Why do you deny the existence of fembots? Is it really that hard to consider maybe some women don't have it easy?
Why do you deny the existence of fembots? Is it really that hard to consider maybe some women don't have it easy?
>some women don't have it easy
Women's problems are so far removed from reality that it's pathetic to watch them talk about it and wonder why nothing ever changes. It's because yall are so wrapped up in your own self-constructed reality with its own fake problems. "People want to have sex with me" is not a problem. It's the basis of male-female communication, and you're choosing to be mute.
If a male says no female will sleep with him, it's because no female will sleep with him.
If a female says no male will sleep with her, it's because the males that want to sleep with her don't meet her standards.
It's not that fembots don't exist, but that most women think they're fembots when they're not. The actual fembots are blending in with every other robot instead of attention whoring
everyone on this board are mostly bitter incels who have mommy issues and are pissed that no woman will sleep with them so they take it out on females as a whole
Even on easier difficulty settings, you have to fight monsters.
Was St. Randy a fembot?
Literally any woman could get a bf just by asking for one. If that's not life on easy mode then what is?
Proof? I'm genuinely curious
While I fully believe women can feel isolated and have the same mental health and social problems of the male members of this board, I don't think the fact they can get sex easier really means very much.. I don't think they ever come close to the level of resentment and bitterness many robots harbour for the gender. It's just not in the nature of women. So are they "fembots" yeah. And I think we should be more accepting of them. They just aren't robots. That's a whole other thing.
>Create thread
>Mention you are a female
>Choose among responders
Kek. Funny that. The main male problem I see on this board is "wah women don't want to have sex with me" as if sex is the magical answer to everything.
By god I wish my main problem in life, one that consumed me so much. Was as simple as tfw no gf.
But the only problem robots have is they choose to be single.
I'm not female, I just want to see proof that literally every women can just get a bf by asking
Yeah because that's going to turn into a perfect relationship. Takes fucking more than that on both sides
Also, dont just give me anectodal evidence. Post actual proof
It's funny because at one point I was deluded and lonely enough I thought that was the way to get a be, the only option open to me. Cue months of being ghosted, robots sharing my picture to mock me, then one who loved me after a few weeks and started threatening to kill himself etc if I stopped talking.
Ha so easy. I can only imagine how it would have gone down in real life with our collective issues and social problems.
That is absolutely no way to find a boyfriend, the fact someone thinks they may be desperate enough to settle for someone they only know is female. Nothing more. People want to be wanted and liked in their own right. Not desperately settled for.
And thus I've been single for pretty much all my life because even though one or two guys have liked me, I've been too much of a mental sperg to build on it
If a male says no female will sleep with him, it's because he has never tried to get a gf and wants a 10/10 stacy to appear in his basement.
Incels don't know the difference. That's why anytime you ask proofs you only get meme graphs.
Do you have a nice body? I can't promise I can be your bf but at least can give you the d if so.
Classic robots. Maybe I do have a nice body but nothing makes me drier than shit like that. Absolutely laughable
It all boils down to sex to robots. That is the only thing that determines if you have a good life or not. Nothing else crosses their privileged minds
Does not explain why I was ghosted each time but okay
Beggars can't be choosers. If you are a boring sperg you can't get a quality bf. If the best part of you is your body then that's what you should accept and just have sex.
>femoids actually believe this
I'm not a boring sperg. People have liked me and they will again. Maybe beggars can't be choosers but I'm certainly not beggar enough to fall for your desperate faux Chad online act.
I have been rejected by guys that i have asked out. My only boyfriend rejected me and I worked for 6 months to get him to like me
> i stalked him like a creep for 6 months and forced him to like me.
Would be acceptable to woman if the genders were reversed??
I won't ghost you, Femanon!
>don't have it easy
Why are you twisting the definition so that anyone can fit in? Almost nobody's life is easy. But for a woman to have the kind of alienation and abuse that causes someone to be a friendless NEET for half a decade is very rare, I haven't met any who think in a way where they genuinely dislike and can't fit in to society in any sense. If they have depression and were pumped and dumped by someone they were tricked into thinking loves them, it doesn't matter how you argue if it's harsher than a robot's life, it just doesn't make them a robot.
