What do you guys think about race-mixing?

What do you guys think about race-mixing?

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I couldn't possibly give less of a fuck if I tried.

im against it personally

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I think racemixing is good

care to say that again friend?

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It's amusing to see the fat white women that have given up on life with a screaming mixed race child with them.
Also kinda gross.

Another photograph to the pile

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I think racemixing is good

>made a thread to roleplay with himself

Whats he fighting for?

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I think it's not going back in the box. It's here to stay, just like homosexuality, scat, and findom.

>tfw no normal looking 5/10 swedish girlfriend


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You got it right, brother!

Blanda right on upp!

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unh, blanda blanda nigga, bombaklat

the jews dont like it so im for it

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I used to think it was fine as long as it didn't involve niggers because niggers are on average so much lower than other races of human and less intelligent and more impulsive and animal-like.

then I thought that race mixing among non-niggers was fine as long as the media didn't stuff it down people's throats and try to creepily actively promote it or act like it was racist to not want to fuck particular ethnicities.

Now I think racemixing is a bit irresponsible in general unless you either live in brazil or a country which is as highly mixed race, or you're breeding between ethnicities so close that your kids will be able to pass as one or either of the the parent's ethnicities and not look mixed. E.g. if a white person breeds with a fairly european-looking syrian and even then it is still a little irresponsible and bad.
Why? Because it gives your kids a confused identity. They don't have a nation or tribe of people they fully belong to. The only way they can belong and not stand out is if there are as many mixed race as non-mixed race people so that will be what they'll tend to want, which could easily be against the wishes of the two parent's family members. They might be fine with the occasional race-mixing occurence but they wouldn't want their whole country to become mixed race.
Also, how is your mixed race offspring going to feel when there's a conflict of interest between the home nations of his two parents? or when there's a conflict of interest between mixed race people and single-race people? whatever he chooses he'll be a traitor in some way.
studies show that mixed race people are more likely to have mental illnesses.
Also, there's such a high chance of stress and disharmony in interracial marriages and child-raising because you have different cultures. one parent will want to raise their child one religion, the other another religion. one parent will think that children should be hit with a shoe when they've been naughty, the other not.

>confused identity meme
they will stop having to be such big pussies about their identity and craft one like everyone fucking else.
>Also, how is your mixed race offspring going to feel when there's a conflict of interest between the home nations of his two parents? or when there's a conflict of interest between mixed race people and single-race people? whatever he chooses he'll be a traitor in some way.
Again he will have to not be a pussy, if he is seen a traitor than those peoples are not his allies, his friends, or his family. They are hostiles, enemy, they have betrayed him because of the color of his skin and not his character which means they are garbage not built to touch the bottom of his feet.
>studies show that mixed race people are more likely to have mental illnesses.
mental illness is as common as taking a shit in a first world country. It is something that has come with the times and we mus all learn to adapt to it.
>Also, there's such a high chance of stress and disharmony in interracial marriages and child-raising because you have different cultures. one parent will want to raise their child one religion, the other another religion. one parent will think that children should be hit with a shoe when they've been naughty, the other not.
honestly im starting to see you as just some lazy fuck. Marriage in general is always going to be a conflict of interest, culture, and religion. It has been that way since way back in the old days when everyone traded wives between tribes and kingdoms.

This whole post you have made is that of some spoiled brat who is upset they are mixed because they couldn't suck it up and just do something to have a form of character. Instead they associated themselves with a large group because of their weakness.

kill yourself you weakling

stop making racebaiting threads already

Mixing ethnicity is worse.

That guy is Spanish and the girl is American :/

>Just don't be a pussy!! Ignore all of the mixed race birth defects! Just stop being a pussy XD
.t literal brainlet

>big titty white girl mixed with latino genes which creates a race of big titty latinas
now this is some race traitor shit i can get behind

even the way you quote my post is like a weak little loser lmao. I would again ask you to kill yourself but we both know that you will do that on your own without me even mentioning it

I'm not the guy you were replying to, how embarrassing lmfao

No, Spanish, not Amerindian.
European women have the biggest breasts on average

Proof? It clearly says Sverige at the bottom. What kind of American girl wears those braids?

