I have chronic fatigue...

I have chronic fatigue. How do i even start getting fit when my energy levels are so low and i dont know the reason(doctors cant find anything)?

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Drink more water

Do you breathe through your mouth when you sleep?

i drink more than enough already.

It's all in your head.
Just stop it.

Stop wanking

literally this
i started to drink a litre of water about 30-45 min before my workouts and its a whole new experience
also try eating a few gram dextrose

not op, but I do. hm?

these but unironically

Low test

Closely analyze your diet. The diet is the first step anyway that will arguably be the most responsible for setting you up to be fit


tape your mouth shut before you go to bed

I wasn't being ironic. I had the same thing until a few months ago. I just stopped.
Sleeping normal amounts, eating properly, exercising every day. I wish I had started sooner.

drink more, shoot for a gallon a day also lots of animal protein and cut back on sugar.

maybe drink a liter or so of green tea about an hour before you want to work out, that will hydrate and energize you.

how's your sleep?

idk sorry
i hardly ever do already
maybe it is. I still feel incredibly tired. I remember being totally destroyed in the morning in the train to uni despite normal sleep. Then the rest of the day i had to do my best not to sleep during classes.

Fucking sleep 8-9 hours every night at the same god damn time and wake up at the same motherfucking time EVERY day.
>I sleep 6 hours every night like a fucking retard and go to bed at different hours every night/on the weekends so my body never knows when it’s awake or asleep, why am I tired guys?
Sounds like you, doesn’t it?

u dont have fatigue u have a shit lifestyle and a loser mentality

check test lvls, drink more water and get your diet in check maybe eat less carbs?

Clean up your diet, learn to cook, eat garlic, coconut oil, get plenty of vitamin c, stand outside in the sunlight and do light cardio/strecthing.

How is your posture? I have the same problem, my neck is fucked up and it affects the way i breathe. I'm always tired.

Any advice to me?

Stop eating refined sugar and bread and shit, I would bet money that you don't have 'chronic fatigue' but are just on a permanent sugar crash, also as the other user said stop fapping

are you a fatty? it could be sleep apnea

start off slowly, if SS is too much for you then start at even lower volume and just train to increase your work capacity by adding slowly increased volume until you can do a low volume LP

the same way you would train an old person

buy random assortment of energy drinks, drink one of them each day at the beginning of the morning and see whether or not one of them improves your fatigue
if ones does check its ingredients and try to pinpoint what it is that counters your fatigue

t. medfag

Drink Tea without sugar

Get a bloodtest and look for vitamin deficiency and low test. I fixed my fatigue by stopping playing video games all day, sleeping enough, cutting out sugar and processed carbs, doing cardio, lifting and taking vitamins

I thought I was doomed to be depressed my whole life. Boy, do I feel silly about all that now. Turns out doing things that are bad for you have negative effects on your well-being

The only (added) sugar i eat comes from pure chocolate (usually 92% cacao).

>doctors cant find anything for my tiredness
what have you had investigated exactly?

in what way is your neck fucked up? some peoples neck posture is fucked (forward head) because of their breathing, rather than their neck being the cause of fucked up breathing.

something about the forward head posture being a compensation mechanism for narrower airway. i think i read a study once where a person with an underbite (lower jaw too far forward) had jaw surgery and when examined at a later time they had developed forward head posture. jaw surgery for underbite can reduce airway volume.

you have low energy because you have a weak in your body and mind and jerk off too much

>t. jew

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I'm sure I mentioned a lot of other stuff too


who is she pls

ill dont play vidya but ill surely have to reduce the hours i spend on ibs

I never said anything about irritable bowel syndrome. Sort your life out. I know it sounds overwhelming, you just have to set tiny goals and progressively work towards changing your life. It might take a while and you will have bad days or weeks where you think none of this is working or worth it, but eventually you'll look back and realize that your life is better now. We tend to forget all the bad things in our past so we can't fully appreciate our current situation.

I really hope you will follow the advice in this thread and make your life better, just as my life got better

i obviously meant imageboards

I know

I have this too. Man... it sucks... gotta be the biggest gains goblin of all time. I get plenty of sleep but ALWAYS feel tired. All i want to do is fuck off all day. I miss when my dad would get me up at 6:30am each day to workout

I'm honestly going to get my blood tested for low T and vitamin levels

The key is routine. Waking up same time everyday(as much as you can), dont hit the snooze button are just a couple things that help me

in the routine you have to keep it interesting though for me its morning podcasts. Download them the night before and Im excited to hear them for the week

It might be that your a night person and your circadian rhythm is messed up, I’m like that, no matter what I do I’m tired as Fuck all day long then at 8pm it’s like a switch flips and I’m ready to climb the walls


have you checked your insulin? My sisters used to have such symptoms and turned out she had Insulin resistance , additionally get your vitamins and minerals

I did and it was ok

Reset your caffeine tolerance. Mine got so high that preworkout and coffee got me to baseline and going without left me feeling like a zombie. Also buy some bronkaid and take that.

what podcasts?


based Amphetamine poster

I had the same problem for 4 years.

