cucking the 'pure nordic swedes'
>>rely on pity and charitable donations - later used to fund ISIS and other terrorist organisations
>>want to invade Britain and other western countries and fill them with their degenerate ideology
>>Sadiq khan is a paki cunt who only got elected for being a muslim RAPEugee
>I've had very bad experiences with muslims to say the least OP
Lads who do we put up with their stupid and barbaric shit anymore? they're just street shitters
He says a few things that make sense and a whole lot that sounds retarded and terroristic.
Never met any who aren't nice people
personally no but my mum worked in a large factory like deli a while back and said there was a lot there and there was one who was very nice to her because my mum would bring food and what not and she's one of the most caring people i've ever know if not the most. Anyway she never seemed to have a problem with any of them but one night the one she befriended said to be careful with some of the other, they're not so nice. She left a couple weeks later and just said it was because she got offered an old role as a bank manager so yeah. very interesting.
It's hard to say since I am a muslim myself
I've made a thread detailing some experiences.
enjoy lads
thanks mate i used some of the vids in my thread for experiences.
Killed 2 in Iraq and 4 in Afgh would like them all to burn in fire
I have several Muslims friends. None of the think they are privellegd they are normal people unlike africans
I have one muslim coworker and I absolutely love him. When he is around work is so much fun because he is always happy and joking around. In my city there are quite many refugees but I never had a bad experience at all.
pakistanis are the worst muslims. They aren't brutal and blunt forced like somalis but they're snake like, they weasel their way out of everything. They lie more than they tell the truth.
Afghans and somalis are the worst muslims. Also the chav class of moroccans.
>Experiences with Muslims?
no why bro just no