Man goes on murder rampage, killing everyone in town: cops
Like wtf is that sentence in the pic

The only reason I'm alive is because of race mixing. So I don't really give a fuck about it.

lol the only extent to which I'm mixed is that my mum is english and my mum is scottish. I'm not talking about myself , I'm thinking about what often happens when a white person marries a paki muslim or a ugandan or when a japanese person marries someone black.

your responses of getting angry and telling people to ignore it or man up don't change reality.

and your response about mental health is particularly vacuous and nonsensical. The fact that mental health problems are more common today than say 70 years ago doesn't change that mixed race people have significantly more mental health problems than non-mixed race people.

It sounds to me like the issues I've pointed out have hit a little too close to home for you and you're responding by lashing out and denying everything because you want most of the world to become mixed so that then your problems will go away.

Whoops my mum is english and my dad is scottish, that should say.

If I can I'll avoid black, brown, yellow or any other colour rather than white dick. I want to preserve my good genes. Soooo racemixing is disgusting

its disguting. end of strory nigger x

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White guys are just too bland for me it's like the cookie cutter way of going about life. I've always had a thing for Hispanic/Black guys, plus caramel babies look cute.

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got no problem with it, as long as it isn't enforced for the sake of diversity or interracial couples being objectified as 'symbols of tolerance' by sjws, if they love each other just go for it, they are people like us not something to display on a shelf

He is Afro-Korean btw

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not bad mix. I would have thought the nose would be more uniform.

Thats a hideous motherfucker right there. Has to be mixed race scum.

>Literal rice nigger


> build their own identity?

With what? Religion? OK fair enough. Consumerism? Nah man fuck offf

race mixing doesnt matter, its about individual traits not the race itself. Look at the pic, one is pure white, the other mixed. Who would you say looks better ?

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It ain't just suicide my guy, pure white babies aren't guaranteed to be good.

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>Guy on the right is pure white

However "individual traits" is retarded when there are higher concentrations of attractive people in certain races (such as whites)

According to literally any race based attraction study, whites are by far the most attractive on average.

white. he most likely has higher iq i can see it in his eyes

>mixed race birth defects
They tend to have less birth defects (except racemix get southern Asians)

Samefag detected, compare that to the millions of nigger crack babies, your argument won't hold up too well :/

Testing oregon

youre actually supporting my argument. Its not about racemixing but the individuals themselfes who take crack or are criminals i.e.

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>Accuses me of samefagging to discredit an argument
Calm your tits fag that ain't me and there are millions of white kids born with heroin addicted parents what's your point exactly.

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Yes but when certain races have a higher likelihood of committing crime or doing drugs (like blacks) that's where the whole idea comes from.
Your argument has been thoroughly dismantled.

White males with asian females is fine.

All other forms is disgusting.

My argument is that there's more blacks born with drug addicted parents, but funnily enough you fail to mention that

I think it's fine, it makes it easier to see who has dogshit genetics in the future by skincolor.
Its like the idiots that bred with the Irish, pretty much dooming your family line to enslavement forever.

it hasnt though, youre generalising. Also, why does r9k think racemixing is only white + black ?

>calling this dogshit genetics

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Don't care I just wouldn't fuck whie women
most of us deal the drugs but don't do them

Meh. People obsessed with MUH HWHITE JEANS typically have very little genetic value themselves and personally I would love to have a cinnamon girl so I have no room to judge.

Guy on the right is a slav from almost 10 years ago and has some mental disorder. Slavs are not white.

>youre generalising
Yes because that's the only way to assess an entire group of people, you have to analyse their actions, and average them out.
Our own governments do that, you say it like generalising is a bad thing.

Multiculturalism is a disunifying cancer. Not a strength.