Its probably just that, culturally women do have an advantage, so some robots have that against them or are bitter that they didnt had that easy sex option they so much desire, but that kinda means failing is even harder on you. Women can have mental illnesses just like anyone, I dont really see being a woman as a magical way out of your problems, but Im not one so am only speculating, I could be wrong.
Women with mental illness have an exponentially easy life than males with them. I take it you've never been to a group therapy session. What the women talk about there is such a joke that it makes all the males feel worse about themselves.
>Yeah because that's going to turn into a perfect relationship
answering the question in your reply and not even realizing it. its a relationship, is it not? but no, fem"bots" are too busy trying to find the perfect relationship, whereas robots are trying to find any relationship at all
I hate women, but these cunts who claim to be fembots are the absolute worst.
I can totally picture that actually. You mean group therapy as in psych wards right? What was your experience like? If you dont mind me asking good sir
This wasn't in a psych ward. It was a group focused on building social skills for people with anxiety. It was mostly women, none of them were perma-virgins I'd wager based on how they talked about their social lives. Most of the guys were, except one or two. The girls would often talk about how they have their boyfriends and friends and how they would have "anxiety" in social situations. Me and most of the other guys talked about how alone we were, one girl tried to identify with that loneliness by stating she has no friends, only a boyfriend. It was disgusting, and I stopped therapy because of these sessions.
And I know women can have "issues" but they don't have to live with the consequences of those issues.
Sounds like this therapy didnt work. How did you find this therapy thing? And thanks for sharing
It was a referral by my one on one therapist who I still see.
>"People want to have sex with me" is not a problem.
okay dude. when you're 13 and gross men start leering at you because puberty it's a problem. is it the holocuast? no. but it's not a fucking race dude. maybe you have it worse than some fembots, but some fembots have it worse than you.
Think about it: why would Chad settle for you?
how do you know that some random incel suffers more than a fembot? how did you acquire that knowledge that you're so certain about that you'd dismiss another human being's suffering even just a little?
>and gross men start leering at you because puberty it's a problem
but its ok if chad does it. typical roastie whore.
I always see stuff like this and it confuses me, who's ghosting people?
I rarely ever ghost anons, when I do I never have talked to them for more than a few days.
Even then it's not really ghosting because I let them know and then unadd them.
I haven't seen anything like the ghosting that people complain about.
> robots sharing my picture to mock me
I have never seen this.
Maybe I am retarded.
Actually that is probably the correct answer.
because it reinforces their victim complex by rendering every woman into one malevolent superentity that fucks people by the truckload just because they can except for manlets and sperglords
it's not okay if chad is perving on 13 year old girls.
Because if a woman was as desperate as I am, one would consider dating me.
>some women don't have it easy
Just because they're too stupid to fuck their way into having it easy doesn't make it the problem of those of us who actually have to struggle.
think about it like this, when most men are 13, they are so desperate for any female attention that they do all kinds of stupid shit only for girls to ignore them. "Leering" is every guys dream. That's why you can't understand why we do it.
Okay women can have it just as bad and even worse than I can. I'll accept that, now what? Im still a subhuman beta male loser.
The inner roastie starts to rear its ugly head in this post
Fuck off you stupid "fembot" (FUCKING LMAO) useless sperg.
>implying they can tell your age at a glance
why are women so retarded?
God I wish women leered at me when I was 13
13 year old girls seem to think it's okay
>People have liked me and they will again.
That doesn't sound like something a robot would say
They tend to hate it soon after.
I don't think I know any women that were cool with sex they had at 13, all of them ended up regretting it while the ones who didn't are really fucked up in the head
It's because every single person who claims to be one invariably ends up discussing her ex(s), how chad dumped them again, or stories like, "I'm such a fembot, when I go for a night out with the girls, no guy comes talk to me".
Not only that, but they always invariably only want chad. For example, there is not a single person who has claimed to be a fembot who has ever given a robot the time of day, regardless of their configuration.
>get told online I'm an 8/10 male and "Chad" by friends/r9k/soc/discord
>try to get on Tindr, 2 matches
>both are unpassable traps
>sister tries to Tinder
>1300 fucking likes, 158 matches and she said she ran out of likes to get matches
>She's gotten people to send $400 already to her CashApp and she's only been doing this shit for 2 days
This. I even got a femanon on discord who claimed every robot ghosted her and that she doesn't ghost anyone. Guess what happened? She ghosted me hardcore and I never ghosted her. I never believe claims of fem"""bots""" being ghosted.
