Is there any way to make my beard grow normally?
Is there any way to make my beard grow normally?
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Hot sauce. Irritates the skin making it grow hair.
Legitimately thought that was a dick pic
>Hot sauce
U wot?
These. Also, lift heavy ass weights.
Yes. Be spicy.
just got a buzzcut. what do you guys think
Phallic as fuck
I will try with 3g of creatine after the workout
You might not come into it until you're older. I didn't even manage a full chinstrap until i was 21.
Remember: you might just not have it in your chromosomes
>tfw can grow great stubbles similar to pic related
>still a no gf social retard
cant have it all OP
Damn that's an awfully tiny jaw. You might want to stop mouthbreathing in a forward neck posture, OP
what are you OP, a faggot? facial hair doesn't attract women, it only attracts other insecure males with beard-envy.
next time you fapp smear cum all over your face, proteins in your semen activate hair growing hormones. Look it up, this is the real deal.
beardlet detected
fuck off inceldestiny
Be older
this x10
don't fuck yourself up OP, just keep shaving and fucking wait
Don't shave for 2 months. If it's still ugly shave it off and wait a while then try again.
Got this wicked bump on my head, how do I bring down the swelling?
it's a cyst and will only get bigger
Is neck posting the hot new trend ?
Nope, used to have that exact problem until I was like 22. Just gotta roll with it until then.
Zero chance, forget about it.
made me kek out loud, literally my thought a couple minutes ago
How does one get a neck like this?
since we're all posting necks
Not be 16
Do boxing, my girlfriend used to box for like 4 years. Her neck is really fucking strong, not to mention her traps. She looks like a fucking bull when she flexes her traps. Inb4, your girlfriend is a boyfriend...
This looks like the back of an ogre's head
>tfw no gf who is boyfriend