Lets have a Waifu thread or general anime girl thread, and talk about how Roasties can not compete.
3D woman look gross compared to pure anime girls, god I love 2D.
Lets have a Waifu thread or general anime girl thread, and talk about how Roasties can not compete.
3D woman look gross compared to pure anime girls, god I love 2D.
>he'll never have a lover to masturb8 him while he watches 2d
ever since i chose aqua as my waifu i have become insanely popular on Jow Forums and have enjoyed many fun filled neet days
Jokes on you, I hate touching other people. The power of autism wins out again.
Yui is perfect in every way
Don't have a waifu but 2D is definitely better than 3D.
Lain always is and always will be the best.
OP is my waifu and that is very original!
Top tier waifu, user
I love Kikuchi Makoto, she is everything to me
Aqua is cute but she isnt best girl for me.
megumin is Best girl.
Not everyone gets a Waifu, its not something you pick , you both choose each other if that makes sense.
This is a really nice pic she looks really wholsome.
what a beauty. deserves more screen time
guess whos back?
back again
Maplefag is always welcome.
How big is your collection and do you lewd her? hmmmm?
have you thought about kissing her lately?
>tfw can't wait to get home from work to post another pic of Makoto
You ever mentioned your Waifu to people you work with?
im a hikki NEET so I dont work but If I did have a job I would probably mention it.
and look like a sperg.
Why do I torture myself by looking at these threads even though I know I'll never have this
Someone asked me if I have a girlfriend, I said my heart belongs to someone and she feels the same, I was thinking about buying a cute wedding ring and wearing it, then I can say I'm engaged
im sure even you heard of Nekopara,user...
well,shes a character in a eroge visual novel so... "to lewd or to not lewd" isnt a question i have to worry about
woah,slow down cowboy,there is a limit to how lewd thing goes
This is my waifu Honoka and I love her a lot !!
Also, when did you guys realize that 3D wasnt for you?
precisely: when i saw Maple the first time
them,ater spending some time with her,i realized something so perfect would never be 3D
Kagari forever
>when did you guys realize that 3D wasnt for you?
probably when I took 2D pill man, I went outside a few weeks ago and seen roasties IRL and even the ones people would say are 10/10 just dont attract me anymore.
tehy look gross and odd.
3D porn is just so gross I have only ever fap to it this year when I was drunk, and it was a huge mistake when I did try it again.
when I reached the age of 20 without ever having had positive female attention that wasn't required shown to me.
then again, I havent really taken the 2d pill either. i just fap to doujins
When I was 24. 3D women are complete cancer.
> I havent really taken the 2d pill either. i just fap to doujins
that is the 2D pill, as long as it isnt super perverted weird shit and its 2D thats 2D pill
I love taking care of my love, keeping her safe and happy with me. Many people just think of her as the harshest parts of her source material, but with me, that stuff from the past is a distant memory. We've earned a happy life together.
Normies will never understand the love you can have with your Waifu man.
mmmm that asss
Claiming as usual. Originally.
>tfw home with Makoto and alls right with the world
normies will never understand any of our struggles
i dont even feel connection to fictional cartoons, they are too foreign for me, and they dont even speak my language most of the time
join the >tfw no waifu club, user
the ultimate loneliness awaits us
>tfw you will never have kawaii limbless grill with tomboy mannerisms and aplastic anemia smile at you for rescuing her
life is pain
Waifu thread?
Oh boy, here we go...
I have only ever had 1 woman who wasn't hideous show any interest in me. 2/3 of american women are overweight or obese, so getting in a rat race with a bunch of other dudes to compete for women who are probably overweight has absolutrly no appeal to me.
I could still go 3d if one approached me, but that will literally never happen because my face is hideous and I either save my $ or spend it on weeb shit like figures
this is so true.
normies have no idea the robot life we are a jok.
no bullying we are truebots
you will one day user
>tfw she's my Prince
>tfw she's also my Princess
we need to take the 2D pill anons
This my wife Marika Tachibana,
And I love her.
Nice taste
Not many good VN fans here
Just a bunch of fags that watched normie shit animes and pretend they are anything but filth in society
I love Freyja!
open to nice kinks with 2D lover(s), exclusive to them > solo 2D > solo 3DPD > nofap > anything involving someone of the opposite sex with who you're attracted to
what is waifu?
This is a bully free zone, please be respectful user.
FUck you you fucking normal fag
Pretty sure the OP(megumin poster) of the last waifu thread I saw got ban-evasion banned for 30 days.
Claiming Chocola and Vanilla, forever and always.
I hope you know that you're being silly.
Another fag that plays normie shit and posts on r9k
God i fucking hate this palce
>tfw don't care and love Kikuchi Makoto
I mean, you're welcome to crawl back to your safe space. Better to leave before you get attached to this place, right?
This was my safe space before the fucking Pepe shit exploded and this place got filled with fucking fags
How about you fucking fuck off?
Thanks for posting Maple. She's a cute catgirl, as always.
>tfw the glory days of Jow Forums are behind us
I know your pain user.