The solution was dropping ALL grains and getting my stomach straightened out. I took enzymes, had water with apple cider vinegar a few times a day, ate and still eat a diet of eggs, meat, fish, and green vegetables. The only thing I eat outside of those foods is a cup of coffee and an apple pre workout. If I drink alcohol it’s straight vodka, no mixers. Drop grains, especially wheat, no corn, and avoid all artificial sweeteners and artificial ingredients in general.

I felt he effects of changing my diet immediately but it took the better part of a year before I felt 100% again. The brain fog is gone and my joints no longer ache and I’m able to get out of bed in the morning, but the insomnia is still there.

I dropped all grains since a few months. im not sure how long it should take before ill notice anything.

This guy actually had serious depression and fatigue problems caused by his diet. Interesting how some people cant eat any carbs.


1. Get basic bloodwork and metabolic panel done, make sure you get all of the thyroid tests not just TSH (looks like you already did this and they were fine)
2. Get test and other hormones checked (sometimes doctors are faggots and will refuse so you'll have to go to a separate TRT doctor)
3. Adjust your nighttime routine to be NO SCREENS within an hour of bedtime unless they have a light filter, take 1mg of melatonin at bedtime before you lay down if you can and see if that helps, consider 5-15 minutes of meditation in the evening to help yourself relax, go to bed and rise at the same times each day
4. Lift and eat a balanced diet
5. Ensure you don't have breathing problems like sleep apnea, video tape yourself when sleeping and watch to see what you look like (not trolling seriously do this)

If none of this helps you might have a gut bacteria/allergy/inflammation problem. This is where it gets fucking annoying and it's just trial and error. Follow the basic FODMAP-limiting protocol at first and then slowly reintroduce foods into your diet. At this point you're in no man's land and it's all just trial and error until you find a diet that suits your body. Good luck anons.

My brother went through this all and while he's not 100% perfect he did find a diet that worked for his body and returned him to reasonably normal status.

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low test.
go watch christopher walker on youtube to fix yourself

No, seriously, get some micropore tape and tape your mouth shut before sleep.

This will force you to breathe through your nose and will massively improve the quality of your sleep and your overall health.
Mouthbreathing is bad and responsible for a lot of sleep issues.

You will not die, you will not suffocate. Even if you, for whatever reason, stop breathing through your nose you will simply wake up and be able to easily remove the tape.

If you're still in doubt, google it, many people do it and many professionals recommend the practice as the first step in diagnosing and rectifying sleep problems.

One of the best things I ever did for my health and overall wellbeing. The first morning you wake up after doing it is incredible.

I can't get enough air breathing through my nose


>got a septoplasty and turbinate reduction surgery 5 days ago
>they chipped a bit of my front tooth
>nose is still a bit crooked and i know septoplasty is not a cosmetic surgery but straightening the septum will straighten your shit up a bit
>still swollen asf to tell if i can breathe better yet

I just want to be fucking symmetrical and i get fucked everytime, now my teeth are slightly asymmetrical and my nose is a bit better. Why the fuck am i cursed with this i just want facial aesthetics.

I did this and when i went to go get a sleep study i told the lady i do this and she was taken back and laughed. Called the doc in and told him, they both thought i was fucking retarded. But it did SOMETIMES improve my sleep, but i also kept ripping the tape off in my sleep.

what the fuck, if they chipped your tooth you should sue. they are liable for that.


It's not a straight chip but like, my two front teeth hurt pretty bad after the surgery i assume from the airway tube. I inspected them and one is a bit lower than the other one like a complete layer was taken off the bottom of my left one making it uneven with the right. I just don't know if this happened before or after the surgery as, if i was not to inspect them close i probably wouldnt notice.

I don't know how i would go about even getting them to look at it or pay to get it fixed.

Yoga. Not even memeing. Also minimise sugar and eat less often. Will take a few weeks to adapt but your energy will improve.

I have my lips closed but my jaws opened as a natural position as I breathe through my nose. Does this count as mouthbreathing?

Get tested for t3 t4 TSH test electrolytes vit D

Get rest - hydrate with water - eat a well balanced diet - nofap for a couple days

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not op, but may i ask why you ask that question? (the idea behind it)
bc i do breathe thrugh mouth , cant really get air flow through noise, always closed inside

Change your diet youtube.com/watch?v=KGikB-54Lwk

call them up and call a lawyer. They should pay to get them crowned and maybe damages

>gallon of water

So hows that sodium and potassium depletion working for ya

I'm betting 10 bucks it's a gluten-related disease. Cut it out for three weeks (be strict) and see if it gets better. Good Luck!

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