30+ Thread

Threads are garbage as usual.

From another thread:
>I guess this is aimed at older anons late 20s or older, but I've been wondering for the longest time why each batch of newfags since 2012 have become more hostile, more bitter, more repetitive, more delusional (somehow they have both grandiose and negative views of themselves), more humourless with each passing year. And I've come to the conclusion that classic underdog outcast nerd is dead. With geek (among most other subcultures) merging with the mainstream and this being the safe space no-bully generation, almost everyone is catered for, so to be an outcast Gen Z teenager *now* you'd have to be a completely unlikeable, humourless arsehole.


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You faggots are just as humorless, bitter, and repetitive as the new generations.

>I've been wondering for the longest time why each batch of newfags since 2012 have become more hostile, more bitter, more repetitive, more delusional (somehow they have both grandiose and negative views of themselves), more humourless with each passing year.

We got old. And in doing so we stopped being as angry as we were when we were 15. You might still hate your life, but I guarantee it isnt with the same intensity and passion you did back then. In fact I dont think theres a single thing you do with as much joy hate or fury as you did when you were young.

I guess. I am more concerned that world is even dumber and more polarised than before though.

Gen Z is delusional. They say it was Millennials who had the anti bullying and that they're more used to bullying than us. I think they get their ideas from their Gen X parents lying to them.

I don't think Gen Z anons are cut from the same cloth as the oldfags from before 2013.

We were the transition generation. We had everything change on us around the time of college or slightly later. Then all of a sudden our history was rewritten. That people like us were always accepted by the new generation. And then our experiences of us being outcasts were erased.

The internet changed for the worse in 2007 and headed off a cliff in 2013. By 2016 it was the point of no return.

The internet is just one big advertisement for pointless plastic shit made in slave labour factories that's going to choke the planet to death just cause a few rich people want to be even richer.

Pretty much. We're all just screaming into the void. None of this really matters in the end. Even the corporations will disappear one day.

>Even the corporations will disappear one day.
I don't understand why they're so intent on killing the planet. They live on it right?

Web 2.0 was a mistake.
I still remember that old guy at an internship I had a beer with. I complained to him that I wanted to write something new and useful, not dumb already existing shit down to a GUI so the technological impaired can use it.
He told me I would probably be in the wrong job if I felt that, since that would be 99% of what programming will be about in the near future.

Fucker was right, and now we sit here clicking blurry pics to be able to post.

they are rich enough to afford backup/escape plans for themselves, while we can get fucked

But Web 2.0 was basically every after 2000? Wasn't it? Everything before was static pages right?

Corps are legal fictional entities not living, thinking ones.
They are bound only to the demands of their shareholders for more growth, since those will sell your shit and buy into the more rapidly growing competition if one corps falls behind to save the whales or w/e.

Most of those shareholders are not even living persons either, Soros&co are outliers. The bulk is a fictional blob of thousands of tiny mom and daddy investors funds managed by some beancounter looking at percentages.

The CEOs of a company and the beancounter could perhaps care about the world and future, but they care a lot more about not getting fired for too meager results.

Zuckerberg is like a villain from a dystopian book or movie. It's almost as if he read books like 1984 to get ideas on how to use power.

>Tiredness getting ridiculous.
>Too proud to go on antidepressants but fuck it I can't live like this.
>Go to Doctors.
>Find out my heart is in serious shit. Doctors visibly alarmed.
Uh oh. That was unexpected.

Isn't this where government is supposed to step in and impose regulations and shit?

Im sure i'll be f-fine

Attached: sweating.jpg (498x350, 36K)

"It costs us 100 mio. to retool for the new environment rules?! Wtf are we even paying those lobby guys for?

Relocation will cost us 80 mio AND those EUtools even subvention us for 10 more for building the infrastructure?
Wife always wanted to see their capital, get packing."

I hope you can painlessly slip out of this world. I envy anybody to die quietly. Still-borns have no idea what grace they were shown

>Gen Z is delusional. They say it was Millennials who had the anti bullying and that they're more used to bullying than us

I think that Gen Z might have it worse than us Gen Y. I mean, thanks to the advent of the internet, it has become much easier for kids to follow which schools their targets get transferred to. So targets can go around, hopping from one school to another, never being safe from their bullies. Cell phones with cameras also made it so that kids can take pictures and record videos of their targets and upload those pictures and videos online.

I was going to school between the years of 1993 and 2006, and I didn't hear about the internet until about 1999. Most kids at school did not seem to know about the internet back then. It wasn't really until 2005 that I had suddenly started hearing kids talking about things like MySpace a lot.

>I think that Gen Z might have it worse than us Gen Y
Particularly for girls, I think. Social media is perfect for the sort of bullying girls take part in.

thats a meme bullying

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I don't think that you can just close your eyes when your bullies are following you around in person everywhere you go, throwing food and drinks at you, beating you up, stealing your things, pranking you, spreading malicious rumors about you, taking pictures of you, recording videos of you, uploading those pictures and videos online, communicating with kids from other schools giving them information about you, making it so that you can never develop friendships and/or romantic relationships with anyone, disrupting you in your workplace, etc.

Gen Z decide to turn off a computer. They can't stop people from throwing things at you, kicking you, tripping you ect. Also in some areas everyone knows each other. A reputation could follow you for years because of it.

I had experience with all that as a Millennial except for the being recorded and photographed part.

Hey boomers. Looking at these old vhs recordings, which era here applies most to your innocent childhood days before your life was ruined?

Early Gen X: youtube.com/watch?v=q4ucQQvxGeg

Core Gen X: youtube.com/watch?v=BrscrhNeNmk

Late Gen X: youtube.com/watch?v=fA5xkbI0dWc

Early Gen Y: youtube.com/watch?v=QBEY-TWBUsU

Core Gen Y: youtube.com/watch?v=0Bvg_EBpa-I

Late Gen Y: youtube.com/watch?v=yqMUrb9olOM

Early Gen Z (AKA the era where everything went to shit): youtube.com/watch?v=PztmAXdDC0E

Core Gen Z: youtube.com/watch?v=6d9mvz7reBg

Late Gen Z: youtube.com/watch?v=GwjgUapGwzk

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yeah living in space seems like an absolute nightmare, i hope thos few extra bucks were worth it for them

Gen Z are stupid. They try to tell me they went through worse than me when I experienced fsr more hate than some normalfag Gen Z.

>I think that Gen Z might have it worse than us Gen Y.

There is the fact that nothing is ever lost in the age of constant surveillance but it's just an additional layer to regular bullying. As OP states there are niches and fandoms and whole of other shit to go to. You are no longer bound (unless you live in a completely isolated area and even then) to where you live and the people there. You don't like the people near you? Fine, go to meetups/cons/lgs and find like-minded people.

What do people here think of tricking others who think you're stupid or getting low key revenge? Like if your Gen X manager treats you stupid for being Millennial, get him fired for age discrimination. If a normalfag your age bullies you on the job and says things like autistic, get them fired for disability discrimination.