Feminism is a cult

feminism is a cult
look up the definition of cult and do a little research (use your brains in the process) to understand why i would say this

in my opinion, gender politics should stop and we should all be equal but individual
but no, feminists are against this idea because it would go against their bigger plan
>what bigger plan?
what is the ONE thing cults want?

think about that for a moment

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>what is the ONE thing cults want?
To kill all of its members in a mass suicide?

lol no that was jim jones but i understand where you come from

>When you're banned from Jow Forums so you have to whine about feminism on Jow Forums

Jow Forums does not take kindly on cult theories
best places would be either /x/ or Jow Forums but i don't think /x/ takes kindly on anti-politics

>Jow Forums doesn't take kindly to cult theories
just find a way to blame it on jews or blacks

I used to volunteer at a psychiatric hospital and one of the patients used to talk about this stuff irl, he showed me pepe trump memes and everything it was fucking hilarious. Self mutilated a lot too, I bet he posts here or on Jow Forums.

I'm feminist because it helps ugly girls like me.

are you ugly tho?
or did the feminists made you believe that without you knowing like jehovah withnesses like to do?
trust me, this comment right here is pretty much my point...
they make you unhappy about yourself then promise a greater goal in life...
like jehovah does and like cults do...
your comment is a great example to why i posted this!
>look up the definition of cult and do a little research (use your brains in the process)
i know none of the replies here actually did this

i don't get what trump has to do with this tho
the world isn't black and white
not liking feminism is not the same as supporting trump
and if you don't understand that then i am truly sorry to say you might be subconsciously supporter of discrimination

And yet incels deny that incelism is a cult.

all types of -isms have cultish texture to it
while the keyword -ism comes from the word activism
if you force your ism on others through their mentality (IE: by making them believe stuff about themselves) you are a cultist
if your ism doesn't do this (which happens) you're just believing what you believe and i'm okay with this
everyone is allowed to be who they are but people shouldn't lie about their cults because look how that worked out for scientology
it got south park episodes banned
oh, if i put it like that, i probably make cults worse because they get what they want

not sure what you're implying friend but i'm simply sharing a story i found pretty funny. i kind of wanna see you debate that with the crazy guy now though

a lot of feminists believe that it's the dumbass libfems that ruin everyone else

nah that wasn't DIRECTLY towards you but i just wanted to add the fact that the world isn't black and white and i'm pretty sure that some people might assume i'm a nazi or whatever
but let's forget all of the above and tell me where i can find him... i wanna see what happens
hey, for all i know he and i can accidentally become our own cult leaders

okay new addition: i am going to admit i am insane
now, that insanity shouldn't stop you from actually researching what a cult is before judging
but i do want you to know that half of my bullshit MIGHT be bullshit (i dunno which half tho)
but the only thing that matters is that:
if someone makes you believe you're unworthy, to only end up telling you they and their group of -ism can make you feel powerful, you are victimized by a cult
that is the ONLY thing you should care about and everything else i say is cryptic and insane
but hey, sometimes insanity is the only voice of reason
look at albert einstein

Feminism is just a thinly veiled mechanism that allows women to freely do what comes to them naturally. COMPLAIN.

Putting women in their place is the only cure.


no! maybe! i dunno what works! maybe not this!
and saying this only makes feminism worse because now they will convince themselves that their gender bias is true..
gender bias is never true

This is a reply from a woman. When words do not work, you tell them once. You'll never have to tell them twice after that.

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>just find a way to blame it on jews or blacks
no you're totally fine blaming sjws on Jow Forums. of course it never hurts to blame jews and blacks, too for your epic larp.

>if you force your ism on others through their mentality (IE: by making them believe stuff about themselves) you are a cultist
Literally every ideology