Can this book fix my life or is it full of shit?
Can this book fix my life or is it full of shit?
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It is full of shit, but it also might fix your life
During the resurrection of Jesus, a giant earthquake split a temple on half and hordes of zombies rose from the ground and talked to other villagers. This is in I believe Matthews account of the resurrection. My point is, do you want to take advice from a book that says this literally happened?
It make you get a JOB
It might if you take it for what it is. After all it's just a compilation of ancient fairy tales. Just don't go all religious on it.
I would just read the teachings of Jesus and not bother with the rest if you're just gonna skim it.
It's not a magical fix if that's what your asking. To fix your life is to change the river's course.
Nothing in it is helpful and it's boring as fuck to read. Don't waste your time.
the ancient civilizations figured out how to make rivers go where they wanted though
with great effort
if you want to life a lie than do it, but its full of shit and a average human mind just know it
Read it, have faith and leave this place.
You can take what you need from it, and perhaps fix your life yourself.
When you put it like that it sounds pretty cool.
it doesnt say it literally happened you mongoloid, study up de mechanics of absolute and figurative truth
You have to dumb yourself down. But deep down inside you will always know its bullshit written 2000 years ago.
Old Testimony is shitty jew power fantasy about how the jews are the chosen people.
New Testimony is pretty kino though, probably because it talks about humanity as a whole, meaning that every person is God's child and will go to Heaven if he obeys his rules and doesn't do bad shit.
It's full of lies as explained in this book (not yet released):
There are a bunch of girls who'd be way more likely to fuck you if you did read it. That'd probably help you get some self-confidence.
Nothing actually in it is useful though. There's some repurposed Hindi philosophy in Luke and Isiah that kind of sounds nice.
It's the only book you ever need friend
It really will, read it
Just read the Genesis. It's boring and nonsensical and makes you understand how absurd the religion is. Also, whenever someone suites the bible, they usually just quote shit that's in the Genesis.
worthless garbage written by a schizophrenic who drank horsepiss
Its an analogy, 99% of the Bible stories are one.
I tried, its not gonna fix anything user. Unless you were raised into it, its almost impossible to just go and start believing in all that bullshit.
There arent even good girls in church anymore (at least younger than 30 that is) so you dont even meet waifu material in exchange of joining the death cult.
try it
Incredibly undoubtedly original
dont read from beginning to end, you'll get lost in the old law christians dont follow. read from the first 4 books in the new testament then romans
It's not enough to just to know the Word of God (religion), you have to know the God of the Word (personal relationship with God), but yes Jesus can help fix your life, if you are willing to surrender it to Him completely. All the answers to life are hidden in the Bible, but only those with a hungry heart and an open mind and who diligently seek Him will find it.
To those who think its full of lies and shit, go check out the book Evidence that demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell and I dare you to try and disprove the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and the historical accuracy of the Bible. There is more evidence that Jesus was a real historical figure than there is evidence that Julius Caesar ever existed.
It is said, as a rose among thorns.
>There is more evidence that Jesus was a real historical figure
"lel check out this buttprint Brutus it totally belonged to Jesus"
So when Matthew gives his account of the resurrection and says zombie hordes rose from the earth and talked to and interacted with villagers and everyone saw it. What is this analogy of? It sounds an awful like some delusional idiot making shit up to me.
Dude, you are comparing the guy that changed the form of government of the biggest nation at the time, a military commander and a senator, with a goat fucker in the Middle East that became popular decades after his death.
Tell me how its even on the realm of reality that theres more evidence of the second than the first?
Soon, bones will be dug up from their graves and fitted with artificial brains and tendons. They will be attached to the bone, and entity-recognition software will be programmed to desperately hunt the true stories of the lives and times of their bones, in a day of judgement.
So he was a delusional idiot. Kek. I find it funny how anyone can take any aspect of these books with any degree of seriousness. They act like the stories were written by serious intellectuals with profound knowledge of the world, when in fact most of them wouldn't even have the equivalent of a grade 5 education. But their nonsensical lfairytales are treated like literary masterpieces that can only be understood by true intellectuals.
I've been reading it every day for a month or so with no intention to convert or expectation that it would fix my life. It's comfy and fairly easy to read. (Leviticus is a bit boring.) Look at it this way: would you rather spend your limited time reading Jow Forums vitriol and inane reddit posts, or the most important book at the foundation of your culture? Just read it like a story and maybe every once in a while it will motivate you to act with a little more virtue than you otherwise might have.
I like the story where a jew throws his concubine into a rapacious horde of men to be gangraped to death and then proceeds to dismember her and send her body parts to the heads of the tribes of Israel.
You won't be keking when your mom's naked corpse is being dragged through the street by an out of control Russian robot.
Not as cool as getting your father drunk and raping him because your mom turned into a pillar of salt when your family fled because your home town was on God's shit list.
It would be an amazing thing to see, since she has been a pile of ashes scattered to the wind for a long time.
then why is the majority of the world religious
Because the average man does not care. For example most of the "christians" aren't even real christians. The real christians died back in the middle ages or maybe even before. No one follows the bible anymore and almost no one have read the bible even though he's a supposed christian. Most people are religious just by tradition, never even questioning why they themselves believe it.
The world nowadays is too competitive and brutal ethically for the christian morals. Also the internet and the rise of free easy to reach porn is the absolute worst for religious people.
Also jews
>too competitive and brutal ethically
>There is more evidence that Jesus was a real historical figure than there is evidence that Julius Caesar ever existed.
The only reason Jesus is killed by Romans is because Rome occupies the Holy Land thanks to both Augustus (Caesars son) and Pompey (Caesars contemporary). Jesus wouldnt be on the cross if it wasnt for those around Caesar dumb nigger.
Its true though
I think I phrased it wrongly to be honest, what I mean is that christian morals are very hard to follow if you want to be a sucessful person in today's world
Not only that but all the virtues like virginity, honesty, non-hedonism are all disincouraged nowadays
Depends on how delusional you are
>what I mean is that christian morals are very hard to follow if you want to be a sucessful person in today's world
Now it makes a bit more sense. Yes, to a certain extent that's true but that's only because the superior philosophy took its righteous place in a civilized society. The only problem is that this philosophy offers many liberties, maybe they're too much but that's the price we pay for freedom. Both virginity and non virginity are fake virtues, it doesn't add anything to the person other than if he or she had sex, people give too much undeserved power to the importance of sex other than, in case of virginity, an aspect of being "chaste" and in the case non virginity, an aspect of "maturity/adulthood". Honesty isn't exclusive to christianity and same goes for being against hedonism.
Well, my best advice is put forth genuine effort and see.
The biggest issue I see with it are people agressively trying to rationalize it when they already think it's fictional, or take it massively serious knowing it isn't, and really, whether or not you believe in God or anything, the books Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job can give you the best insight on how to live your life
The answers to most of the later questions are probably found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
user, I'd simply suggest you try. Especially the book of Proverbs. Proverbs is a big reason I distrust any promiscuous woman, simply because the Bible says they're garbage human beings, which has be backed up by various personal experiences
Roasties existed even before the bible was written so it's normal for roasties to be in the bible.
Sky God is the one true God.