>The largest group of blacks in terms of economic status are middle class
>The group that commits the major portion of crime is the 23.5% in poverty
Now let's say someone decided to racemix with a black person who's middle class why would you have a reason against it.
There aren't more blacks with crack addicted parents it happens at a similar rate
>A 2015 report conducted by theDepartment of Justicefound that blacks in Ferguson, Missouri were over twice as likely to be searched during vehicle stops, despite being found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers.[23]

A 2016 report conducted by theSan Francisco District Attorney's Officeconcluded that racial disparities exist regarding stops, searches, and arrests by the San Francisco Police Department, and that these disparities were especially salient for the black population. Blacks made up almost 42% of all non-consensual searches after a stop, though they accounted for less than 15 percent of all stops in 2015. Blacks held the lowest search "hit rate", meaning that contraband was least likely to be found during a search.[24]

Now let's say both people in a relationship were middle class and weren't crack addicts why would you be against it.

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False, you sell your drugs to yourselves.
Samefagging nig nog

>Slavs are not white
Keep telling yourself that.

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>2010 study found little difference across races with regards to the rates of adolescent drug dealing.[28]A 2012 study found that African American youth were less likely than white youth to use or sell drugs, but more likely to be arrested for doing so.[29]
Wikipedia is a legitimate source and it isn't controlled by Jews.

then just picture yourself next to zayn and ask yourself, who has the better genetics ?
so you wouldnt have a problem with say - a black doctor and a white woman ? Or is that the same for you as a thug and a white woman ?

>Unsourced graph
>would you have a reason against it.
Because the richest black city in the USA has higher crime than the poorest white city, the whole "hurr it's muh socioeconomic factors that makes blacks over represented in crime stats" argument was debunked by the Minnesota transracial adoption study and the dozens of other ones that further it's result.

>A 2015 report conducted by theDepartment of Justicefound that blacks in Ferguson, Missouri were over twice as likely to be searched during vehicle stops, despite being found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers.[23]

What the fuck does this have to do with anything? This isn't even a drug related incarceration statistic, you're just moving goal posts

Blacks get profiled more because they cause more crime, it's not hard to figure out.

>the jews dont like it so im for it
Are you stupid? The Jews don't like race mixing when it's between a Jew and a Gentile, I highly doubt they care that Gentiles race mix.

I don't think it's a coincidence that H3H3 hasn't impregnated his impure Israeli mutt wife, despite neither of them being anti-natalists.

Is it to pass the good looks, the high IQ among us or any other reason?

I require death

I find the whole "mejorando la raza" thing, while a little hot, also a little weird. Then stuff like Brazil comes into the mix, and it makes my penis confused.

>Because the richest black city in the USA has higher crime than the poorest white city, Kettering Maryland isn't even the richest but its crime rate is well below the poorest white city
No it doesn't my guy your bullshiting
>What the fuck does this have to do with anything? This isn't even a drug related incarceration statistic, you're just moving goal posts
It's got to do with the fact blacks are still not high likely to be found with drugs you fucking retard and the incarceration rates for drugs has shown that cops are heavily biased even though drugs use happens at a similar rate among different races
>Blacks made up almost 42% of all non-consensual searches after a stop, though they accounted for less than 15 percent of all stops in 2015. Blacks held the lowest search "hit rate", meaning that contraband was least likely to be found during a search.[24]

Also the graph is from blackdemographics.com/

From the very same source
"A 1995 Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that from 1991 to 1993, 16% of those who sold drugs were black, but 49% of those arrested for doing so were black.[26]

A 2006 study conlcuded that blacks were significantly over-represented among those arrested for drug delivery offenses in Seattle"

And back to the original question what's wrong with two middle class people of different races being in a relationship

And they still had a lower percentage than other races
>A 2016Chicago Police Accountability Task Forcereport found that black and Hispanic drivers were searched by the Chicago Police more than four times more frequently than white drivers, despite white drivers being found with contraband twice as often as black and Hispanic drivers.[25]
So back to the question
>what's wrong with two middle class people of different races being in a relationship

It's a Turkish guy with a Swedish woman. On her bio.

>African Hunter-Gatherer

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Actually what's wrong with two higher class people of different races being in a relationship answer user answer

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Don't care, mostly cause whether or not you're black, white, Asian, spic, etc, if you're a robot, you are virgin, therefore not benefiting from the sexual propaganda of your race.

