Hikki/NEET thread

Lets have a real R9K thread, lets talk about being a HIKKI or NEET.

>how longer have you been hikki
>was it because mental illness?
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
>live with family or???

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Since mid march
>No, I graduated from my bachelor and have nothing to do till I start my master in september
>Yes, but even when I was in Uni, I was till home alone all the time since I never went to classes or had friends
>Currently yes, when I go back to Uni I'll be on my own.

This is honestly fucking hell. I have absolutely nothing to do. At least when I was alone I did my own shopping, had to keep my apartment clean, went to town to buy weed and had to study for exams here and there. Now the only time I leave my bed is to eat and go to the bathroom. I stopped feeling enjoyment a long time ago and I suppose I underestimated how even everyday tasks you deal with when you live alone occupy at least some of your time and thoughts. I can't fathom why anyone would want to be in this position voluntarily.

>how longer have you been hikki
4 nearly 5 years
>was it because mental illness?
yes, real bad depression and social anexiety and PTSD
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
No I like being hikki the outside scares me and id rasther just not be alive DESU
>live with family or???
live with my mummy

You will get used to it man, join discord and shit poost or chill in a coice chat while you watch anime ect.
collect hentai ect.

Can I ask user, are you fapping to 3D porn?
fapping only to anime girls and taking the 2D pill will help.

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>Not in Education, Employment, or Training
Lick my taint faggot
I don't really fap, maybe once a week for health purposes or rather to see if my dick still works. I don't like talking to people very much so discord isn't for me.

You are right he isnt a NEET or HIKKI, he is just taking a gap year or w3hatever normieos call it.

you fap to 2D or 3D?

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>how longer have you been hikki
1 year NEET for 2
>was it because mental illness?
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
I don't know. Grass is greener on the other side and I envy people living normal lives but I don't know if that's possible for me personally or if I would be happier.
>live with family or???

How about you, how long have you been larping as a neet?

Are you trolling? Who would larp as a hiki? We're the lowest of the low in society. In fact we're so low it's debatable whether we're even in society. No one wants that.

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the only problem I have with being a NEET is you faggots are really gay with all this anime

>how longer have you been hikki
since 2009
>was it because mental illness?
afraid of going outside and lack of ambition
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
i want to be a hikki forever but im being forced out of it
>live with family or???
i live with my dad who is forcing me to get a job by september 1st or else he'll take away the internet even if i pay for it and i've never been more scared in my life i don't know what to do.

Normals pretend to have mental illnesses all the time to garner attention. Answer the question already.

Can't because I'm not larping. Can you really not fathom we exist? We proportionately rarer than we used to be but still around.

If thats what keeps you going through the day thats ok, but please be mindful of people who are actual NEETS.

>If thats what keeps you going through the day thats ok, but please be mindful of people who are actual NEETS.
I am though? What got you so convinced I'm larping?

He thinks you are me, this user he thinks I larp as a hikki.
in a hikki thread ages ago, he found a Jow Forums post I made months ago when I accdientally said I was a hikki for 3 years instead of 4 years as I hit the wrong key.

funny thing is I used to be #1 for kills on BF1, gunjyguy
and he knows who I am, so how does one manage to play a vidya game more than anyone else in the world and larp as a neet?

just ignore him, he is baiting me and I just fell for it.

Pic related screen cap was from like 3 years ago

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Oh. The question was just for you. I read it too quickly and responded. oops

Im OP,and whenever I try to discuss being a Hikki he sperges about me not being a real hikki or NEET.

He just wants to act like its special and cool to be a loser like us so he attacks others who are also losers,.
Nothing cool about being mentally ill

>how longer have you been hikki
since like 2010 on and off. been a bit to college but dropped out. tried like 3 times.
>was it because mental illness?
social anxiety and no self esteem, lack of motivation to work towards goals, i dont wanna work 5 days a week just to survive. mood swings, lack of energy. wasn't professionaly diagnosed tho
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
i mean i want money. i dont care about being hikki or nah. i dont like going out much but i dont mind going out for a walk or to have something to eat every now and then
>live with family or???
currently my mom helps with rent but not for long this or next month she said shes no longer helping

Do you faggots drive? I couldnt imagine life without a car. Driving is so comfy.

>Do you faggots drive?
No failed test more times than I can remember and gave up.

Why did you give up you fucking loser? Take it again

>currently my mom helps with rent but not for long this or next month she said shes no longer helping

Move back in with mum, I live with my mum and she knows now I am mentally fucked so she doesnt mind.

