I quite seriously want to get a girl pregnant. I'm not joking or exagerrating here. I want to get a girl gregnet, or multiple girls if that is at all possible. I intend to do it.
I quite seriously want to get a girl pregnant. I'm not joking or exagerrating here. I want to get a girl gregnet...
Isn't it crazy how YOU were the sperm who won this race. Done anything as monumental since? I don't think so.
You need to take your penis and spunk inside her compass first.
Its a common fetish
reproducing is a fetish
It's not even a fetish sex is literally for the purpose of procreating it's like saying that wanting to have sex at all is a fetish
I will love her very much and be nice to her enough until I get to do so.
It's a shame OP because it used to be really easy thanks to craigslist. Before they shut that part down, for 7 years I was on there offering to knock up no strings attached. If you live in a big city you'd be surprised at the number you can get. Mostly lesbians though but I've got a bunch of kids out there, and I'm not at all Chadly. Great if you've got an impreg kink, but now it shut down so you have to use other sites and it's just not the same.
reminder that the first sperm cells to the egg have to break through a wall and kill themselves doing it. You weren't first you were lucky.
yeah i bet that motherfucker was like look at me fags i won the race im such a chad then he died and i won haha fuck him
like the tortoise and the hare! sort of
I really want to get pregnant but there's only one man I want.
I want to impregnate mutiple black and asian females.
Please tell us about him. Why do you want his seed in particular?
Gee. I wonder who this man could be. Could his name possibly rhyme with Dad? Could it be the same exact man that each and every one of you copy/pasted bovine cunts collectively desire? Chad will never want you--look at yourself. Fucking think about it.
that feel when my wife is pregnant with our third child and I can't stop fucking her brains out because the belly is driving my dick to diamonds
I want to get a femonanon pregnant specifically and help her raise it.
this, i just came in through some dead chad sperms effort
I want to impregnate a fembot shamefully.
I wnt to be like fucking ATTILA and have kids throughout europe and let them bear
Donating sperm is the easiest way.
Hell yeah dude. Impregnate and vacate. Plow her ass then step on the gas. Some dudes have 10+ kids.. others never reproduce. Natural selection and all that. Aren't you worried about having to pay child support?
He knows who he is. That's all that matters.
I know right. I've been thinking about going to bars away from where I live, hooking up with a drunk chick, and cumming inside her. Then I leave and keep repeating the process. I've been kinda spooked though, because child support is terrifying.
Well he's a lucky guy I know that much.
If your of the sort who ought to breed, you'll find acceptance at the sperm bank
I got rejected for having schizoaffective disorder and aspergers, both of which are rumored to be hereditary.
This is why I have 4 children by 3 women.
I want to get a girl pregnant and have multiple children with her and give her part of my paycheck and raise our spawn and fuck her while she cooks for me. It's my fetish.