Why do people think that incels (involuntary celibates) are fucking terrorists and maniacs?

Why do people think that incels (involuntary celibates) are fucking terrorists and maniacs?

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because some incels have become terrorists in the past.
like elliot and that guy in canada for a recent example

We have a few very notorious cases of it being true recently. It wasn't that bad a year ago.

it's almost like you don't read the heinous things they post on this board kek

Bad media image, that's all

VocaI minority.

pic source? Organically

It's because of the nature of their online presence and people like Elliot giving them a really bad rep.

They aren't crazy but they're retarded and slow to boot, they think they're making all of these amazing revelations about women and sex but it's shit that everyone else already figured out including robots, or we wouldn't be here in the first place.

You have to go back. originallidinonino

they use violent and inflammatory rhetoric which is taken at face value

just thin incels. the others terrorize food instead

Find it there and this is not spam bag bag bag fag that'saboy fgag

incels are literal cripples only, the rest are volcels, the left just secretly loves hating people. 'incels' are 'alt-right' 2.0, whatever they can use to scare people next so we are more divided as a society.

It has a lot to do with what they post online
Look at the woman hate threads here for instance, people just constantly posting how woman are scum and should be killed
These are the loudest voices in the incel community, so people think of them like that

transgirls aren't that cute. trans girls are cute but in a non traditionally feminine way.

Because anyone who doesn't conform to the norms and standards of society is a threat and must be exterminated.

Conform or die.

Why do people think that Muslims (sand people) are fucking terrorists and maniacs?

The answer is the media. Oh, and the Jews.

Because it would shatter their fragile ego to learn that everything they think they've accomplished was merely a product of luck and circumstances and not a single thing they themselves have done or worked on.

because the only incels who receive attention from the media are nutcases that just so happen to fit the stereotype of an alienated social and romantic reject, that's why

School shooter worshipping

Because the female will to power would be challenged by the substance of the incel argument. The media is essentially making slide threads to not have you think about say no-fault divorce and low fertility rates

Its pretty much this, a few years ago you could have said incel and people would have looked at you with a blank stare, now incel has become the new al qaeda, and people have a stronger opinion against incels than they do isis despite one being a terrorist organization and another is a guy in a van with a vengeance.

because there is a extremely vocal minority screaming death to women! enslave the opposite sex because they wont give me pussy :((

And yet muslims are treated as just misunderstood heroes suffering under the jackboot of western imperialism.

Attached: 1532315036515.jpg (800x1000, 178K)

Because over half of them are in favor of terrorism.

of course muslims are fucking shitstains too
but that doesnt make up for the incel community's bitter hatred towards the opposite sex
at least muzzies have the balls to rape women

>Some soda drinkers have become terrorist in the paste. That means all soda drinkers are terrorist

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>Trans flag.
Unironically kys.
I wish we would go back to lobotomy and treating those people like mentally ill fags they are.

>incels are a collective entity
then they are volcels

user, that is exactly what you should do. If you keep thinking that way of anyone. Please, please, PLEASE end your existence before you reproduce. What am I saying, you're an incel yourself! Fucking faggot.

This. The world is fucked enough as is without these animals roaming around.

Is this some kind of ironic image? why does this cat girl have ears?

You too! Skidatle and break your neck faggot!

Out of all mentally ill transfags, the worst are the ones that constantly keep posting anime traps as their avatars or associating themselves with those characters.
First, characters like Astolfo are not trans or associated with LGBT in any fucking way. A trap can be a heterosexual """cis""" male with a character of a manly bro that fucks women left and right and won't even touch other men and shivers at the thought of becoming a woman.
Second, the recent attempt of trying to "claim" those characters for LGBT movements is pathetic. Many sites, including Anime News Network start to ban the word "trap" for being """transphobic""" even though it has nothing to do with them in this context. THOSE CHARACTERS AREN'T FUCKING TRANS.
Third, you will never ever be as cute and attractive as those characters because they are LITERALLY drawn women that are men only by narrative and sometimes by a dick attached/a bit deeper voice.
Hell in 99% of cases if nobody said they are male you wouldn't be able to spot a fucking difference.
It's annoying as fuck.

Attached: 268.jpg (329x399, 44K)

>cat 'girl'
slow down there cowboy

Oh well, I didn't think of that but stills fucking weird to have 4 ears.

>fifteen people call Felix trans
"They're all fucking crazy libtard monsters!"
Classic poltard logic. No one calls them trans, hell why would anyone, since they're actually called "he".

He wears a clothing made after a trans flag.
It's some faggot's art who thinks that "traps" = "trans"

But he clearly stated that it's not only about traps being called trans but them being associated with LGBT in general.

You realize when you say this, the first thing everybody thinks is, "this guy's iq is in the double digits"? Couldn't make it up if I tried.

You saw that video didn't you

If you think you are something you aren't you are mentally ill.
If i swore that i am 100 year old black man and demanded from everyone to treat me that way i would be locked up.
But if i mutilate myself, cut off my dick and take harmful hormones that ruin my body, everyone would praise me for being brave.
Fuck off to with your cancer.

Right, but you realize everyone who reads your post is thinking, "this guy's iq is in the double digits", right? I'm just sharing intel with you.

You go back to Jow Forums with your cancer!

This is not
me btw.

You should value how people are hearing you, bro.

Read the greentext and the text bellow it once more, user.

At least i won't try to kill myself like transfaggots who realize what they have done to themselves.

>trans people kill themselves because they "fucked up" their body, n-not because they get ostracized and mocked to no end, get death threats and are disowned by their family!
There's a short comic about this, shame I don't have it.

Its because normies can't live without sex and go crazy without it, when they hear that there's people who have never had sex they think that they are crazy people who will blow up the world

Maybe it have something to do with regular mass shooter worship threads on incel communities like r9k but I'm not sure

It was confirmed by multiple research that even if they live in a safe bubble and are accepted by their family the suicide attempt rate is the same.
Actually saying that because you are bullied/unaccepted or even poor you have higher chance of commiting suicide is retarded.
The exact opposite is true.
More poor people kill themselves less often. Richer and more privileged people kill themselves more often.
The truth is that trans people kill themselves because they can keep the facade only for so long and then they realize that MAYBE that open wound they have to stretch every day so it won't heal is not a vagina and they are not real women and cannot fix this mistake and fucked up their bodies forever.

Because normies and roasties don't like us at all.

I think its quite obvious they saw le mumkey vid. Hell, why are you even asking the question?

>blood letting doesn't work
WOW user that's news to me!
Post those studies, if you will. And they better not be by a third world country or Saudi arabia for the sole purpose of denying it.

A society that tramples on the weak shows great motivation to become strong, and society wants strong men to ensure success.