You have to convince the boomers you really cant cope and they will shelter you maybe.
lol GTFO you normal NIGGER
im getting my P plates soon, but I wont be able to ever drive too much anexiety.

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>tfw no neet/hikki friend to talk and play games all day with.

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>too much anxiety

Driving is literally the easiest thing in the world you weak faggot. Git gud.

I can't stay in the lane because I shake too much and have trouble paying attention enough to stop at red lights unless someone tells me to.

I hope you get into an accident driving your shitty honda.
Fuck you normie, get the fuck out of my thread.

Drop your discord fren if you want to ever DM feelz ect..I quit gaming coz depression though so I wont play games though.

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You two are fucking pussies. The absolute state of modern men.

moving in back to her is a bit complicated. shes going to be staying with my sister actually and id have to move back with my father. who i fucking hate. he drinks and starts getting belligerent. despite not being violent he wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes and shit. its stressing as fuck.

also about the convincing part. idk they still dont know im fucked in the head. which is kinda weird considering everything. im just good at making it seem like something else.

i make a bit of money online and i still hope i can make it work that way
we can be friends. i dont really play games much nowadays though


Literal meme. Lift some weights, lose some weight, and go outside. If you can shitpost on Jow Forums you can do a lot of things.


Here's my discord!

Bro, I get anxious when my mum says anything to me, this morning I got super anxious from her trying to tell me about her day at work taht I couldnt calm down so I had to drink alcohol to try relax.

>Driving is easy for a normal nigger
>going outside is easy
>talking to people is easy

But if you have social anxiety ect, its super hard and you just cant do it.

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Will you fuck off already, normie prick.
This is a thread for neets and hikkis, go take your "jus beee urself" advice and shove it up your urethra.

Just write symphonies off the top of your head fucking dumbass lmao

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this is the definition of damage control

Anxiety is just a meme. Someone talking to you wont make you nervous, its just a defense mechanism youve developed because youre looking for excuses not to do shit. I mean, your grandfathers generation had to storm beaches in normandy watching their bros getting lit the fuck up left and right, and they didnt pussy out and pretend to be nervous or anxious or whatever. If they can do that you can drive a fucking comfy car while listening to an audiobook or something.

>writing a symphony is the same as driving a car

Its literally one pedal to make you go forward brainlet

nigga ur fucking retarded. just stop and gtfo

>trying this hard to bait on an English speaking otaku website

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why he will take exactly in september 1st?

Yeah whatever you know im right incel faggots

>how long
depends on when you consider the start of it, some family shit happened and stopped going to school about a year ago, but went back to school half a year ago but left in the first term
>was it mentlel
yeah a bit of a mentlel crisis, insomnia/depression/anxiety/ptsd/ocd/autism/mania etc general 'not quite psychotic, but not really functioning either'. dropped out and decided to grab my $500 cash, withdraw the $1k in my bank and head to the city to find some basic work to get money while writing a philosophical manifesto before kms but some fuckhead stole my money from my room and im too rarted to try an atm since i havent left the house since beyond buying snacks and similar comestible.
yes and fucking hate it but i have no work history or employable skills and don't have a car or license so im basically stuck in this hell until i sort myself out and figure out a way to restart my life
going through process for the dole, maybe then i can figure something out

>Yeah whatever you know im right incel faggots

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>I hit the wrong key.

This is the first excuse anyone uses when they get irrevocably called out for their shit.

oh, i missed one and merged it with the family one.
why the fuck does this site (is it global or just r9k?) change t b h to desu and f a m to senpai, why does it need to try this hard to fuck up normal conversation using abbreviations when there's a fucking 1k char limit? these aren't words that need censoring, nor are the substitutions funny, they're just fuckign retarded
>inb5 b% 4 evading shit word filter
whoever implemented this shit should eat a fat turd and kill themselves

because if you spam t b h to the character limit you are allowed more desus than you normally are of course

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>how longer have you been hikki
Since 2014
>was it because mental illness?
I don't really know. I have problems interacting with people and getting motivarion to study or work.
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
Not really, I'm perfectly ok with this, but It depends more on my parents than anything.
>live with family or???
Family, brother recently moved out so I have the entire room for myself yay

>wait is this a hikki/Neet thread or a "post qt anime girls" thread
I'm a hikki by the way. Slowly in the process of turning neet. How do i stop this?

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>I'm a hikki by the way. Slowly in the process of turning neet. How do i stop this?
How are you slowly turning NEET if you're already a hikki? Are you losing your job at home or something?

