Lemme hear your stories, robots?
Fucked up shit you did in school
Snorted the kool-aid powder.
Drank beer thinking it was soda
flipped the teacher off when she wasn't looking
Back in primary school me and my class mates agreed that "we're all men" and that looking at dicks wasn't funny. So we all pulled our pants forward and peered into each others underwear to look at each others dicks.
A kid looked over my toilet cubicle once when I was pooing and I was so embarrassed I went around the school telling everyone he was gay meanwhile I closeted AF and in denial at the time about being gay at the time.
Bad feels, at least people didn't believe me or care, they just laughed.
Christ. I suppose the legitimate fucked up things I did would have to be around 2nd and 3rd grade before I got expelled. Had some behavioural issues and spent more time taken out of class than I did in class. Threw chairs, stabbed a teacher, and was physically restrained for most of the days. Eventually got sent to a bunch of psychiatric institutes.
Aside from that, not much.
I only have one memory from high school
>Be me, aussie, 16years old and in year 10
>Hanging out in courtyard near library
>Bunch of kids walk into the courtyard and start crowding around me
>One of the cunts from my year wanted to fight me
>He starts getting in my face verbally abusing me, pushes me and keeps saying "hit me" over and over again
>I decided to grab his hat and run off
>The group chase me
>I run up a set of concrete stairs which contained about 20 steps
>As I get to the top of the stairs, he grabs my shirt and hits me in the back of the head
>I push him off and kick him right in the stomach
>He goes flying down the stairs, knocking into at least 5 of his peers
>I stand on top of the stairs watching them roll down the concrete stairs like bowling pins
>Guy who was harassing me was sent to hospital for a severe concussion
Whenever I feel sad, I look back on this memory and it makes me feel good and happy.
Kino post brother
Holding my dick in my hand when I had to pee, but hiding it in my fist.
>go to toilet
>autistically hold dick like usual
>girl from other class comes to pee as well
>says hello to be polite
>talking to girl with my dick out
>get hard as fuck
>she didn't notice
>make entire toilet wet because of uncontrollable boner pee
how much shit did you catch for that though
I went to a pretty fucked up all guys school. Not all of this was done by me.
>threw a teacher in the trash and rolled him down the hill
>removed the light switch in the classroom and turned the lights off so it's completely dark - electrocuting the teacher
>throwing a kid out of the first floor window
>throwing tetrapak bottles filled with water on people who were passing by, 2 people went to a hospital
>smoke weed in the toilet and get caught
>female teacher fucked a student on excursion
I was involved in most of these, but not all.
>dumb bitch nobody likes
>absolute arrogant rich kid with no real friends
>only hangs out with us because we're also losers
>had a great ass tho
>me and friends sitting on a bench
>she asks if no one can make place for her
>no, we hate her
>she sits on my lap
>my friends try to get her to leave
>tell her it's fine
>be hard for entire pause
>touch her ass to "readjust her position"
>she tells everyone we're a couple like the bitch she is
>mfw I can't get a gf now because everyone thinks I'm with a thot
Can I give you 10 million dollars to make a movie about all this?
Took a mugshot of my English teacher who got a DUI a few years back and plastered it all over the school when he made fun of me and my anxiety disorder in front of the class freshmen year.
I masturbated constantly during class in elementary school before i even knew what it was. Ended up getting in trouble for it. Still keeps me up at night desu
Have you fucked her yet, Chad?
That's absolutely based.
Thank you, user. I made sure I came early and snuck into the high school through the gym since it was the only unlocked part and went to town.
I got a teacher fired because he basically said I deserved to be shot, just because I was drawing during his maths class. When you've had a life like mine, that's just another drop in the bucket
Ahaha. Fucking awesome. Good job, user.
Thanks bro, fuck teachers
Once stepped on a girls foot in a tight space and never apologized, I don't even think she knew I did it.
>in year 9, age 15
>sitting in german class with friend, it's basically a free period and we mess around
>get bored and watch shock websites like scroll below and meatspin on friend's school laptop
>we share the headphones, one earbud in each of our ears so we can both listen
>decide to watch 'kids in a sandbox'
>if you don't know, it is a video of a man getting a dildo put into his dickhole
>video doesn't load, refresh the page a couple of times and still nothing
>suddenly teacher comes over and asks how we went with our german homework
>friend alt-tabs just in time
>as she's talking something starts playing over the headphones
>oh no
>suddenly hear man moaning in pain and having an orgasm at the same time
>friend and I both realised what has happened
>video has loaded while video was alt-tabbed and is now playing in the background while the teacher is talking to us
>moaning gets louder and louder while teacher is asking us about german adjectives
>trying to avoid laughing then was one of the hardest things I've ever done
>suddenly man moans extremely loud and it nearly broke us
>teacher continues talking and is satisfied with our homework
>eventually moves on and talks to next group of students
>we quickly go and check the video and sure enough it was playing
>could not stop laughing for the entire lesson after that happened
Yes, but cash only, $2 unmarked bills.
Here's a good one from high school
>be me
>in religion class
>the teacher is fat, authoritarian, and religious
>we'll call her Mrs Johnson
>sometimes nice to me because I got good grades
>one day she's talking about Christian rituals
>talking about holy water
>asks us if we want her to demonstrate it
>we say yeah, why not
>she flicks holy water over each row of students
>gets to the row I'm in
>she throws the water
>it hits my face
>jump out of my chair and fall to the ground
>start covering my face and hissing loudly
>everyone stares and starts quietly laughing
>not allowed to make noise so they don't lose their shit
>shiver like I'm glitching as I get up
>make psychotic movements like I'm possessed by a demon
>pick my chair up and pretend nothing happened
>she asks me what happened
>"I slipped and fell, Mrs Johnson"
>she doesn't do anything
>would probably get detention for disrupting the class
>gives me a weird look
>look at my textbook and avoid eye contact
>she continues teaching
>doesn't talk to me after class
>people came over to me during lunch and tell me it was funny
>mfw the devil saved my ass and got me school cred
No, I dumped her at he end of the year, and started hanging out with her best "friend", who I actually like, cause she's not a fucking thot. Everyone still thinks we're a couple tho
In a crowd waiting for the bus to arrive. Bus arrives, crowd surges forward. I lose my footing and fall over, so I reach out and grab something to support myself. It turns out that I accidentally wrenched a girl's tit really hard, she screams and turns around and slaps a guy across the face.
I also masturbated to a statue of the Virgin mary whilst I was alone in a stockroom for the RE department.
Made me laugh :D
>It turns out that I accidentally wrenched a girl's tit really hard, she screams and turns around and slaps a guy across the face.
Smoked heroin in the bathroom
This might sound mundane but I used to cheat a lot... and I mean all the time. Especially in math. I still do it in college. Not as frequent though.
>be with chads in calculus group
>one chad has some power sugar or whatever, pretends to snort it, we talk about snorting shit and I end up snorting the sugar too
>next calculus lesson the same chad brings chili flakes, tells me to snort it
>do so, doesn't really feel that bad
>each calculus lesson just becomes chads bringing shit for me to snort
>decide one day to one up them, bring opiates to school
>show the chads, they freak out
>snort one anyway
>become chad hero while high as fuck
Punched someone in the head in a crowd and they never knew
did you get punished at all?
Dude, he was already in Australia, you can't arrest someone twice.