Sounds like you need to leave. You failed to adapt. Go back to your facebook frog threads in yesteryear.
I sometimes wish I had a waifu, but I cannot have one, because I'm incapable of feeling love for anything, I am almost completely empty inside.
my riafu
wait is that the wife of the teacher from Azoumanga? holy shit thats an obscure waifu
Sounds you need to consider suicide desu
That's something normalfags like you rarely consider, isn't it? You weren't welcome back then, and you're not welcome here now. Stop screencapping our greentexts and leave this place again.
That scene is literally the progenitor of the phrase "my waifu"
You are the normal fag for posting shit normie waifus
nice projection faggot
They're not shit, and I don't need approval from the majority, like you, to love my waifus.
Begone, normalfag. You have no power here.
yeah I know, this place is like the bottom of the barrel where any pixelated chick is seen as waifu-worthy
Using "begone" literrally shows much of a newfag you are
you're all gay get fucked
>caring about terms
>not just enjoying your media consumption
How normalfag you must be
>not realizing its a bait picture
Are you having a bad day?
In your case, more like a bad existence lmao
trolled bitch
Post more Maple bitch and take my dick you fucking fag!
Reminder to give your lover(s) the attention that makes this such a good and precious thing, and not get distracted by normalfags out there trying to inject social games, hierarchy stuff, and arbitrary rules into your feelings. It's nice when a nice thread comes up and we can talk about it, but what really matters is the warmth and bond that makes you care in the first place. She's there and happy to enjoy time together, regardless of what people you'll never meet think and do.
you leave 100% OJ out of this!!!
Thank you for your kind post, user. I hope you have a good day.
Yeah but do you think I've got something better to do than reply to bait?
>replying to bait post acknowledgment bait
user! You're doing what they want you to do!
>Make waifu thread
>Hope that it will help balance the abyssmal quality of threads as of late
>Instead of using this opportunity to chill and have non-shitflinging oriented discussions, special snowflakes gatekeepers argue who is or isn't a normie and who does or doesn't belong here
>Fags posting opinions of hating r9k despite posting this very argument on the board they claim to hate so much they'd rather do nothing else but post on it.
>Getting angry when nobody initially gave any reasons to get that buttfucked.
>OP just wanted to talk about waifus
>elitist manchildren would rather keep the bar as low as possible.
Don't ask yourselves why this board is shit when you go OOOOOOH OUUUUH OUUH AAHHH AHHHH AAAAARGH RRRRROARRHH EEK EEK OOK OOK AAAAAAARRR everytime you even slightly perceive something that isn't to your taste.
yeup,this one is going my "daughteru of the cosmos" compilation
Nice one dude!
Thanks for making this thread, OP. It's inevitable that threads like these get the occasional troll, though.
I have nothing else to do either desu.
Have another!
Glad I could at least be useful to someone.
You're more than just useful, user. You're a pleasure to talk to. Thank you for being here.
At least we have this website. Not that it's very much of a step up from doing nothing I suppose.
I don't know user all I've done is take up a reply slot someone else could have used to claim their waifu while also taking up more counting replies by others to my pointless post and my replies to said replies. Viscous cycle denying some poor user their waifu in theory.
I mean, there can only be 150 images, but the cap on text posts is much higher. Seldom ever does it actually reach the autosage limit. You're fine, since you didn't post a picture.
Well yeah but what if it did manage to hit the image limit and some eager anons wanted to claim their waifu via text. A few would be cut out from that due to the posts. Although like you said it's very very unlikely.
Nobody seems to share my waifu, feels good to have her all to myself.
3dpd, wtf man lol
use google my man
no bullying the love anotehr user feels for his girl you meanie.
>taht loli
how did you know he got ban? did it show up or something?
you will get there user, I wnat you to you deserve to you seem so caring
>nice to see some conversations tonight
>how did you know he got ban? did it show up or something?
Yeah, I wondered why all of his posts throughout the board got deleted simultaneously, and then I checked the bans page and saw his last post in the waifu thread as being banned for ban evasion.
Oh I didn't realize these threads existed here. Maybe they're a viable replacement for waifu wednesdays. Pic related is my waifu by the way. Always has been and always will be.
it normally hits image limit when the board is normie free AKA weekend.
I am trying to post less pictures as I normally post a ton of pics of my waifu and its not fair on others.
You're helping more anons claim their waifu by currently bumping this thread!
There's two sides to this though - it also means nobody else thought she was worthwhile. And there's few to no content of her (for example, the only merch I liked (out of the 2 items) was pic related)
>implying he just doenst know how to evade bans.
bans for posting megumin is gay AF....
otehr Megu poster got B& as well.
cute, we can work togther, I post them daily I love 2D girls and so should everyone.
I tend to only post 1 image as I assume if I posted too many or really any others with a reply it'd qualify as avatarfagging and result in a ban or something.
But eventually it'll be diminishing returns no? With more replies I take up more slots but also bump up the thread allowing more to see and potentially reply but at what point do the cons outweigh potential pros?