I just showed proof I am actually hikki.
I mean check out my gunjyguy tag on the net desu.
Was #1 global for kills in BF1..I must have been a wagecuckl normie to play games more than everyone else yeah?

>people where never mentally ill 100 years ago the post

we will just an hero one day man.
if you dig hard enough you can see I have always said same shit on the net man , jesus.
ask anyone on discord taht knows me and after saying im a pedo they will say im right.

Being this new
yeah man its nice being hikki man, its comfy man shielded from teh real world.

both man.

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playing a fotm normalfag game for a month doesnt make you a hikki at all

>5 years
>was initially because I was tired and wanted a break, and that first year was probably the best of my life so far. Now, yeah, it's pretty hard to go out
>Yes, I want money. I don't mind endless free time or spending it on things that normies don't like, but I want money, so that I can at least have hope of being comfortable in 15 years.
>with mom and 4 younger people

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It doesnt look good for you, I couldnt care less who you are but everything you are saying sounds like a bad excuse.

nah, my studies' (not school) getting rekt because anime and video games

month? i played bf1 from whne it came out for 2 years all day every day.
>>with mom and 4 younger people

explain? your staying with cute lolis user? holy shit thats cool

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>how longer have you been hikki
I think it's been around a decade
>was it because mental illness?
Severe agoraphobia. I didn't leave my house for 3 years. I had to be hospitalized last December for both mental and health issues. I leave the house occasionally now.
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
I don't know. Even going out for less than an hour is extremely stressful for me.
>live with family or???
I live with my dad.

3 years fuck, most I went was 2 years.
we are just born to suffer

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It's awful feeling like we were just born wrong.

>i spent 2 years being a complete normalfag and now im just on my summer break


A hikki is someone who hasn't left their house in 6 months you fucking retard.

My 3yo niece is my favorite person to hang out with, but otherwise, the younger people aren't fun little girls.

>A hikki is someone who hasn't left their house in 6 months you fucking retard.
No it isn't. Get better reading comprehension
>More recently, researchers have developed more specific criteria to more accurately identify hikikomori. During a diagnostic interview, trained clinicians evaluate for:[6]
>spending most of the day and nearly every day confined to home,
>marked and persistent avoidance of social situations,
>social withdrawal symptoms causing significant functional impairment,
>duration of at least six months, and
>no apparent physical pathology to account for the social withdrawal symptoms.
You have to spend spending most of the day and nearly every day confined to home for 6 months

>2 years
>not sure, possibly?
>hard to decide, life may be harder being a wageslave or worrying about normie things
>of course, government gimmedats are impossible to get in canada for neets

You're enrolled in education you fucking idiot. Do you also think wageslaves become "NEET" for two days during the weekend?

If you are such a fucking normalfag that you can't even handle being alone with your thoughts for a measly four months, get a job.

>how longer have you been hikki
10 years NEET
>was it because mental illness?
No, I just dropped out of high school and society because it's shit
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
>live with family or???

I really wish America had a universal basic income

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Might soon be a reality

Neat. I actually live right next to Chicago too.

used to be a hikki for 5 years, now I have a job. Its even worse having to work all day and come home to the same hikki lifestyle. Because now I have to create a web of lies to appear normal when I'm outside.

>how longer have you been hikki
~4 years, although 6 months in the middle somewhere I was briefly in the service, but I got kicked out because my legs gave out
>was it because mental illness?
For sure I've struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life, but there's not any one traumatic event that started it, just sort of many little ones that added up over time. Everyone around me just thinks I'm lazy though.
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
Honestly, I don't give a shit. I could stop tomorrow if I got a good job offer or something, but why bother unless it's really special, right? I mean if I did all the work to get it together and got a job/gf/my own place, we could all die in a nuclear war the next day. Why not enjoy as much as I can before that?
>live with family or???
Yeah. Lived with one parent for a couple years, then crashed on a friend's floor for a little while, now I live with the other one.

more a Neet than Hikki. I can leave my room but I don't like it.
>how long?
around 6 years now
>mental illness?
probably yes but nothing diagnosed. i was always an apathic person who doesn't want come closer to other persons and not interestered in other people. social anxiency and low self-confidence
>no I like my simple life.
>yes grandparents. I could be dead if grandma wouldn't help me to survive. (food, internet, place to sleep)

fuck man, yolur grannys real nice

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what are your plans for today fellow burdens? I plan on finishing blood+ and playing some siege, maybe some wow a bit later

Thanks for the catgirl.
This catgirl is pretty. Thank you, user!

