Got moderately fit

>got moderately fit
>installed tinder
>got matches
>got the confidence boost I wanted
>realise that I have no drive at all to date any girl
what is wrong with me? I should probably want to date qts. How do I fix this? I'm definetly not gay btw.

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you cannot outlift low test, apparently.
try cold shower and onions

>hello titty

stop fapping, it'll give you the drive to actually get laid.

This chick turns my penis into The Big Penis.

Have you tried not jerking off daily? I can't speak to test gains from nofap but I have anecdotal evidence that it made me try harder to chat up girls.

proud of you op

i'm the opposite, i fell for the meme and tried to juggle too much at once without knowing what I wanted (usually just smash) i feel disgusting now. i just want someone I can live and be happy with.

>stopped fapping for almost 2 weeks
>nutted in a girl last night
>no more gay thoughts

am i going to make it Jow Forums?

You are actually just afraid of meeting up with them because you fear rejection so you bullshit your self with "dont actually wanna date them after all"

You are basically a pussy that is to afraid of meeting those chicks irl

That's fine girls on tinder are the bottom barrel trash. You use tinder for ego boost that every girl writes to you wanting your dick and then you go and meet some real girls.

What do you suppose her sweaty butthole tastes like?

Like semen

w-what do you actually do on a date? what do you talk about with them? forgive me i'm a social brick

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Delete this!

In my head, or some kind of subconsious part of my brain, it wants me to have a family, wife and kids.

But In reality I know I dont want it.

Its the same thing with having a GF, I've grown so use to be alone that I cannot imagine having to share my life with someone so intimately, just thinking about it is overbearing. The thought of dying alone isn't powerful enough for me to sacrifice my entire life sharing it with someone so closely.

I love the silence and being in my own head and not having to think or worry or care about anyone.

Also - the part I want from women (sex) is not even 1% of a real relationship, and even then, it would get stale with the same person after years and years.

Maybe this is my own brain being a copecel, but after 30 years of living in isolation I cannot imagine someone entering my life and being close, it just doesn't seem natural/normal to me.

Schizoid Personality Disorder as well btw, that probably doesn't help. Clinically diagnosed yes, not meme self-diagnosed.

textbook definition of cope

Because you know a significant amount of women on Tinder are trash.

whos the chick in OPs pic? Shes a dreamgirl, appearance-wise.

Can you actually get a proper gf on Tinder? I'm not looking for a 10/10, but I'm looking for a healthy relationship.
I have the impression that Tinder is filled with sluts desperate for even more attention.

>but I'm looking for a healthy relationship

Go to a bar or anywhere with coworkers, internet dating is trash

textbook talkiung out of your ass and no reading comprehension, he has a personality disorder you mouthbreather

>w-what do you actually do on a date?
You could go for a coffe

>what do you talk about with them?
it doesnt matter, girls KNOWS how to talk for several hours without stopping, actually, stopping them is way harder than making them talk

a first date is to get to know someone so just ask them about themselves. what are their hobbies, whats their job, what are their passions, what pisses them off, etc. you could even try to come up with a couple of less conventional questions beforehand like who was your least favorite teacher as a kid, whats the worst youve injured yourself, etc.

a quick scroll through her instagram has got my little dick throbbing

I'm a schizoid too. I want a wife and kids but just maintaining an actual relationship just doesn't appeal to me. Seems like cognitive dissonance but im perfectly fine with just being alone.

lowtestiziod personality disorder? Damn my condolence

What is "moderately fit"? How long have you been at it?

I’m the same way, but I’ve gotten it to work in my favor
>Get tinder gold
>Set location to nearest city
>Continuously like everything until I get bored
>Get matches and let notifications build up
>Go back to college and chill with my roommate and some female friends of ours
>Roomate sees all the notifications I have on tinder
>”Yoo! user got the bitches on deck!”
>All the girls break their neck to see what’s going on
>They think I’m slaying, most of my female friends become noticeably more open about wanting to fuck
>This attention gives me newfound confidence
>Use confidence approach girls in real life

>internet dating is trash
I thought so. Although I feel like it's the most productive way to find a good partner. You can multi task which you cannot do in a bar.
I don't go to a bar very often. It's boring. The only thing that keeps it interesting is seeing how people make a fool of themselves after two drinks.
Anyway, first I want to fix up myself mentally and physically. I want to gain 10kg of muscle and stop porn.

Natures way of cope
>literally hardwiring you to not even try because theres no chance
better forever alone than handling constant rejection resulting in offing yourself. Fascinating shit

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