6 feet
168 ibs
35 years oldfag
I want to achieve ottermode.
Where to start?

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go to gym, fix your diet

eat less, lift more

OP here.
I already cut the sugar and start cooking healthy. Sometimes I starve but most time i am doing fine.
Is it ok to start doing cardio (run and swim) for 2 or 3 months? Is it a good idea lose weight to 155 lbs and start lifting from there?

Read the sticky.

>2 or 3 months

you sound retarded
you'll never make it

I meant lose 13 lbs in 2-3 months, THEN start lifting

Lose weight and then lift is ok?
Where is the answer to that in the fucking sticky?

Lose weight while lifting, you fucking retard. Actually read the sticky.

So ok user, since everybody is an asshole i'm going to answer.
You have to cut while lifting, calculate your basic methabolic rate and then subtract 500 calories.
Eat at least 1g per 1kg of body weight in proteins.
Lift 3 times a week, focus on the upper body.
Start with basic dumbbells routine (google it).

>Eat at least 1g per 1kg of body weight in proteins.
0.82g per pound of bodyweight.
>Lift 3 times a week, focus on the upper body.
>Start with basic dumbbells routine (google it).
Do a real routine, SS or SL.

>basic dumbbells routine
Why would you give OP bad advice?


Roid the Stocky, Nigger.

lmao youll never reach ottermode being 30 yo+ old man

Have you seen his legs compared to his arms?

I started this way.

Just because you started with a shit routine doesn't mean anyone else should.

I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks, while gaining 5lbs of lean muscle.
Just lift heavy on 300 calory deficit and take creatine, BCAA and yohimbine. And intermittent fasting with lots of protein.

Not him but I'm trying to cut 11 pounds while getting noob gains, how much creatine should I be taking? My pre preworkout has 3g already.

take another 2g after the workout. 5g per day is the standard dosage.
Take BCAA with 3000 leucine preworkout and another 1000 before sleep.

>BCAA with 3000 leucine preworkout
Any brand you recommend?

BCAA's are snake oil, you get more BCAA's in a few scoops of protein powder.

I don't drink a protein shake before I work out, though.

why wouldnt you lift now

if you start procrastinating before you even start you're never gonna make it

>basic methabolic rate
BMR: 1786 calories/day
Thanks for your time and advice user. I'm already running 3x20 minutes a week and I'll hit the gym tomorrow.
Will post progress first day of month from september.

Brad Pitt was 37 at Fight Club.
Anyway, I'll be posting my progress here each month. We will see.

>Have you seen his legs compared to his arms?
What do you mean?

>creatine, BCAA and yohimbine
Is possible to do ottermode with no supplements?
I am not in a hurry.

Stop smoking 5 years ago, quit drinking alcohol 3 years ago. I already cut sugar and started running 3 times per week.
Not procrastinating. I want Jow Forums opinions about the next steps to follow. That's all.

I use Olymp Supplements, but it's an euro thing. not sure if you can get it US

Loading up on BCAAs is what prevents you from losing muscle on a cut. It's actually the most clinically tested supplement there is.

You mean 5'10''.

cut another 10 pounds and start lifting. Don't bulk.

Yes. Eurofaggot OP here.

>running 3x20 minutes a week

This stuff sounds like a fatty meme.

Wow. Thanks user.

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>I want Jow Forums opinions about the next steps to follow.
Read the sticky and start actually lifting moron. You’re completely untrained at the moment so you will see some noob gains. It’s really not that complicated

you could start by hanging yourself! bitch!

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bad idea start lifting as soon as you can

Try 2-3x20mins jumping rope. Otherwise run for an hour non-stop