Pretty much everyone has that though except a few different races like Cushits and nords

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What does that even mean? Seems really vague.

Old old African people from a long long time ago who didn't really have tribes but moved through lands and had nomad like lifestyles

>No it doesn't my guy your bullshiting
Um, yes it fucking does.
It's not even a "city" problem it's a race problem. Poor whites commit less crime than wealthy blacks, that's a FACT.

Lmfao that's your source? Really?
Because blacks are disgusting, they're low IQ and are genetically prone to be violent.
I'm just glad white women know this and are, for the most part, absolutely disgusted by blacks.
The act was put in to racially profile nonwhite people, you don't have to be a statistical genius to realize there's probably going to be more drugs in a sketchy looking white guys car than a black single mother with two screaming niglets in the back.
But, profiling is profiling (:
Pic related

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according to your logic and chart whites and asians shouldnt mix because whites are too criminal and lower iq

Dios mios... La creatura de las Noches

>Dios mios... La creatura de las Noches
speaking of

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Agree 100%, however the ethnicity with the highest iq is ethnic Germans, followed by ethnic Singaporean

source me on that, would you agree that an american should not mix with an ethnic german ?
I read that ashkenazi jews got the highest iq, highest average iq in population is singaporean and they are a mix of multiple asian populations

>source me on that
"There are some differences in the mean IQs among the 21 European
countries. The means range from 96.1 in France to 109.7 in Holland"

>would you agree that an american should not mix with an ethnic german ?
Depends, Americans are so mixed it's impossible to tell.
There are certain ethnicities that aren't Germanic, yet are genetically indistinct from Germanic peoples.
Such as the native population of Briton, their genetics weren't changed at all because they were genetically indistinct from the Anglo Saxon Germanic settlers.

I wouldn't wanna be mixed race at least.

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Shal... I mean, hello! Yes, it's a very good thing! We must fight for multiculturalism in western countries!

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You retard, jews don't support the mixing between them and another race, but they fully support mixing white people.

Jesus I can't post shit does anyone know how to get past this fucking no asccII text bullshit

>ethnicity with the highest iq is ethnic Germans
ethnicity with highest IQ is Ashkenazi Jews, followed by Brahmin Indians, East Asians, then Whites.

you specifically said that ethnic germans have the highest iq, there is no source in your link to that. Youre pulling that out of your ass man

I've got a question. Do you seriously think that American Jews go around greeting each other with "shalom" and rubbing their hands together all the time? I get that le happy merchant is a meme but it seems the idiot majority of anti-Semites seem to believe that Jews are literally shekel witches who go around casting feminism and cuck spells on them.

It seems clear to me that jews need to eat and make friends and fall in love like everyone else and it's hilarious imagining these Satanic nose goblins that Jow Forums has created trying to do that. If you really believe that the joos are smart enough to blend in and genocide whites you have to admit that they don't really act all that different from anyone else or their supposed plan would never work.

>ethnicity with highest IQ is Ashkenazi Jews
Source? Inb4 you post the unsourced paper by Cochran and Harpending discussing a baseless claim of "115 iq Jews" and their origin
Show me an actual peer reviewed paper, with clear sample sizes and method.
>East Asians
False, see journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.2466/pr0.1998.82.3.912
Ethnic Germans score almost 3 points higher than east Asians

having said that only idiots who haven't achieved anything in their lives identify with a group.

In life, your own individual IQ is the only thing that matters.

>The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.

So Latinos shouldn't mix with whites?
>Lmfao that's your source? Really?
Gov collected from a based on blacks you retard
>The act was put in to racially profile nonwhite people,
Wasting police money because of retarded reasons nice and fuck this no ascII text bullshit

The Dutch are ethnic Germans, are you retarded?
Are you feigning ignorance for the sake of damage control?

I can barely answer questions because my PC is fucked sorry man
>It's not even a "city" problem it's a race problem. Poor whites commit less crime than wealthy blacks, that's a FACT.
Nope that ain't a fact.