Just maxed this machine out. Did I do good backbros?
Just maxed this machine out. Did I do good backbros?
How far back do you lean and how low do you pull it back
Any upper back exercise feels awkward as fuck, my least favorite movement.
Rows suck, chin-ups are GOAT.
post pic of back or larp
Ours goes to 150kg
I maxed out the lat pull down at my gym and was able to do 3 reps just barely with poor form but left it on all the weight then 5 minutes later when some guy and his girlfriend went to use it I heard him say to her that someone must've been pulling a prank by putting it on all the weight and that no one could ever do that. I'm not even that strong I just practice pullups every day and weigh 200.
Does this train lower or upper back? This question has always bamboozled me.
lats run down the back a fair amount
traps and lats mostly but lower back is used a little bit