Reminder that this is what the average girl looks like naked

reminder that this is what the average girl looks like naked

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thanks, i feel attractive now compared to her

I'd impregnate her.

This is why I am asexual.

That's above average at least in the states

I've watched so much hentai I don't think I could get hard to a real girl no matter how hot

maybe in your country

>I have a more narrow waist then this women

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i don't pursue these kind of women though i'm truly above them

I would be eternally happy with this woman, to bad she won't pick me because she can always get guys 2-3 points higher

Then you're not a real incel

Minus the lovehandles, this is exactly what I look like. Nice to know most robots think it's gross. I'm fucked. Time to date another woman.

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I am hotter girl and I am a guy

i have the same rediculously fat hips as her and i'm a male. i don't know what to do in regards to fitness, i'm skinny and fat at the same time

>have a body this shit
>decide to do porn and still probably get paid
what the heck

Bullshit. The average US female is 5'5 and nearly 170 pounds of fat, tattoos, gaping vag, and facial piercings.

The average white girl doesn't have dreads and ugly ass piercings all over her face, and those titties are probably below average in the United States.

Go ahead. I will cuck you and turn your lesbian gf straight.

you got discord? I don't think she looks that bad and I doubt neither will you

i bet you cant nofap for a week

I mean, I'd still fuck it, but mostly because my low self esteem dictates just about every standard in my life.

three days of nofap and youll be wanting to fuck a pig

>ywn this much of a loser

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dude stop being on the internet watching porn 24/7 and nofap gets really eazy.

Did he claim he was an incel? No

discord thirstposting is wrecking this board, get out

yes I would settle for this

I dont believe you....if this true then...yeah....I dont know what to do

idk if thats true. theres plenty of girls with nice big fat asses everywhere, theyre quite common

If she has a nice personality I'd gladly marry her.

Not a fan of the dreads but if she was a real person, we got along, and we had stuff in common I would have no problems being with her.

Tbh I'm pretty sure the average woman is much fatter than this
America is going down the toilet health-wise

Been there, done that. I lasted 3 weeks.

Dyke user here
Though women care about partners physical appearance less gl finding someone emotionally compatible with you in this non existent dating pool
I'd kill someone to be straight

>average girl
>posts Tumblr dyke SJW
I don't think you know what average looks like you fucking retard

>Though women care about partners physical appearance less

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Well that's what ONE looks like. There isn't an average, just majority will be less than objectively perfect. As long as she's not obese I'm happy enough

NOT in America, it sure as hell isn't!

I WISH OP's pic was average.

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thats your mom bro haha

Reminder that a girl like this will never want to be with you. And she can get Chads easily

her body isn't even the issue
her terrible fucking face and shitty hair are the issues there

Feeling much better about being a tranny now.
You have my original thanks.

the studs around her mouth are probably to hide her herpes

Ok and? If you think I wouldn't slam that you better think again.

Not true. Even chubby grils look healthy and proportioned naked.