>newfags try to insult oldfags
>oldfags embrace the image
>newfags complain its spreading
Talk about a backfire. Who here 30 year old boomerbot wizard?
>newfags try to insult oldfags
>oldfags embrace the image
>newfags complain its spreading
Talk about a backfire. Who here 30 year old boomerbot wizard?
Other urls found in this thread:
actually fucking sad
I'm 27, can I join the club?
I feel like your just trolling and acting like a republican church/football mom on Facebook who got insulted as a joke but in the rare case you aren't please fuck off
Well, the latest batch of newfags are worst ones yet.
Bunch of zoomer incel kekstani retards who also like to claim that they were here at the inception of Jow Forums. They're not even losers/outcasts/loners, they're just really unlikeable humourless people.
Cringy and humorless. The whole lot of them.
I am so fucking sick of these young faggots spamming kek everywhere
Fucks sake there are twelve thousand variants.
What happened to all the TOP LEL and ZOZZLE hats that used to get posted? What happened to actual reaction images instead of the same three fucking frogs?
Right here my man. What's your favorite Manowar album?
>That 27 year old boomer
When Manowar did that cover of Father in my third world language live in their 4 hour concert, I was crying. Also the slow and deliberate, heavy sound of Crown and the Ring is the soundtrack to my fantasy daydreams.
kek won the civil war of the LOL tribe following the corruption. shame, i was partial to jej. i guess kek just had more darwinian fitness with its starcraft/warcraft connection.
>that 27 year old boomer that doesn't drink monster
I just use www these days
Can some semi-gifted individual make me a 33 old boomer with a small Euro style cup of coffee?
Le mad olfag is mad XD
I'm 25 yo boomer which enjoys the Adrenalin Rush drink.
>starcraft/warcraft connection
Do any of them make that connection? I mean, there's a significant chunk that seems to swear off anime, videogames and comic books.
I think it was cemented in pol's language the moment they declared themselves "Kekistan" and they've been doing a very poor job of remaining in their containment board.
25 year old boomer here. Been browsing the chans since 2009.
Holy shit that artstyle is familiar, is there a doujin for that picture or is that just a single illustration?
i don't think the connection is relevant today, but it was relevant during the direct competition with other styles of LOL, and gave it an edge
that has to do with the coincidence of the Jow Forums slang kek, the egyptian god Kek, the from symbolism of both, and so on.
>Kek was also called "raiser up of the light"
>the from symbolism
meant to write FROG symbolism
the boomer meme is literally the best thing to come out of Jow Forums since owls, fight me zoomers
>its a good year for memes
Come on, you don't think they intentionally picked kek from mythology instead just searching for a connection after the fact?
Kek isn't real, he's a hoax.
It's promising, but the virgin/chad comparison thing is still producing interesting new variants
I'm not gonna search it for you, but the artist is "gujira", you might recognise his style from other doujins like the one with the succubus(male) or the stupid amount of times that has been posted. Not to mention the fact that a lot of traps even have t-shirts with characters/references to his works.
That doujin is about drugs iirc.
Just realized normies took the Kek business very seriously and there are legitimate studies of him now.
31 and I actually am sipping right now.
Hi guys I'm a 28 years old cyborg
what meme am I?
>Hi guys I'm a 28 years old cyborg
>what meme am I?
>Hi guys I'm a 28 years old cyborg
>what meme am I?
Your mum.
Kek as a phrase was in use on the tubes long before the frog meme became associated and had already risen to the top of the lol variants on the back of the Warcraft and statecraft players having used the phrase for many years and being cemented on the chans by the topkek meme. The kek as a chaos god thing was applied long after the fact.
Nobody claimed otherwise. Kek is just what koreans wrote in english as "lol" in Starcraft, it has to do with their keyboard layouts.
Also, topkek came after toplel. Kek in general came after lel, zozzle, jej, lul, etc. It already existed in SC/WoW, but only showed up as a forum shitpost during the LOL corruption and ironic memes period.
t. online grandpa
I am 29 years old oldfag on Jow Forums on and off for 10 years.
But I said it once and I am saying it again, I do not get who drinks zero sugar energy drink. that is energy drink without energy. Makes as much sense as invisible traffic light.
ease off the shit drinks, jesus christ
It still has coffee in it, even without the sugar.
boomer meme is just another shitty forced meme like the cringe compilation
Google has added this photo to your Google Drive album "Cringe Compilation". Click here to view it.
based boomerchads working the robotettys
Is this just an ad campaign for Monster?
Sup boomers and zoomers. Looking at these vhs recordings, which era here applies most to your innocent childhood days before your life was ruined?
Early Gen X: youtube.com
Core Gen X: youtube.com
Late Gen X: youtube.com
Early Gen Y: youtube.com
Core Gen Y: youtube.com
Late Gen Y: youtube.com
Early Gen Z (AKA the era where everything went to shit): youtube.com
Core Gen Z: youtube.com
Late Gen Z: youtube.com
Late Gen X, but I remember some Core Gen X and identify almost as much with early Gen Y
Eliza boomer bf