>how longer have you been hikki
12 years

>was it because mental illness?
manic depressive, autism, profdiag

>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
i dont remember how to be normal, i am completely delusional and non functional

>live with family or???

i dont ever want to participate in society

how have you kept yourself entertained for 12 years?

well in this thread you are among friends.
what has kept you from an hero?

how old are you bro?

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living as a neet for about a year now since quitting my job due to stressful mental breakdown. my mental health has improved drastically since

i am supported by my fiance, for whom i do the 50's housewife style duties, she's the breadwinner

im pretty fond of it, and so's she.

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that sounds comfy as fuck user, living the good life without feeling like a leech

its pretty nice
hoping it lasts. it's a little nerve wracking to be dependent on someone else financially but i would literally rather kill myself then go back to wagecucking. never again.

its easier to do the chores and stuff for her than work, cause i love her! i get to see the immediate impact of my labor

being the main caretaker for our dog is fucking lit too

>how longer have you been hikki
since june 2017 but i was pretty much a shut-in for 2 years prior to that
>was it because mental illness?
yes, depression & anxiety for more than a decade which got considerably worse when i went to uni and peaked when i failed and left.
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
i want my old life back; i was never amazingly social but having a few friends to go talk to and something like a job & my own apartment would give me purpose in life, i think if i don't fix myself it'll just end in suicide.
>live with family or???
yes, mother dearest, parents are divorced and my father views me (rightfully i guess) as a leech (even though ive mainly been subsiding on my lifes-savings which are almost depleted.

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>>how longer have you been hikki
2011, with a brief break to join the army in February of this year (I failed)
>>was it because mental illness?
probably, if AVPD and depression is a mental illness
>>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
Only if I can get a cushy office job. I don't want to work or go out and do shit wasting my life
>>live with family or???
Live with my one and only friend, drifting between his families couches. Im moving again today to live with his gf's parents. Not sure how long that will last

I really wish I was a living alone NEET. I feel like me leeching off my parents puts a lot of strain on our relationship. We've never had a bad relationship, but there's always been this large distance between us that has only been furthered by this. I feel like I should make my appearance a special occasion if I want to improve our relations

Same. All I want is to have enough money to live alone, even if its jsut ashitty little trailer or tiny apartment

Christ fuck off and kill yourself

normal fags think they are hikki hahahahhahahaahahah tehy have no idea

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I'm a bit envious of NEETs who've managed to keep it together long enough to graduate college, even if they've done absolutely nothing with their life after getting their degree. It's one thing to be a loser, it's another thing to be a completely uneducated loser like me.

>went to college
>didnt finish it
this is even worse, because there was at least a chance but it was thrown away.

>how longer have you been hikki
I've been on and off since I graduated high school in 08, I'm currently on a 2 year streak
>was it because mental illness?
I've been diagnosed with depression but I think I'm just extremely lazy and asocial
>do you want to not be hikki anymore?
>live with family or???
I live with my mom

I feel you on this. I've never finished highschool, and if you have any insecurities about intelligence it really amplifies them full blast

what does education matter if your are NEET

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I'm very insecure about my intelligence. I had my IQ tested and it got me into the gifted program but only in the very last year of the program which makes me question why I was such a late addition. My family is genuinely retarded so either I must've got lucky on the day I took the test or I just flew under the school's radar for so long.

Either way, yeah, I can't help but cringe (not in the meme definition of the word obviously) whenever someone says they're a NEET but mentions they have a master's degree in physics or some shit. Genuinely makes me want to kill myself for being so pathetic.

I cant dare take a test, pyschs have told me im highly intelligent and high function autist but I ratehr noit know

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Been hikki for 1 year NEET for 6 years, when i got a job years ago to help pay the bills, i had to create a total new persona to deal with the normies at work before someone would call me weird, gay or something else... after that i had to remember my lies if i was approached by anyone from work while trying to shop for food or walking somewhere thinking about my shit life.
And i don't even know what's so shameful about living almost alone after all these years.

fuck man tough feelz..bro orgiano

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How do you guys deal with social isolation? I just can't take it anymore.

30yr old neet for summer going to college and looking for jobs but good luck with that shit. Thinking about killing myself REAL soon.

Just posting on Jow Forums has worked for me for the past 10 years

I just talk with the few contacts I have online. It doesn't get rid of it, but it feels a hell of a lot better

I talk to my family and you faggots.