How do you spend most of your free time, NEETs and wagies of Jow Forums? No matter how autistic or normalfag it is

How do you spend most of your free time, NEETs and wagies of Jow Forums? No matter how autistic or normalfag it is.
>listening to albums, music
>playing 3 instruments
>World of Warcraft
>Jow Forums

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>watching youtube videos
>making youtube videos

Jow Forums

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I watch some youtube in the evenings, but I'm also working on a business when I have time. I also want to move soon to enable a NEET lifestyle so I've been researching about where to move to.

>watching twitch streams
>listening to music on youtube shuffle
>playing runescape

Lately? Pokemon, but my interests go in cycles.

im learning how to trade and mine crypto. Shit sounds fun but is abit risky. But i mostly spend my time watching youtube while listening to trance music, the one you would hear at clubs in the late 90s/early 2000s not the trash normies produce nowadays

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In order from most time spent to least:
>video games
>Jow Forums

Who is this cute girl? That's not Ciara or some shit is it?
I like that you say 3 instruments but you don't just say which instruments lol

>Jow Forums
>Making sure my cat doesn't destroy my shit

>Jow Forums
Recently won a few thousand $ in an online casino. Thinking about buying a telescope. WageBitches gonna hate

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nice music taste, try house and eurobeat as well

after work
>youtube videos
>some small amounts of gaming
>some Jow Forums ( mostly browse during work not after )

someone teach me how to draw or something i want to get out of this cycle i've been doing it ever since high school its been years

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watch anime
read manga
play video games
watch tokusatsu (kamen rider and super sentai)

>watch anime/cartoons
>read manga/comics
>shitpost on here

I work a lot, listen to music, watch youtube, mindlessly scroll through instagram, and go to shows

>Jow Forums
>Sorting Jow Forums images
>Jow Forums
>Fap 6 hours a day

>World of Warcraft
>Jow Forums

I don't know. It's a girl so people respond to my thread.
I guess you'll never know which instruments I play because I won't say. It's a mystery alright.

well boys, how did I do?

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>Ps3 , Mostly Fallout 3 and new vegas. Also Minecraft, because i like the nice music and its perfect to play at 3 am

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Whats EDA?


>>someone teach me how to draw or something
>>or something
I've got an idea. Add me.

takes one to know one, fag!!

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>Jow Forums
>maybe a movie now and then

But none of it feels real unless I've got some cannabis and a space to myself for some hours.

mostly music related, listening,playing, learning , writting
video games

I spend almost all my time on Jow Forums and YouTube. I used to play games a lot but I can't seem to have fun and find the interest to play them anymore. The same thing is happening with music and anime. I feel like I'm in a downward spiral leading to more and more emptiness in me

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>Jow Forums
>randomized pokemon games
>once every like 5 months play rs for a week or so until i get bored of the game again
>sometimes twitch

u big dummy

>twitch - speedrunning or titty streams

Usually my days used to be 90% games 10% music

Now it's almost 0% games ever since i got on anti-psychotic meds i no longer enjoy games