By definition, robots have not chosen to be single. The majority of robots have tried everything in their power and then some and it still hasn't helped them. Normalfags have never once tried even a single thing, they have never expanded, in their pathetic existences, even a modicum of effort.
did she promise to not ghost you? what you said necessarily mean someoneis incapable of ghosting
Yes she did. In particular, she promised I would ghost her before she ghosts me.
I have no clue what you're trying to say with the rest of your post though.
they are a bunch of kid under the age of 20. who have problems socializing. And cant even talk to their own fucking family. WHO dont even know they hhave fucking god damn first cousin FEMBOTS that they dont evenn know about.
YET they dont want to admit thhey want to fuck their own god damn cousins. so thhey pretend to hate women
>be me
>be 13
>stacyfriend needs alibi to get perved on by some oldfag that looks 30
>'let's go to the mall femanon!'
>go to mall with her and boringfag friend
>oldfag jokes about having a 3some with stacy and me
>sicks me out big time
>somehow detects that boringfriend is really incredibly boring even though she's really pretty and just ignores her
>anyway takes my friend off to perv in the parkinglot
i just wanted to hang out with my friend and go shopping and do sleepovers and play videogames. men who perv on 13 year old girls are gross and ruin everything.
Like how you blame the man and not your willing friends
Fembots don't exist. I'm not saying that women have it objectively easy though because everyone faces hardship in one way or another.
But women have options and opportunities that robots simply don't have.
I'm meant to sit and accept someone trying to act alpha Chad to me online? It's pathetic. Ultimately it's still a sad desperate reach for a girl but with some bullshit act on top. So I can't even feel sad for them. And I have more self respect than that. God, if you even think they are the one in the right here.. Hypocrites the lot of you. In every way.
What. The world isn't divided into chads and robots. I neither expect nor want either. Just someone nice
What letter does her discord start with?
Then why do you reject nice guys?
>male validly points out incongruincies in your statements
>"hurr, ur not chad, I dnt have to lstn to u"
Just shut your mouth and fuck off, stupid cunt. I'm tired of you shitty females leveraging your holes on this board for advantage and then acting like you're somehow superior to the average robot when you're only here for attention from thirsty betas. What a bunch of dumb fucking whores. Absolutely disgusting.
if you have her on discord then how did she ghost you
>Be me
>25yo normiewalker, on my way to wizardry.
>Go to v-stock to pick up some games
>Riding a pretty strong retrowave
>Gotta get that Spyro bro
>Maybe cash in on that Gex action, hear those sweet catchphrases one more time
>As I debate the merits of dropping 30 cold ones on Super Mario Sunshine, a girl appears in the corner of my eye.
>She's wearing full on nostalgia-wear, but not ironically, no thrifting required.
>Try desperately to avoid eye contact
>for one, a retrotripping is nothing like nostalgia-dosing
>for another, she moves funny
>I think she's watching me
>predator prey relationship
>If I glance at the wrong time, she's probably going to take it as an invitation
>Decide thirty slapjacks is too much for the 5th best Mario game of the early millenium
>I hate beach music anyways
>Now's the time
>caught like OoT Link trying to sneak into Castle Hyrule
>try to deflect
>she asks me if I've played Chronotrigger
>I've never owned a playstation before
>I try to get the attention of the cashier
>Chronotrigger is probably her favorite game
>She likes Chronocross better actually
>Proceeds to tell me the whole plot of both games
>She has played them over thirty times.
>She likes time travel, because of the way things could be different
>It hurts
>Have said nothing but "mhm" for 20 minutes.
>Afraid that if I'm more obvious, I'll shatter what's left of her faith in other people
>Finally the cashier is free
>Ask if he's got Luigi's Mansion
>The girl is starting to blush
>she's realizing
>I've never felt so terrible
>she looks away
>says nothing
>They don't have Luigi's Mansion, but they have Wind Waker
>TFW you don't like beach music.
Fembots are real. I'll never forget you ChronoGirl
I think these """fembots""" are trannies spilling over from /lgbt/ to larp a women.
