How to know when to stop reverse or front parking? I always either hit the curb or park too far away from it

How to know when to stop reverse or front parking? I always either hit the curb or park too far away from it

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It's simple: you git gud.

Or buy one of those parking sensor retrofit kits because you're a lazy fuck

use logic to estimate where ur fuckin tires are daft cunt

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How? You cant see shit in the mirrors

you're just brainlet who doesn't have space imagination/reason

just look at a nearby parked car and align yourself with it

Well duhh i wouldnt be making this thread if i did

It is an acquired skill

Literally this
and, if you really have issues, just get out of your car if you're unsure and see for yourself where the car actually is instead of just crashing into things. Eventually you'll get a feel for the limits of your car.

reverse parking is easy. sensor
front parking is also easy, unless you're a manlet like my mom lol then I suppose training

Next time youre parked well make a reference point when youre in the drivers seat. The best one is to look at your wing mirrors and see where they are in relation to the parking bay lines. They'll probably be just under or cutting through them.

Ok none of the replies in this thread are informational.

For reverse parking, look at your back-wheel in your side-mirror. If you keep looking at this you will never scrape the curb.

if youre new to driving or get a new car you wont be able to totally grasp the car's dimensions so just do what other anons have said and park next to cars while aligning mirrors/wheels and get out to check how far/close you are from the curb. unless you are parked 2 feet or more from the curb it wont usually be a huge issue anyways but you will get used to it in time

What car do you have? There is a huge difference between parking with something like a Hummer or a Countach instead of a Smart or a Civic. Being tall helps too, manlets need to use the mirrors more.

Practice makes perfect though. If there's other cars around you can just align with them, take note if they're bigger or smaller than your car and you can adjust from that.

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>pull up next to the car you want to park behind
>make sure you are pretty close to it
>start reversing
>when your backseat is even with the other car's back bumper, turn the wheel hard to the right (assuming you're parking on the right side of the street)
>continue reversing until you are at a 45 degree angle
>then turn the wheel hard to the left
>continue reversing until you are in the spot
>pull forward a little bit to get into the middle of the spot if necessary

if this doesn't work, adjust your reference point in the third step until you figure out what works for your car. i used to suck at parallel parking but i moved to a place on a hill with only street parking for eight years so it is second nature now.

You literally just learn from experience. Nobody just starts out parking perfectly. Some people never learn. I hope you're not one of them.

front parking is easy, use your drivers side mirror as a reference point. you look at the mirror and the front line or curb of the parking spot next to you, you'll have to figure out how far you can go because every car is different. my mirror goes about 2 feet in front of the curb. if there's a car next to you you can use both the curb or line up the car with their mirrors

learn how to use your mirrors. I also get out and check quite often. Or park farther away so no one hits your car and you can't hit others

This chart is pretty decent.

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You can see the hood of your car from the windshield. Look and memorize which spot of your car hood your tires are aligned with and you can approximate the distance easily.

For reversing you just have to learn how far objects actually are when they appear in the mirror. One easy trick is, if there are other cars just line up your mirrors to their mirrors (take into account whether those cars are same size as yours)

tfw in my city driving an Audi A6 is like driving a limousine, all cars are smaller, often much smaller and the parking spaces are barely large enough for me to enter them, and there's always Smart or Twizys cunts who park whoever they want without leaving enough space for largeish sedans. I sometimes scrape on things or take a while to park and I look like some rich idiot who doesn't know to drive ;_;

Are the new ones bigger? I have a '93 100 which is the same as the first generation A6, it does appear quite long but ultimately easy to park

I thought cars were bigger in USA, with the "full size" sedans and especially with the truck and SUV booms in the past years

I don't live in the US, Barcelona is a shitty cramped city.

Underground parking spaces are the absolute worst, once I had to back up in reverse up into the street because the pillars weren't spaced enough for my car to pass.

Oh, yeah European cities might be pretty bad for that, I live in a small town

Car parking space size hasn't really changed since like the 1950's even though cars have