Hey user, what's happening. If you could just stop making "fembot" threads, that'd be great.
Hey user, what's happening. If you could just stop making "fembot" threads, that'd be great.
hahaha teeeheee pffff
This is the perfect edit. Thank you for sharing this with me, user.
People are desperate
>tfw no bf
>lonely and depressed
>secretly hoping desperate robots start talking to me so I can feel appreciated
That's how it works. Femanons who want attention just need a couple of simple words
t. femanon
Man I wish it were that simple in real life. Getting a woman to even look at me when I talk is like herding a cat in an open field into a small box. You're right about the desperate thing, a lot of robots are desperate.
Are you a femanon? Please be my girlfriend.
do you have kik/discord or anything? serious
I hate the fact that we, as a society, are hypocritical enough to say looks don't matter. Bullshit. Usually I dress pretty casually but the other day I chose a more revealing outfit. Not anything promiscuous, but I wore high heels and a skirt, as a social experiment. People just treated me nicely. Smiled more often and were generally kinder. There was this one dude at a store that gave me some free stuff for my "niceness". I call bullshit. Fucking hypocrites.
Point is: that's just how the world works. Attractive people get everything they want, others not so much
See? Desperate people.
Please find a real girl that deserves you. You are good enough. Sometimes I feel like you forget or are too scared to see it
wowzers that's sad
Consistency is important.
Thank you for fixing it, user. I didn't want to belittle user's hard work.
fuck you then you stupid cunt
youre just like all the other cunts from highschool
thank you for correcting my laziness, won't happen again boss
Devilish numbers user
>Tfw we all become productive wagies as a meme
>Tfw fresco was created by corporations to create more wagies
Whoever thought of it will probably not get a raise for their hard work!
Maybe if you stopped calling people cunts when you don't get your way, you'd get somewhere in life m8.
fresco is pretty popular on 2ch right now
2chan (futaba) not 2ch
Good work, user. Sorry your department isn't doing too well. You better put in more hours, or the company might just accidentally cut you!
Hey This user has a point. No one is entitled to anything. Work for it, just like everyone else.