The ultimate robot film? Is there a better film that encompasses the feeling of loneliness and despair?
The ultimate robot film? Is there a better film that encompasses the feeling of loneliness and despair?
uh perfect blue maybe
There are none, the movies always end up having some normie twist to them.
Nobody would actually make a real robot movie because real robots aren't making movies and real robots aren't seeing movies.
People always recommend Taxi Driver, but in reality he is just a crazy-normie, not a robot.
Lol in what way is Travis Bickle remotely a normie?
I don't know about movies but for Chinese cartoons probably oregairu
He dies in the end and his holo waifu gets crushed. Ending wasn't normie at all
bro are you serious?
Lars and the real girl?
synecdoche ny is robot approved
The Man Who Sleeps is quite alright, but probably everyone knows about it already.
Kek. That cartoon is an insult to robots. Guy complains about being alone and hated all the time yet spends every single hour with a harem of qts that even walk home with him and fucking fight over him at some point
I Stand Alone, just saying.
This. There are no proper robot films. I did like the sunset limited though.
Idk about movies but I bet my cock that Tomoko from Watamote is a fembot
That's probably the most robot film I can think of. It even includes a suicidal mass shooting and an underage girl kek
The place beyond the pines
The ultimate robot movie
>introduce main character, user
>user stays inside all day
>user has no friends
>user never had any friends actually
>brief flashback sequence of high school sitting alone at lunch
>user also never had a girlfriend
>brief flashback of stacy throwing user's valentines card away
>user spends most of his days playing games and watching anime
>one day he meets a girl in the video game
>he likes this girl and talks to her for a while
>they talk about meeting up
>suddenly user gets ghosted
>user gets sad
>tries to kill himself
>doesnt have the courage
>goes back to playing video games and watchng anime
The end
What a terrible fucking movie, it would be 90% staring at some fat retard using a computer
>Chad who travels around fucking 8-9/10's no condom style
>In great shape
>With a bunch of tattoos
>Riding a motorcycle
Ok sure he gets cucked but he breeded a beaner anyhow. Good film, not robot.
How the fuck is he lonely? He constantly talks to people
He works and talks to women
Never heard of this film before but it is my favorite genre. From the sound of it it seems like the origin story of Harley Quinn
Requiem for a Dream is pretty robot desu
I highly suggest you watch it its seriously one of the best movies ever.
Does any else like the first one a lot more but really liked the second one also?
It's actually the other way around for me. I merely tolerated the first one and REALLY enjoyed the second one.
2049 is better imo
Maybe I'm just one of the "Original is always better" fags, but I think I the soundtrack of the first one is what did it for me
Especially this song
Tony Takitani is an obscure robot movie you've probably never heard of. And a great movie in general.
T-Travis is j-just an i-incel
it was the '70s user, times were different
He's talking about taxi driver, not the place beyond the pines, airhead
It's about a Japanese bureaucrat that nobody likes. Even the girl at his work that he hangs out with one day thinks he's creepy. He gets diagnosed with cancer. He realizes how much he wasted his life, doing essentially nothing but pointless bureaucratic work. He spends his last days contemplating his decisions and how he can't rewind back time.
It's legitimately one of the saddest movies you will watch.
>Chad, Tyrone and Stacy sabotage their lives with drugs
not even remotely robotic
nu--blade runner is the ultimate failed normalfag movie
>try and fail to be a normalfag because he thinks he's above being a robot
>gets BTFO and rejected by normslimes and robots
this is the closest in this thread. although he has sex so even this movie isn't true robot-core
If he just stayed a robot the series wouldn't make any progress and thus wouldn't have a reason to exist. And still he's that autistic to not fully realize the feelings of the qts that like him
>entire film is narrator voiceover
>everyone knows about it
Anyway I love this movie. Why English speakers make anything this good.
Requiem for a Dream
House of Sand and Fog
Never Let Me Go
Dear Zachary
Blue Valentine
They are both really good, i like them more than the book, but book is also good.
Next time make sure you copypasted the correct one.
Literally none of these are robot in nature
You keep clinging to your Scotsmen user if that's what helps you sleep at night
-snowflakes furiously-
"Her" and "Eternal Sunshine" are bigger robot movies.
Why is she colored like the Bury Pink Gril?
>t. butthurt normalfag
you don't fit in so fuck off
Everyone in each of those movies has friends, has sex, etc. Don't get toasty now.