I've never outright rejected anyone. I had someone once show interest in me but ultimately I was too weird, awkward.. Scared to try anything though I really liked him.
So where are these nice guys.
>So where are these nice guys
Not on this board
I'm not saying that at all. But a asshole user propositions that shit (probably you desu) and I'm meant to happily agree. Wow. Of course user. I'm so impressed by your display of sheer alpha of course I'll fuck you.
I don't know. I know not all of you can possibly be bad. I've just given up trying to sift through the trash
Are you fine with a mentally ill NEET manlet?
>Dumb, useless slut who is supposedly a "fembot" wants to trade up to dating a normie.
If you turn your back on the only group of males genuinely willing to tolerate your bullshit, of course no one is going to be nice to you, you fucking spastic.
I'm gonna have to go with the robots for once, ladies. If you are an attractive woman, you get any Chad you want. If you are an attractive guy you can get any Stacy you want. Now the charm robots can't see is that there's a lot more to a relationship than sex. I consider myself a pretty attractive lady but in yet I've only had one boyfriend. Yeah, yeah you are gonna say I'm not that attractive. I am, I just say no to Chads and uninteresting guys. Slightly attractive women have it easy. Fatties and uglies not so much. Very few want them.
wheere are you from, user? whats your mental illness?
Honestly why would I want a robot after everything. I mean I don't want anyone, especially not a relationship where we bounce our mental illness of each other. That's not high standards. That's just logic. That shit is unhealthy for everyone. Now I'm trying to better myself and honestly no I don't want to be trying to do the same for someone dragging me down. Call me selfish but I no I don't have anything to offer someone here though God knows I tried once..
Anyway lol.
>Someone tells me they'd fuck me if I had a good body because it's all I'm good for
>somehow I'm the one in the wrong for rejecting that kind offer
Central europa, avoidant personality disorder.
I'm nice but I isolate myself.
No. It's not that I want better as such, I'm not without compassion. It's just I just don't think it's healthy for either person to be in a relationship like that. I tried to support someone from here once while I was a mess myself and it was fucking draining.
damnit. never in burgerland. maybe its time to learn german and return to the fatherland
Yes. The only known one.
What a truly depressing story. Was this female just too revolting to deal with? I wish I had a gamer gf even though I'm starting to hate video games.
>It's just I just don't think it's healthy for either person to be in a relationship like that.
I don't know, maybe we could help and support each other.
I'll await you then.
>I'll await you then.
oh dont tease, user. i know i dont have a chance with you even if i live closer
He said you are only good for your fleshy orificies because he's right.
All of your posts of you being a bitter cunt and even you just then admitting that you don't have anything to offer to anyone here prove it.
And yet like the stupid fucking roastie that you are, you still come here to try to get attention from orbiters.
You posting here is fucking draining.
Why would I not give you a chance?
oh, thats too bad user. im from the USA. hopefully you can find someone nearby
The only reason a fembot would exist is if they're fat or hideously ugly
because none of the girls im interested in ever do
My sister would be a stacy lite if she wasnt so fucking autistic
in addition to this im probably too old or too fat. are you fat? you seem too nice to be skinny or attractive
Look at your post. I'm the bitter one? Ok lad. Also yes well done. I don't have anything to offer anyone right now, but I'm not going to feel bad for it. Im working on myself. Having standards for myself. Then perhaps I'll be capable of a relationship. Perhaps some of you should try it. But no. Too deep in blaming others to take any kind of responsibility for yourself
>implying I'm interested in your smelly neet holes
Fuck off. You've already proven you're not a fembot and are just a temporarily embarrassed Stacy. Stop afflicting this board with your heinous bullshit and leave the robots the fuck alone. God damn.
Nah, and that's kind of my point. A complete lack of social awareness. And she was clearly trying very hard. Seemed like she'd mustered up a lot of courage. That's why it felt so terrible. I was trying to use the softest rejection I possibly could, through simple social cues of disinterest. Too be more obvious would have been rude, but watching her drown in the social currents felt absurdly cruel. It was just an autist struggling to connect with a world she doesn't understand, like watching a bird with a broken wing try to fly.
I never said that. I said I don't think women reach the extreme levels of bitterness exhibited by robots. I'm not dismissing anything. I'm accepting women can of course suffer as much and more.